Sherbert - sher·bert (-bûrt') 1. A frozen dessert made primarily of fruit juice, sugar, and water, and also containing milk, egg white, or gelatin. 2. A beverage made of sweetened diluted fruit juice. 3. Australian An alcoholic beverage, especially beer. 4. Cross browser compatible xmlHTTP objects created by Paul Visco to make devloping Web 2.0 AJAX applications easier.

I decided that I was sick of depending on an external AJAX xmlHTTP object API. When I first started using AJAX on the site last year I used my own xmlHTTP scripts but soometime thereafter I picked up an XMLhttp API called CPAINT. Last night, I decided there were lots of things I liked about CPAINT but that I didn't need many of the lines of code it was using and that it would be good top just make my own API. It was also the last little snippet of code that wasn't my own out of the thousands of lines that make up (e:strip) and related projects.
You can find out a lot more information about Paul Visco's Sherbert Objects at the Sherbert website

Maybe (e:Jason) is too young to remember Jonestown...
At my picnic, they searched us out and were preaching at us in our space. I hated that, I guess it just left a bad impression.
I found the art voice's attack on them to be childish. They are just as hatefull as a hundred other groups in this country (Fundamentalists Christians/muslems, KKK, Conservatives, the official Def Leopard fanclub) but the difference here is that the 12 tribes have relativly no clout to speak of. Would the art voice be ballsy enough to attack the Pope? Na...
oh, and their movie reviews are dry!
"Gee - what do you think this means when translated."
I think it means exactly what they say - they are for the use of regular language without slang or vulgarity. Do only blacks use slang? No, of course not. Do only blacks use vulgarity? Again, no. Is slang or vulgarity ONLY in english? I use slang and vulgarity all the time. So do most of us. It doesn't take too much to turn on the TV or radio and hear all kinds of people from various demographics demolish language.
I don't care if they disapprove of homosexuality, and I don't care if they spank their kids. They live the way they want to live, they are not politically active and they are not forcing people to do what they do. They are far less dangerous than the Falwells and Robertsons of the world.
My attitude is this - I don't care what people think or how they live their own lives as long as they are not breaking laws and as long as they are not acting politically to force their lifestyle or ideology on others. This goes for fundie christians, militant islam, extemist lefties, so on and so forth.