(e:TINA) and
(e:SOUTHERNYANKEE) !!!! I'm sorry this is a belated birthday wish but hope your birthdays were fantastic!
OMG today was such a terrible day at work. It starts out, I get there at 8:30 and they never had checked in the drug order from the day before so that had to be done, followed by they also forgot to ring in the deliveries. Now that is no easy task to do the next day. On the day of the delviery you just unsusupend the transaction from the register and put the money in the drawer. At midnight the suspended transactions are cleared though so I had to look up everything that was bought by each delivery person and/or call them to find out what they got and rering everything. I also had to set up the Medicare Wednesday table and there was a big managers meeting at our store with all the big wigs so I had to make sure it looked extra amazing. Ok so that was a bad enough start besides the fact we have less help because they new company cut our hours....
Then I got to a Medicare meeting at the Lincoln Park Senior Center. It goes really well everyone seems to be happy with the presentation and I answer all the seniors question and am ready to end when the director of the center stands up and starts going on about "remember they are from a drug store and this new Medicare plan was developed by drug companies and HMO's for theri benefit and not for yours and etc etc etc" Umm ok awkward. So why did you invite me there to just tell everyone after my presentation that I was basically trying to scam them. She tried to clairfy a little and be like "oh i know he doesn't have anyting to gain but the drug companies etc" but once the crowd was riled up, it was too late. I had already explained it was voluntary and just tried to explain that while it isn't the best plan really it is better than the nothing that many people have. I don't know but it just made it go quite bad yet they still seemed kinda happy I was there. I don't know i juist think it was really crappy of the lady to do that at the end. At least she could have said that at the beggining or something.
But it doesn't end there...I get back to my store and it is insanely busy and i try to help out as much as possible but had to put together bags for my next meeting at 2 o'clock. I was nervous because that meeting was at a fancy senior apts in williamsville and thought it might be a tough crowd with tough questions. Anyway, I'm putting together the packages when the place calls and says I was supposed to be there at 1. I DEFINETELY WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE AT ONE! THey Definetely made the mistake but I packed up and tried to get there ASAP. Of course on the way out the door one of the district loss prevention managers stopped me and accused me of stealing. You see I bring cookies to these meetings and I had already written up that i was taking three bags with me and then grabbed them from the shelf on the way out. He waits til i get to my car and is like "hi i'm Tim Matthews and I am the loss prevention manager and I saw what you just did with those cookies" and I was like um they are for this stupid Medicare meeting I am going to and they are written up and he was all not believing and like oh yeah sure well i"ll have to chekc on that. And i was just liek fine check on it but I gotta go and left because I needed to get to that meeting. Why in the heck would I steal three bags of cookies and they were old people cookies like Pecan Sandies none the less. ANd how stupid does he think i am that I would just stop in front of him and some other managers, grab cookies off the shelf and try to get away with it. Mind you I was also carrying like a porjector and bags and labtop and everythign. Grrr corporate are so stupid but what really aggravates me is my district manager i guess went back to pharmacy to check and make srue I wasn't lying. That aggravated becasue ok maybe Tim Matthews has no idea who I am but he definetly knows me for the last six years and i have been working with him on this whole Medicare thing so the fact that he didn't' just tell Tim Matthews like "oh I'm sure he did, he knows what he is doing" but instead had to go and chekc on it. That aggravated me a lot. I think I am going to write a letter to coroporate. Luckily I was late for the meeting and had to go because I was about to bitch Tim Matthews out. Needless to say I got there for the meeting at like 1:45.
THe lady there said that she thought it was at 2 also and that the other director was wrong but at that point it didn't matter because everyone blamed me. ALso, on the phone the lady said there would be about 30 people, well i brought 55 giveaways and brochures just in case cuz I always bring extra, well I ran out with at least 15 or so people didn't get one. HOW RIDICULOUSLY OFF SHE WAS! I am sending more extra ones over tomorrow but still it looked bad. The people thankfully were very nice and many of them came up to talk to me personally after about their insurance and were very thankful I was there.
And then it was 3:30 when i finally got a chance to sit down and eat something for the first time since like 6 o'clock the night before. Grrrr..only one week til a much eneded vacation.
haha the hasselhoff thing would be hilarious! i don't think that's esoteric at all