So I met with my thesis advisor today and everything seems to be in order but I have to meet with my entire committee very soon and add a person possible. Then I think I need to get it bound.
I also saw Dave Pape today (sorry the pic quality is so bad) and he was playing the Donkey Kong bongo game that I wrote about last night
[inlink]paul,3754[/inlink]. It appears that in addition to drumming you have to clap. I think it works in a simiilar way to my baby swimmies [inlink]paul,2483[/inlink]. You need flash and a microphone to play with them.
We also spoke about doing some mobile to VR project which would be really fun. I cannot wait for the thesis to be over. It is somewhere around 40 page snow but I have lots more info and so few days. I am also taking on another programming job, making children's games for a site. That should pay the student loan bills. So I am back to having four jobs. I guess I do owe about $86,000 so it sounds very reasonable to me.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/12/2005 14:59 #32169
Thesis MeetingCategory: games
08/12/2005 09:55 #32168
alternative interfaces for gamesCategory: games
Has anyone else notice that 99% of computer games are violent first person shooters. I don't understand that. I don't mean video games in general, I just mean PC games. I guess there is the whole,, everquest, sims thing. What do you guys think?
I mean consoles are full of other types of games, which brings me to my title, alternative interfaces for games. Like DDR and the maraca game for dream cast. Today at EB games we saw the donkey kong bongo game and the playstation version of the same thing. I want to try them but (e:terry) says I won't play enough to justify the purchase. Does anyone have these drum games? I want to try it out.
I mean consoles are full of other types of games, which brings me to my title, alternative interfaces for games. Like DDR and the maraca game for dream cast. Today at EB games we saw the donkey kong bongo game and the playstation version of the same thing. I want to try them but (e:terry) says I won't play enough to justify the purchase. Does anyone have these drum games? I want to try it out.
ladycroft - 08/12/05 09:55
I love Donkey Kong and I was excited when they came out with a new one. But then I went and tested out the bongos at Toys R Us and it just wasn't very cool. Plus they were like $40 or something. I'd wait until some kid gets tired of theirs and pick it up at a garage sale.
I love Donkey Kong and I was excited when they came out with a new one. But then I went and tested out the bongos at Toys R Us and it just wasn't very cool. Plus they were like $40 or something. I'd wait until some kid gets tired of theirs and pick it up at a garage sale.
jason - 08/11/05 19:22
PS my fav alt interface game would be something like skiing or the olympics or something like that. I'm nordic so my rythm is like william hung's sense of pitch.
PS my fav alt interface game would be something like skiing or the olympics or something like that. I'm nordic so my rythm is like william hung's sense of pitch.
jason - 08/11/05 19:18
Also do you dislike FPS games? There are some new ones now that have great multiplayer modes and online matches. I, like Terry also like the MMORPG variety, and also play WoW when I have the time.
Also do you dislike FPS games? There are some new ones now that have great multiplayer modes and online matches. I, like Terry also like the MMORPG variety, and also play WoW when I have the time.
jason - 08/11/05 19:16
Paul do you have a Blockbuster card? You should just rent the game and try it so you'll know for sure if it is something that is going to justify the purchase price. It's all about replay value.
Paul do you have a Blockbuster card? You should just rent the game and try it so you'll know for sure if it is something that is going to justify the purchase price. It's all about replay value.
08/11/2005 14:41 #32167
india gate buffetCategory: food
(E:terry), (e:flacidness) and I hit the India Gate Buffet forr "breakfast" today. It was quite delicious although you could tell by (e:flacidness)' ten year old girl portion. The buffet is only $7.99 and it is as much as you can eat with lotss of tasty veggie and non veggie options. I really need a new picture phone.
08/11/2005 00:46 #32166
TextamericaCategory: web
I was look at another mobile blogging site called and I found this picture which reminded that I missed jacob. I wonder what he is doing now.
(e:shawnr) said that is evil and that they sell their members media to other people. I believe him. Just check out this line from their privacy policy.
(e:shawnr) said that is evil and that they sell their members media to other people. I believe him. Just check out this line from their privacy policy.
Textamerica may share with its affiliates any information provided by you on this website, including your name, e-mail address, usage patterns, credit card account information, and uploaded images and text. from textamerica privacy policy
08/11/2005 13:46 #32165
Craig's List Call for Mobile UsersCategory: web
I think I have made the best posting to Craig's List so far. I would really like to get some more mobile users on the site, so I can start rolling out the mobile social networking pack. Hopefully this gets something started.
My thesis is finally many pages long, somewhere near 40. I didn't realize that we were supposed to double space. I think it just may be all done in time. On another note, my job situation seemed to get all crazy when one of my bosses pointed out he understood my contract differntly than me. I think it is just a misunderstanding, but we have to wait for the other supervisor to arrive back on the scene in order to rectify the situation. I hope this turns ok, because otherwise I am seriously thinking I will be heading out west in about 15 days.
My advice is don't ever trust anything that involves employment. Never believ in anything that is orally spoken. Everything must be in writing in order to verify it's existence. You must always go over things 1000 times in order to make sure that it is all safe and sound. Otherwise you get taken advantage of, and having that happen is not fun. I can't wait till (e:jesse) comes home, it can't be long now.
My thesis is finally many pages long, somewhere near 40. I didn't realize that we were supposed to double space. I think it just may be all done in time. On another note, my job situation seemed to get all crazy when one of my bosses pointed out he understood my contract differntly than me. I think it is just a misunderstanding, but we have to wait for the other supervisor to arrive back on the scene in order to rectify the situation. I hope this turns ok, because otherwise I am seriously thinking I will be heading out west in about 15 days.
My advice is don't ever trust anything that involves employment. Never believ in anything that is orally spoken. Everything must be in writing in order to verify it's existence. You must always go over things 1000 times in order to make sure that it is all safe and sound. Otherwise you get taken advantage of, and having that happen is not fun. I can't wait till (e:jesse) comes home, it can't be long now.
paul - 08/11/05 13:46
I think craig's list buffalo is really crappy. In general community it is almost exclusively spam posts. Not even one person has checked the ad.
I think craig's list buffalo is really crappy. In general community it is almost exclusively spam posts. Not even one person has checked the ad.
paul, I was thinking of how strange an online community built around geography is. The college life is so transient, that's why your getting people like me. also I would imagine that in an online community where you never meet the other participates you would not have the same social delimas this arise on the strip sometimes