I have a question for any of your sporty types. Mind you I have little stick arms to start out and I only weight about 135 lbs total, so keep that in mind before you laugh. Hopefully, that will change soon.
Currently I can only benchpress 35 lbs 15 times in a row before it becomes dangerous, if I drop it on my head I die, there is no safety. This is already a huge improvement over last week when I was doing 15 lbs weights.
Today I did that routine 6 times for a total of benchpressing 35lbs 90 times. I know I can lift more than this fewer times. For example, I could do 6 reps of 50lbs 5 times. So which is better to starrt out with, more weight less times or less weight more times?
I like how the people on the wall seem to be attainable weights and not superheroes. They came with the gym.

This one is my favorite.

I want to look like this guy, can it ever happen?

Hey Paul - wow we can talk about working out now? crazy - anyway, since you're first starting out you'll want to go girly style for a while - that is, low weight, high number of reps will strengthen the core of your muscles efficiently, which is important in the beginning. The higher the weight = less reps = more bulk. Since you're starting with basically not much, I would really go low weight, high number of reps. Usually I start out with like 12-15 reps of low-ish weight, and then increase as you see fit. However, I would only increase the weight your putting on less than once a week - that is, stay consistent with the weight/reps for at least (I would wait longer, actually) a week before adding weight. You'll figure the rest out from there. Don't lift too much from being excited about it or you'll seriously hurt yourself - I pulled the intercostal muscle in my rib cage doing way too many push-ups on a daily basis, and had to wait like a year before I could do any more. call me, we'll talk!