I really, really love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Like I truly get sad when I look down and there's less than half the sandwich left. It's just such a great combination of tastes. (Sidenote, another favorite combination I enjoy is movie theater popcorn and Coke...it has to be Coke...not Diet and not Pepsi...)
The history of PB & J

- I googled this. Is that officially a word yet?
I am going to run races starting in March and I'm really pumped about it. The next thing I have to do to reach this goal is either buy more winter running gear or join a gym, but
(e:Mike) is indecisive about our gym prospects. Fortunately he just called me and sounds pretty set on joining Terrie's gym. Frankly as long as it doesn't cost TOO much money and they have treadmills and spinning classes, that's all I care about!
have you ever had birthday cake ice cream at Coldstone? It tastes exactly like funfetti cake! While a couple people actually got poisoned from it and they took it of the menu for a while, it' back now and I think it's well worth the risk.