So as my name slowly drops down the latest entry list, everyone is probably wondering what happend to me. I went on a 48 hour convert my life to linux, transfer ~1TB of data onto the new server. I am happy to say it's almost over. I didn't move, it just had to be done. I am sure you can imagine how much media (e:matthew) and I have made over 2 years. Even (e:terry) had 23 GB of stuff including every episode of dragonballz which will burn nicely on our new linux enhanced DVD burner. They are only $59 at compusa and to boot they have 100 packs of DVDs for $4.99. Even the cashier couldn't believe the price. It reminded me of the old stealing days, lol.
The hardest part has been mirroring the server to be exactly as configured on the elmwood red hat box.
I remember life before the computer. I had so much time! I had a vic20 and a C64 back in the 80s but that was pre-modem for me Then from 1995 to 2000, esseentially all of college, I did not have a computer. Like all the other poor students I went to the computer labs at school to type my papers. Does anyone else remember that?
Then I met (e:jacob) and it all changed again. When we moved from phoenix to flagstaff, he sold his computer and got me a powerbook duo 280c. It' size rivals the vaio but not its strength. It changed my life. That's what got me my job in the web lab in AZ, which led to the ibook, which led to my job at Canisius, which led to my MFA, which brought me here fixing this linux box! It's so weird how little things can change your life so drastically.
Congrats on the completion of you Linux level 8. Get some sleep.