Paul's Journal
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08/18/2005 03:15 #32175
Linux funCategory: linux
08/16/2005 23:32 #32174
Food poisoningCategory: peeptalk
(e:hodown). I will give you your own advice back. Take a sleeping pill and drink some gatorade.

One time when I was almost the sickest everabut 8 years ago, I called (e:hodown) to tell her I was poisoned and that I needed help. I wasn't calling for emotional support, I needed to get real help, hospital style. I ended up calling my friend Kirstina but (e:hosdwn) had already said not to take me to the hospital because she was mad at me. i will never forget this.
Then I tried to drive myself to the hospital because I knew I couldn't afford an ambulance. I got to UB south campus from my hous ein Kenmore. Actually, looking back I have no idea why i was there because it is not even close to a direct path to the hospital. I started hyperventilating because I was in so much pain. I really thought I was gonna die. My hands started to clench up. The ambulance guy later told me that is normal when people hyperventilate or are in a lot of pain. So I pulled the car on the side of the street at Burger King near UB south campus. Actually, my hands clenched up so bad and I crawled out of the car toward the restaurant. Some guy parked my car, because I just left the keys in.
I walked in and fell on the ground and yelled, "get me an ambulance I think I have been food posoined." At the time, I was in so much pain I didn't even think about the fact that it was a restaurant. Immediately, everyone put down their food and some people started to leave. I was just lying on the floor clenching my stomach. It was acceptionally painful and I just wanted to get to the hospital. Eventually the ambulance came and it turned out I had some sort of infection.
The ironic part is that this all started with a tofu burger at the Juicery when it used to be in theNOrthtown plaza. The owman said its smelled weird but I thought she was just trying to make it sound gross because it was tofu.

One time when I was almost the sickest everabut 8 years ago, I called (e:hodown) to tell her I was poisoned and that I needed help. I wasn't calling for emotional support, I needed to get real help, hospital style. I ended up calling my friend Kirstina but (e:hosdwn) had already said not to take me to the hospital because she was mad at me. i will never forget this.
Then I tried to drive myself to the hospital because I knew I couldn't afford an ambulance. I got to UB south campus from my hous ein Kenmore. Actually, looking back I have no idea why i was there because it is not even close to a direct path to the hospital. I started hyperventilating because I was in so much pain. I really thought I was gonna die. My hands started to clench up. The ambulance guy later told me that is normal when people hyperventilate or are in a lot of pain. So I pulled the car on the side of the street at Burger King near UB south campus. Actually, my hands clenched up so bad and I crawled out of the car toward the restaurant. Some guy parked my car, because I just left the keys in.
I walked in and fell on the ground and yelled, "get me an ambulance I think I have been food posoined." At the time, I was in so much pain I didn't even think about the fact that it was a restaurant. Immediately, everyone put down their food and some people started to leave. I was just lying on the floor clenching my stomach. It was acceptionally painful and I just wanted to get to the hospital. Eventually the ambulance came and it turned out I had some sort of infection.
The ironic part is that this all started with a tofu burger at the Juicery when it used to be in theNOrthtown plaza. The owman said its smelled weird but I thought she was just trying to make it sound gross because it was tofu.
ladycroft - 08/18/05 14:17
OMG I just got the dirtiest looks from a bunch of nuns. (I work at a Catholic college) My office computer isn't hooked up yet so I'm forced to use the ones in the library. I busted a stitch reading this one man! I was waiting for a ruler to come thrashing down on my knuckles I was so loud. That is a funny, funny story. Can I see a live reinactment? Pleeeease!
OMG I just got the dirtiest looks from a bunch of nuns. (I work at a Catholic college) My office computer isn't hooked up yet so I'm forced to use the ones in the library. I busted a stitch reading this one man! I was waiting for a ruler to come thrashing down on my knuckles I was so loud. That is a funny, funny story. Can I see a live reinactment? Pleeeease!
hodown - 08/17/05 09:26
Paul, As I sat reading that I had to stiffle my laughter at my desk because I was cracking up. When are you going to get over our childhood? Do we need to see a therapist?
Paul, As I sat reading that I had to stiffle my laughter at my desk because I was cracking up. When are you going to get over our childhood? Do we need to see a therapist?
08/16/2005 20:03 #32173
die squid dieCategory: computers

