So the new minor league basketball team in Buffalo is called the Silverbacks which are like the elder alpha gorilla male. Some people in the community say it is offensive because much of the team is black males and using monkey or gorilla was often used as a deragatory term used towards black people. I can almost see that though I disagree because I think like the silverback is definetely like a more positive thing than for instance being called the monkeys. Anywho, i was reading the article and while I don't really agree , I could see the other people's point of view UNTIL THIS PART...
the one lady who thinks it is rascist said in reference to the logo and I quote "I did find it offensive. It looked like an angry black man". Ok here is the logo. I'll let you decide.
I did not look at that and think angry black man. I personally do not see a red haired foaming at the mouth fanged basketball playing gorilla and think angry black man but Eva M. Doyle of the Buffalo Criterion begs to differ.
Frankly, I think the fact that she thinks that is looks like an angry black man is frankly way more offensive. By the by, the team players are the ones who came up with the name.
First things first that logo Makes no sense. Gorilas are black not red. But the guy does look pissed and he is pointing and has ripped the rim down and looks like he is after me next. So I do see how the women could jump to the conclusion that it is a silver back and they are black and so are the players but she sounds racist her self. I don't think the name is racist. It isn't like they saw who joins the team then name them. I'm sure if the black guys found it offensive they would join a differant team or something along those lines.