We went to the fair to see all the tasty animals. What is up with this lamb? All the lambs are covered like this. Is it to protect their coat for the show? It kind of reminds me of those italians that cover their couches in vinyl.

Check out the face on that chicken-like thing below. It was on sale for $20. I wish I had more land or that winter wasn't coming. I saw a chicken lay an egg for the first time. It is pretty gross.

Food. Like every Buffalo metropolitan area event, food was the main attraction. I ate italian sausage, fried ice cream, birch beer, fries, and the best thing I ever had in my life. Basically, it combines my two favorite foods - maybe syrup and cotton candy. There is a picture of (e:matthew) holding it below but I ate the whole bag myself.

Then we went to the animal freak show. It was disgusting. I feel bad for giving them money. The animals were in such bad conditions. There were two five legged cows. They had this tiny box with a big snake in it. On the box it said,"ancient belief - touching silver coins to a snake brings good luck" The cage was all full of dirty money. Some of it was even in the food bowl.
(e:ladycroft), they had the biggest zuzchini contest and it wasn't nearly as big as yours. Yous should enter next year.

Awe those sheep look funny!!! definately like KKK sheep :)~ We went to the fair from like 9pm-11 most of the animals were put away. we did get to see bunnys YAY and some chickens and birds....and the moo moos
The coats and hoods on the sheep are to protect the wool before showing, so they don't get dirty and look dingy. Least, that's what the man witht he english devon sheep told Walt and i a few days ago!