(e:lilho), (e:terry), (e:alison) and I headed out to ambrosia for dinner. It was tasty as always. I decided to spare everyone the additonal calamari pic but nonetheless it was tasty. If you like calamri you definately need to try it out.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/19/2005 22:25 #32178
AmbrosiaCategory: food
08/19/2005 19:42 #32177
I miss my programming and friendsCategory: computers
So I spent the last week tricking out my computers hardware and software. I think I am just one step short of getting it a new paintjob, a window and some neon. Maybe even hydraulics for my chair and some big speakers. Okay I am not that into it but it's probably close. It is really time for me to return to production mode. I miss (e:twisted) and (e:shawnr) and everyone I haven't talked to in like 5 days during my hermitage. Congratulations on Gamesfirst
(e:shawnr) [inlink]shawnr,145[/inlink]. You did an excellent job.

I hate to admit this in public but in the end I really have to say linux is not for everyone, or maybe it is but not when you have tricked out hardward and lots of it. I mean walmart sells computers running it, and I guess if all you want is a web browser and a word processor then you are set to go. Istill think that mac OS X is by far the easiest OS for anyone with no computer skills.
Unfortunately/fortunately, I also have about a hundred different proprietary hardware parts including a dual xeon tower, a highly proprietary sony laptop, a terabyte of different file types, a web server, a graphics tablet, an ipod shuffle, a external firewire drive hooked up through a pcmcia card and a slew of design programs I had to replace.
I finally got my php ide all set up. And yes I realize there is a chat bug that prints the number of epeeps, they are sharing a variable and that the profiles are all funky looking when you update them. I expect to get to that this week.
I am also thinking of going in the direction of OS software although maybe it isn't necessary now that the web is everywhere and always online.
(e:lilho) and I are going to eat some more squid. Oh and (e:pageseven) is (e:hodown).

I hate to admit this in public but in the end I really have to say linux is not for everyone, or maybe it is but not when you have tricked out hardward and lots of it. I mean walmart sells computers running it, and I guess if all you want is a web browser and a word processor then you are set to go. Istill think that mac OS X is by far the easiest OS for anyone with no computer skills.
Unfortunately/fortunately, I also have about a hundred different proprietary hardware parts including a dual xeon tower, a highly proprietary sony laptop, a terabyte of different file types, a web server, a graphics tablet, an ipod shuffle, a external firewire drive hooked up through a pcmcia card and a slew of design programs I had to replace.
I finally got my php ide all set up. And yes I realize there is a chat bug that prints the number of epeeps, they are sharing a variable and that the profiles are all funky looking when you update them. I expect to get to that this week.
I am also thinking of going in the direction of OS software although maybe it isn't necessary now that the web is everywhere and always online.
(e:lilho) and I are going to eat some more squid. Oh and (e:pageseven) is (e:hodown).
joshua - 08/20/05 13:23
Oh... Mac Os X is great for n00bs, I would definitely have to agree. However, I have pictures from Cali that I would love to post but I can't because I don't know how to use iPhoto to reduce the size of the image to confine to 100k size. :(
Oh... Mac Os X is great for n00bs, I would definitely have to agree. However, I have pictures from Cali that I would love to post but I can't because I don't know how to use iPhoto to reduce the size of the image to confine to 100k size. :(
joshua - 08/20/05 13:21
Linux is nice once you set it up... but setting it up suuuucks - even when you are a computing veteran. I think marketing Linux to the general public is a vast mistake. It has to be more "Windows-like" for laypeople to be interested in a major way. You have to bring out your Paulus Maximus computing stamina to not give up, but once everything is set up its hard to not ask yourself, "Ok, so this took a few days and now it works the way I want to (sorta), but I could have installed XP and had it working in 45 minutes!!!" Open source dedication, baby.
Linux is nice once you set it up... but setting it up suuuucks - even when you are a computing veteran. I think marketing Linux to the general public is a vast mistake. It has to be more "Windows-like" for laypeople to be interested in a major way. You have to bring out your Paulus Maximus computing stamina to not give up, but once everything is set up its hard to not ask yourself, "Ok, so this took a few days and now it works the way I want to (sorta), but I could have installed XP and had it working in 45 minutes!!!" Open source dedication, baby.
08/18/2005 20:26 #32176
the fair - klu klux lamb?Category: events
I finished getting everything to work on linux accept the printer. Maya, zend studio, wireless, apache, php5, pspell and a gigantic assortment of free apps. Now I just need to have time to use the computer instead of just setting it up.
We went to the fair to see all the tasty animals. What is up with this lamb? All the lambs are covered like this. Is it to protect their coat for the show? It kind of reminds me of those italians that cover their couches in vinyl.

