this is my theme song for the rest of the year. thanks (e:hodown).
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/21/2007 23:46 #29648
everybody hates you when you are 23Category: age
12/31/2006 14:22 #26357
this blogCategory: censorship
censorship. how annoying.
what comes around goes around. good luck.
what comes around goes around. good luck.
theecarey - 12/31/06 14:36
its censored now, but those who needed to read it- did (obviously!). Since I can no longer comment on either of your previous posts I will sum my thoughts with this: friends are supposed to be there to watch your back- not stab it. Sorry that a friendship had to go down like that. I hope that romp was worth it for them, as they just totally lost you as the trade off.
"what comes around goes around"- i'll drink to that!
its censored now, but those who needed to read it- did (obviously!). Since I can no longer comment on either of your previous posts I will sum my thoughts with this: friends are supposed to be there to watch your back- not stab it. Sorry that a friendship had to go down like that. I hope that romp was worth it for them, as they just totally lost you as the trade off.
"what comes around goes around"- i'll drink to that!
12/28/2006 13:39 #26355
gathering, what?im having some people over tonight. not big and awesome like the mansion. call me if you want to stop by...
i do have abosolut apeach...mmmmmmm.
i do have abosolut apeach...mmmmmmm.
mike - 12/28/06 18:42
sar, me and my friends have our annual christmas dinner.. but maybe i'll stop by after. I'll call you lata~
sar, me and my friends have our annual christmas dinner.. but maybe i'll stop by after. I'll call you lata~
12/27/2006 12:15 #26354
finally have a digi cam and,Category: camera
my computer hates me, and keeps shutting down. can't wait to get paid or just charge a new hard drive to a card. then i can be technologically sound, and post all of these lovely fun pictures.
what is not fun however, is my upcoming 20 hr shift. why god do i sign myself up for this madness? oh yes, because i will make lots of money, and i have vacation coming up soon, and plan to go to nyc in feb. watch out america!
i have so much delicousness left over, steak, cheesecake, olives, yummy seafood creamy pasta, oodles of alcohol, and i plan to enjoy it.
tomorrow night, i shall share the alcohol with some special friends. wink, wink.
blah, hope you all had a lovely xmas, and that your heart was content, at least for a short while. i know mine was!
now, i must eat a lox bagel and get ready for work.
what is not fun however, is my upcoming 20 hr shift. why god do i sign myself up for this madness? oh yes, because i will make lots of money, and i have vacation coming up soon, and plan to go to nyc in feb. watch out america!
i have so much delicousness left over, steak, cheesecake, olives, yummy seafood creamy pasta, oodles of alcohol, and i plan to enjoy it.
tomorrow night, i shall share the alcohol with some special friends. wink, wink.
blah, hope you all had a lovely xmas, and that your heart was content, at least for a short while. i know mine was!
now, i must eat a lox bagel and get ready for work.
mike - 12/27/06 22:18
i want to share in your alcohol!
i want to share in your alcohol!
12/22/2006 01:37 #26353
this is my fav xmasgift ever...Category: tech
jbl sypro speakers...

ps, best sis ever, why do i ever bother w/men?

ps, best sis ever, why do i ever bother w/men?
metalpeter - 12/22/06 14:51
I agree with what Jason said. Just becuase your sis rocks dosn't mean that us guys can't to.
I agree with what Jason said. Just becuase your sis rocks dosn't mean that us guys can't to.
jason - 12/22/06 12:16
Men have penises.
Men have penises.
joshua - 12/22/06 11:31
C'mon now.
That is a very unique stereo system - JBL is a great company. I'm officially jealous.
C'mon now.
That is a very unique stereo system - JBL is a great company. I'm officially jealous.
the SOV? To shame...
funny, i just picked a new theme song:
if you love me then thank you and if you hate me then fuck you!