So as my name slowly drops down the latest entry list, everyone is probably wondering what happend to me. I went on a 48 hour convert my life to linux, transfer ~1TB of data onto the new server. I am happy to say it's almost over. I didn't move, it just had to be done. I am sure you can imagine how much media (e:matthew) and I have made over 2 years. Even (e:terry) had 23 GB of stuff including every episode of dragonballz which will burn nicely on our new linux enhanced DVD burner. They are only $59 at compusa and to boot they have 100 packs of DVDs for $4.99. Even the cashier couldn't believe the price. It reminded me of the old stealing days, lol.
The hardest part has been mirroring the server to be exactly as configured on the elmwood red hat box.
I remember life before the computer. I had so much time! I had a vic20 and a C64 back in the 80s but that was pre-modem for me Then from 1995 to 2000, esseentially all of college, I did not have a computer. Like all the other poor students I went to the computer labs at school to type my papers. Does anyone else remember that?
Then I met (e:jacob) and it all changed again. When we moved from phoenix to flagstaff, he sold his computer and got me a powerbook duo 280c. It' size rivals the vaio but not its strength. It changed my life. That's what got me my job in the web lab in AZ, which led to the ibook, which led to my job at Canisius, which led to my MFA, which brought me here fixing this linux box! It's so weird how little things can change your life so drastically.
jacob - 08/16/05 19:41
Congrats on the completion of you Linux level 8. Get some sleep.
Congrats on the completion of you Linux level 8. Get some sleep.
08/15/2005 00:48 #32172
New Old ComputerCategory: computers
While everything else is completely f-ed up I thought I would add to the drama by completely rebuilding the supercomputer into a linux wonder box.
It is really stressful because it is not just for me, it is for (e:terry) and (e:ematthew) and they have to be able to like it too. Right now it looks like crap, bu t it is running suse 9.2 to be upgraded to 9.3 once the DVD finishes downloading from azureus [inlink]computer,3[/inlink] I added a DVD burner and an extra 160GB drive for a total of around a half a TB. Hopefully everything can fit now that windows is gone.

I also went and checked out the treo 650 today and I was disappointed that the keyboard was so small, I couldn't type on on with my adult sized hands.
It is really stressful because it is not just for me, it is for (e:terry) and (e:ematthew) and they have to be able to like it too. Right now it looks like crap, bu t it is running suse 9.2 to be upgraded to 9.3 once the DVD finishes downloading from azureus [inlink]computer,3[/inlink] I added a DVD burner and an extra 160GB drive for a total of around a half a TB. Hopefully everything can fit now that windows is gone.

I also went and checked out the treo 650 today and I was disappointed that the keyboard was so small, I couldn't type on on with my adult sized hands.
uncutsaniflush - 08/15/05 11:46
Paul, there's a public beta of suse 10.0 available [inlink]computer,4[/inlink]
Good luck with supercomputer creation.
Paul, there's a public beta of suse 10.0 available [inlink]computer,4[/inlink]
Good luck with supercomputer creation.
08/13/2005 13:18 #32171
Crappy mobile LandI hate living in the land of crappy mobile phones. I really want a new phone. My sidekick 2 died with a plague of insects so as I wrote before I am back to the sidekick 1. My contract expires in october and I don't really want to go back to a sidekick 2 for another year. It just doesn't have enough flexibilty for me in terms of apps, it doesn't record sound of video and it doesn't do wap at all, and most of all it doesn't connect with my laptop to work as a modem.
There are so many amazing phones in other countries. I wish that this sidekick like phone
would come to america

There are so many amazing phones in other countries. I wish that this sidekick like phone

- Network: CDMA 2000 1x 1900 MHz
- Intel PXA 272 520 MHz
- Intel Marathon Graphic Accelerator
- Display: 65k colors (240 x 320)
- 1.3 Megapixel Camera w/ flash
- Windows Media Player 10
- Wi-Fi 802.11b
- 192MB RAM / 64MB ROM
- 1M polygon 3D Game Support
- Divx Codec built-in
Paul, since I'm not sure why the kde ftp appls aren't satisfactory, i'm not sure if my recommendation will be any better - gftp :::link::: and here is a screenshot :::link:::
To me this interface seems old school dos except it's a gui and midnight commanderesque so it seems familar.