Check out the face on that chicken-like thing below. It was on sale for $20. I wish I had more land or that winter wasn't coming. I saw a chicken lay an egg for the first time. It is pretty gross.

Food. Like every Buffalo metropolitan area event, food was the main attraction. I ate italian sausage, fried ice cream, birch beer, fries, and the best thing I ever had in my life. Basically, it combines my two favorite foods - maybe syrup and cotton candy. There is a picture of (e:matthew) holding it below but I ate the whole bag myself.

Then we went to the animal freak show. It was disgusting. I feel bad for giving them money. The animals were in such bad conditions. There were two five legged cows. They had this tiny box with a big snake in it. On the box it said,"ancient belief - touching silver coins to a snake brings good luck" The cage was all full of dirty money. Some of it was even in the food bowl.
(e:ladycroft), they had the biggest zuzchini contest and it wasn't nearly as big as yours. Yous should enter next year.

We went to the fair to see all the tasty animals. What is up with this lamb? All the lambs are covered like this. Is it to protect their coat for the show? It kind of reminds me of those italians that cover their couches in vinyl.

Check out the face on that chicken-like thing below. It was on sale for $20. I wish I had more land or that winter wasn't coming. I saw a chicken lay an egg for the first time. It is pretty gross.

Food. Like every Buffalo metropolitan area event, food was the main attraction. I ate italian sausage, fried ice cream, birch beer, fries, and the best thing I ever had in my life. Basically, it combines my two favorite foods - maybe syrup and cotton candy. There is a picture of (e:matthew) holding it below but I ate the whole bag myself.

Then we went to the animal freak show. It was disgusting. I feel bad for giving them money. The animals were in such bad conditions. There were two five legged cows. They had this tiny box with a big snake in it. On the box it said,"ancient belief - touching silver coins to a snake brings good luck" The cage was all full of dirty money. Some of it was even in the food bowl.
(e:ladycroft), they had the biggest zuzchini contest and it wasn't nearly as big as yours. Yous should enter next year.

alicia - 08/19/05 10:46
Awe those sheep look funny!!! definately like KKK sheep :)~ We went to the fair from like 9pm-11 most of the animals were put away. we did get to see bunnys YAY and some chickens and birds....and the moo moos
Awe those sheep look funny!!! definately like KKK sheep :)~ We went to the fair from like 9pm-11 most of the animals were put away. we did get to see bunnys YAY and some chickens and birds....and the moo moos
leetee - 08/18/05 22:42
The coats and hoods on the sheep are to protect the wool before showing, so they don't get dirty and look dingy. Least, that's what the man witht he english devon sheep told Walt and i a few days ago!
The coats and hoods on the sheep are to protect the wool before showing, so they don't get dirty and look dingy. Least, that's what the man witht he english devon sheep told Walt and i a few days ago!
08/18/2005 03:15 #32175
Linux funCategory: linux
Everything is finally set up in linux land, accept I can't find a good gui FTP manager. Both kbear and kftpgrabber have problems for me. I drew this evil baby that wants to take over the world in inkwell. The vector drawing capabilities are really excellent.

uncutsaniflush - 08/18/05 10:31
Paul, since I'm not sure why the kde ftp appls aren't satisfactory, i'm not sure if my recommendation will be any better - gftp :::link::: and here is a screenshot :::link:::
To me this interface seems old school dos except it's a gui and midnight commanderesque so it seems familar.
Paul, since I'm not sure why the kde ftp appls aren't satisfactory, i'm not sure if my recommendation will be any better - gftp :::link::: and here is a screenshot :::link:::
To me this interface seems old school dos except it's a gui and midnight commanderesque so it seems familar.
08/16/2005 23:32 #32174
Food poisoningCategory: peeptalk
(e:hodown). I will give you your own advice back. Take a sleeping pill and drink some gatorade.

