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10/26/2005 19:09 #28904

Forgetting how to Make Friends
I think I don't remember how to make friends anymore. I think the last really good friend I've made was (e:amanda) in freshman year of college chemistry class. I don't know. It's not like I haven't made some new aquaintances but I just don't think I can make good friends anymore. How do you lose such a skill? I think I used to be good at it? Starting to feel like I don't belong anywhere in particular. My friends are split up all over now and getting married and off with their practically fiancees. Yet somehow this doesn't make me as sad as I would think. I'm still quite happy. I don't know, but I would like to remember how to make good friends. I think I just clam up around new people now. That never used to happen. I used to be very free talker even around strangers but not so much anymore. What happneed? I wish I knew..
iriesara - 10/27/05 10:54
Mike the same thing has happened to me as I've gotten older. I think it's because we knew all the same people from Roosevelt until Ken West. Then you get out into the real world and have forgotten how to talk to people. Zach (Elijah's dad) was always super good at making friends, and I always thought it was because he moved around so much and always had to keep his friend-making skills honed - whereas, if you live in the same place all the time, those skills get dull. People are always very surprised when I tell them that I'm rather shy - but it's true! I concur - making friends is hard. And then when you do find some (at least mine) they all end up to be crazy!
paul - 10/26/05 21:46
Basra needs a friend.
boxerboi - 10/26/05 20:43
Im a shitty friend hahaha wanna be mine? O wait, I think we've tried this before. :op weren't you going to call me?!

10/25/2005 18:52 #28903

Follow Through
I have realized I am such a talker with no follow through. As many of you know I should be in Boston right now but am instead sitting in Buffalo still. This is because I never decided to book a plane ticket and then it was too expensive and I deicded I didn't want to drive. This is just the latest in many examples of when I plan on doing something but never actually do it. So I am booking my ticket for Boston for December right now so it can't fall through. I don't know, it is a combination of procrastination and laziness I think that always ruin my follow thru. Eh hopefully this changes soon.

Sidenote: I hate all the clothes that are out right now for some reason. I really want to buy new clothes but can't find anything I want. What I really want is a full zipper front black sweater. Can I find out that fits good? No of course not!
ladycroft - 10/26/05 11:02
When in Dec are you thinking of going? I was trying to maybe go back around the 10th for a fundraiser Christmas party thingy.
boxerboi - 10/26/05 05:29
Gap has exactly what you are looking for. Try gap online. I got a black full zip sweater a couple weeks ago from the gap at the galleria.

10/23/2005 14:20 #28902

So Desiderio's that used to be on Chippewa and Franklin I believe or maybe it was Pearl is now on Broadway in Lancaster. Let me tell you that is a bit of a drive from the estrip but it was actually quite fun. There was a Beatle's coverband that had numerous entertaining costume changes. They were actually pretty good too. Coverbands in general though kinda scare me. Like I feel like the people believe that they are the people they are pretending to be. Like I wondered if the "beatles" ever took off their wigs and stopped talking in phony accents. Eh, I guess whatever floats their boats is fine!

What was even more entertaining than the band was the bartender. I believe his name was Steve and he had so many fun bartending tricks. For instance he poured like six drinks at once at all different levels and stuff, it was crazy cool. He also did all this flipping bottles and catching them on the top of his hand and I believe there was something involving fire. Quite entertaining! I highly recommend going there just for that. Needless to say I spent way too much money the last two days between that night and going to Geneva to see my friends football game yesterday and going out there. But hey that's what vacation time from work is about right?

trollheim - 10/23/05 20:34
Cover bands are fun! Well, most of them are, just watch out for the scary ones; like KC and the Sunshine Band tibute... eek
lilho - 10/23/05 17:10
yes. lets get wasted.

10/21/2005 01:44 #28901

Who'd this boy touch?


I've heard this boy has touched a few (e:strip) girls....
julie - 10/21/05 16:12
I confess, it was me.
jason - 10/21/05 13:54
Oh my god. When will you girls stop thinking that hippie chic is hot?
joshua - 10/21/05 12:29
Oh shit, that guy works at Spot. So, who is going to fess up?!?
leetee - 10/21/05 08:22
Not me. I'm married. :)

10/19/2005 00:06 #28900

2 More Days
48 hours until I am on a 10 day vacation from Eckerd! I am so freakin excited I can't wait. So many things planned to do and so much fun to be had. Still haven't bought my plane ticket for Boston yet cuz I am stupid and will end up paying a ridiculous amount. (maureen call me if you read this but I left you a message too)! YEAH! I NEED A VACATION SO BAD!
twisted - 10/19/05 11:14
Try - you will have to fly through Dulles, but you still might be able to get a decent fare.

Have fun!