So today is my first day in Pittsburrgh for a business trip. Actually in harmarville about 45 m inutes outside of pittsburgh. The flight was ok. I didn't get sick that much, like i dind' throw up at all. But i was terrified because it was a little plane for about 20 epeople and had propellers circa 1910 and the WRight brothers first invetnion.
Anywho we got in around 1115 and have nothing scheduled to do for the day. Our car wasn't at the Enterprise at the airport. Supposedly our reservations were for a idfferent location and they were out of cars at this one.They told us to go to a different one (isn't there slogan like we bring the car to you or somehitng?) Well THEY DO NOT!!!!) so the taxi driver has no idea where the place is, so we stop around and ask for directions ( at first i thought he was scammiong us but he ended up taking off from our tota since the whole getting lost ridiculousness). So we find the place supposedly that our car is at. It is in a nondescript non-signed building wiht no address. ( hence the confusion in finidng it) WELL NOPE! It's not there either and they have no reservations for us. So then they tell us where they think our car is and so we go there....well we did have reservations at this one, we finally found the right locations, but they were out of cars! How do thye run out of cars WHEN WE HAVE RESERVATIONS! Luckily we only had to wait like 20 minutes or so and then they got a car that was getting its oil changed ready for us! I do no recommend Enterprise as no one at any of these locations was very helpful about the whole siutation or very nice about it.
So then we find our way to the hotel which streets in and around Pittsburgh are ridiculously confusing!! Anywho, we get here and i go in my room and there is a JACUZZI! Not like my tub also has bubbles but like in the room, huge jacuzzi. THe other lady I am with got one too. How random!! (like literally it is completely random, I guess some rooms have them and some don't!) But do I use it? I brought swim trunks, but is it really clean for using? DOn't people die from like Hepatisis from hotel jacuzzi's? Let me know waht you think
Anyway, so this hotel is in the middle of nowhere. It is literally like off the thruway in this little spot with a KFC, McDonalds and another hotle. There is no where to walk to , not even a convnentient store or area around here cuz otherwise you are on the highway. Well that wouldn't be a probelm because we have a rental car but frankly it is super confusing finding anywere and I am not allowed to drive the rental car cuz I am too young!!! (stupid laws) So now from after lunch (2ish) til dinner I am just stuck in my hotel room! Luckily there is internet! And then tonight I am not sure , I am be stuck here again. THe lady said there is a mall a little bit away so maybe we will go there tonight. Then tomrow we have stuff most of the day but then on Friday in the morning we were supposed to have a meeting but she thinks we can probably just not do that and just work on thursday. It is so laid back. A 3 day trip for just liek one 8 or 9 hour meeting! It seems crazy like a waste of money!
Well hope you are all ahving a good time in the B-lo!
P.S, This high spped internet they claim to have , is not so high speed!
Mike's Journal
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08/16/2006 16:48 #29025
Pittsburgh Saga Begins08/15/2006 00:04 #29024
Kudos to pmtI just want to say after helping (e:pmt) move into their new house , it is really a cool house. I didn't really like it when it was covered in catness, dirt, and garbage but now that it is cleaned up it is looking really awesome. Kudos to (e:pmt) for a great job at cleaning it up. You should all get excited to see it at the first party they have there!! start clearing your schedules now!
08/11/2006 20:23 #29023
WowserOk , so Fergie (from Black Eyed Pea fame) has realy come up with the most ridiculous song lyricwise ever. I'm not saying it is the worst song ever but lyrically it muts is a clip
How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge want to go down
Like London London want you to go down
Like London London be going down like
How come every time you come around
My London London Bridge want to go down
Like London London want you to go down
Like London London be going down like
libertad - 08/11/06 23:02
those are some bad lyrics.
those are some bad lyrics.
08/06/2006 23:46 #29022
PIttsburgh TripSo in two weeks I go to Pittsburgh for a work trip. So I decided to look up what is near the hotel and let me tell you the answer is a big ole nothing. The restaurants within radius listed KFC, Burger King, etc. And the shopping listed one mall which basically was a WalMart/Barnes and Noble/TJ Maxx plaza. SO I'm gonna guess the nightlife is gonna be outrageously fun, right?
08/05/2006 13:50 #29021
Buffalo Silverbacks or Rascist BallersSo the new minor league basketball team in Buffalo is called the Silverbacks which are like the elder alpha gorilla male. Some people in the community say it is offensive because much of the team is black males and using monkey or gorilla was often used as a deragatory term used towards black people. I can almost see that though I disagree because I think like the silverback is definetely like a more positive thing than for instance being called the monkeys. Anywho, i was reading the article and while I don't really agree , I could see the other people's point of view UNTIL THIS PART...
the one lady who thinks it is rascist said in reference to the logo and I quote "I did find it offensive. It looked like an angry black man". Ok here is the logo. I'll let you decide.

I did not look at that and think angry black man. I personally do not see a red haired foaming at the mouth fanged basketball playing gorilla and think angry black man but Eva M. Doyle of the Buffalo Criterion begs to differ.
Frankly, I think the fact that she thinks that is looks like an angry black man is frankly way more offensive. By the by, the team players are the ones who came up with the name.
the one lady who thinks it is rascist said in reference to the logo and I quote "I did find it offensive. It looked like an angry black man". Ok here is the logo. I'll let you decide.

I did not look at that and think angry black man. I personally do not see a red haired foaming at the mouth fanged basketball playing gorilla and think angry black man but Eva M. Doyle of the Buffalo Criterion begs to differ.
Frankly, I think the fact that she thinks that is looks like an angry black man is frankly way more offensive. By the by, the team players are the ones who came up with the name.
metalpeter - 08/05/06 20:26
First things first that logo Makes no sense. Gorilas are black not red. But the guy does look pissed and he is pointing and has ripped the rim down and looks like he is after me next. So I do see how the women could jump to the conclusion that it is a silver back and they are black and so are the players but she sounds racist her self. I don't think the name is racist. It isn't like they saw who joins the team then name them. I'm sure if the black guys found it offensive they would join a differant team or something along those lines.
First things first that logo Makes no sense. Gorilas are black not red. But the guy does look pissed and he is pointing and has ripped the rim down and looks like he is after me next. So I do see how the women could jump to the conclusion that it is a silver back and they are black and so are the players but she sounds racist her self. I don't think the name is racist. It isn't like they saw who joins the team then name them. I'm sure if the black guys found it offensive they would join a differant team or something along those lines.
Ahh... poor MikeyPoo.....
Hope you somehow manage to cause a ruckus in Pittsburgh.....even if it is with forty-year old women (which really is your dream anyways).
.....and forty year old women in jacuzzis....that's bonus.....
I'll pay you big bucks if you somehow finagle some sexy shots of your middle-aged coworkers...."Exotic Ladies of Eckert" calender on the horizon?.....
Anywho, do you get home on Friday or Saturday...cause I don't know how long I can wait to see "Little Miss Sunshine".....
Let Me know....
Ciao Mikercycle
mike, make sure you make your way to downtown pittsburg. it's super cool and has tons of places to get yummy food. i'm sure the hotel has a map and directions they can give you. and, no i've never heard of anyone dying from Hep from jacuzzis, but maybe we should ask (e:jenks) .