One time when I was almost the sickest everabut 8 years ago, I called (e:hodown) to tell her I was poisoned and that I needed help. I wasn't calling for emotional support, I needed to get real help, hospital style. I ended up calling my friend Kirstina but (e:hosdwn) had already said not to take me to the hospital because she was mad at me. i will never forget this.
Then I tried to drive myself to the hospital because I knew I couldn't afford an ambulance. I got to UB south campus from my hous ein Kenmore. Actually, looking back I have no idea why i was there because it is not even close to a direct path to the hospital. I started hyperventilating because I was in so much pain. I really thought I was gonna die. My hands started to clench up. The ambulance guy later told me that is normal when people hyperventilate or are in a lot of pain. So I pulled the car on the side of the street at Burger King near UB south campus. Actually, my hands clenched up so bad and I crawled out of the car toward the restaurant. Some guy parked my car, because I just left the keys in.
I walked in and fell on the ground and yelled, "get me an ambulance I think I have been food posoined." At the time, I was in so much pain I didn't even think about the fact that it was a restaurant. Immediately, everyone put down their food and some people started to leave. I was just lying on the floor clenching my stomach. It was acceptionally painful and I just wanted to get to the hospital. Eventually the ambulance came and it turned out I had some sort of infection.
The ironic part is that this all started with a tofu burger at the Juicery when it used to be in theNOrthtown plaza. The owman said its smelled weird but I thought she was just trying to make it sound gross because it was tofu.

One time when I was almost the sickest everabut 8 years ago, I called (e:hodown) to tell her I was poisoned and that I needed help. I wasn't calling for emotional support, I needed to get real help, hospital style. I ended up calling my friend Kirstina but (e:hosdwn) had already said not to take me to the hospital because she was mad at me. i will never forget this.
Then I tried to drive myself to the hospital because I knew I couldn't afford an ambulance. I got to UB south campus from my hous ein Kenmore. Actually, looking back I have no idea why i was there because it is not even close to a direct path to the hospital. I started hyperventilating because I was in so much pain. I really thought I was gonna die. My hands started to clench up. The ambulance guy later told me that is normal when people hyperventilate or are in a lot of pain. So I pulled the car on the side of the street at Burger King near UB south campus. Actually, my hands clenched up so bad and I crawled out of the car toward the restaurant. Some guy parked my car, because I just left the keys in.
I walked in and fell on the ground and yelled, "get me an ambulance I think I have been food posoined." At the time, I was in so much pain I didn't even think about the fact that it was a restaurant. Immediately, everyone put down their food and some people started to leave. I was just lying on the floor clenching my stomach. It was acceptionally painful and I just wanted to get to the hospital. Eventually the ambulance came and it turned out I had some sort of infection.
The ironic part is that this all started with a tofu burger at the Juicery when it used to be in theNOrthtown plaza. The owman said its smelled weird but I thought she was just trying to make it sound gross because it was tofu.
ladycroft - 08/18/05 14:17
OMG I just got the dirtiest looks from a bunch of nuns. (I work at a Catholic college) My office computer isn't hooked up yet so I'm forced to use the ones in the library. I busted a stitch reading this one man! I was waiting for a ruler to come thrashing down on my knuckles I was so loud. That is a funny, funny story. Can I see a live reinactment? Pleeeease!
OMG I just got the dirtiest looks from a bunch of nuns. (I work at a Catholic college) My office computer isn't hooked up yet so I'm forced to use the ones in the library. I busted a stitch reading this one man! I was waiting for a ruler to come thrashing down on my knuckles I was so loud. That is a funny, funny story. Can I see a live reinactment? Pleeeease!
hodown - 08/17/05 09:26
Paul, As I sat reading that I had to stiffle my laughter at my desk because I was cracking up. When are you going to get over our childhood? Do we need to see a therapist?
Paul, As I sat reading that I had to stiffle my laughter at my desk because I was cracking up. When are you going to get over our childhood? Do we need to see a therapist?
I havn't been there in a long time it was good the last time I was there. There is this one awesome chick who works there or who did I think she still does. During the winter I'm walking down elmwood full winter coat frezzing my ass off and shaking and she is out there in a short sleve shirt not shaking at all cleaning the outside windows she looked like it felt like summer.