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10/11/2005 22:03 #28896

getting rid of clothes
So for anyone who knows me they know how crazy this is. I finally got rid of some of my clothes. I have an abundance of clothes many of which i never wear but feel like I could wear again at some point. Anywho I got rid of like 2 pairs of shorts, some hideous tshirts (one which paul claims is really a dress you just need to belt) and some sweaters. They are definetly some hidous items and some i had a hard time gettnig rid of. There is this blue sweater with a yellow stripe that wasl ike my favorite sweater when i bought it like 8 years ago and have always fought getting rid of it even thoguh i never wear it. I finally did and I am already feeling the post partum depression. Anyway, getting rid of all these clothes (well ike 12 items) makes me need to go shopping. Shopping spree anyone?

10/08/2005 12:58 #28895

Jen's Marriage
One of my best friends Jen has been living in Tennessee with her boyfriend who is in the army. They have been engaged for a few months and were planning a wedding for when he gets back from Iraq in a year. I see her for the first time in months yesterday and she tells me they decided to get married before he left. That is craziness! Now one of my bestest friends is married! How adult like. Too bad he is in Iraq now for a year. THey will have a real ceremony when he gets back but it made sense to get married now I guess because this way she can be contacted and get information about how he is doing. Fiancees aren't allowed that privilege from the military I guess, only wives. Still my friend being married equals insanity. We were prom dates for senior prom, now she is married and I ...well I .... well I . . .

Me and (e:jill) need input here. I think me and (e:jill) are gonna throw her a little wedding party to celebrate. But do you think that is a good idea or will it make her sad because he is not here? What are your ideas? Thanks
joshua - 10/08/05 22:12
Ooh... delicate situation Mike. I think the thought is good but a party will definitely make her sad about the situation. Tread lightly.

10/05/2005 04:37 #28894

Worky Worky Worky
Ok, I think i am getting sick of giving so much to stupid Eckerd and feeling no appreciation in return. I work so much and do so much for them and never get anything back. Ok, yes, maybe i get paid more than some of the other people but not by much and I never get any perks for all the extra I do. I can never get time off when i want it. I ended up going in twice during a three day vacation I treid to take because peopel called in and they needed someone. Then on Monday I put in a like 13.5 hour day (830am to 10pm) because it was inventory the next day and we were so not ready. But i can't actually work any overtime anymore cuz coprportae is clmaping down on like wages so they had to cut the extra hours out from soemwhere else, so i asked if i could not come in on Friday since i am working only 5 hrs that day but my boss said no. Instead she like took two hours off of thrudsy, an hour of off tomorow and like an hour off of Friday. That won't feel like anything! How stupid! THe other pharmacist even tried to get her to let me but she woulnd't! I also have so much vacation i have to take soon. And now even wsooner because one girl is going to be on materntiy leave by like mid to late november. Yet there is no time to take because we are short on people. I am just gonna have to be like dude i am tkaing this vacation if you like it or not. I relaly would like to get oct 21-30 off and then i would still need like another 12 hours to take some other time. But at least that owuld take care of most of it. They want me to take like a day here or there but it is not going to happen cuz i will die soon if i don't get more of a breka from that place!! GRRR!!
ladycroft - 10/05/05 10:23
I really have a peeve about the work place 'punishing' the good workers. Take your vacation days and leave the country, they can't call you back in!
jason - 10/05/05 10:21
Mike, you should stand up for yourself. You deserve a break. Don't let those people jerk you around! Get pissed off!
maureen - 10/05/05 00:35
that totally sucks. you need to make them appreciate you, you are basically Mr. Eckerd! no more of this "making a name for yourself" crap. I hope you get your days off and come visit. no matter what i'll see you this weekend...hang in there :(

10/02/2005 01:49 #28893

Just Like Heaven
Me, (e:jill) and Yosepha went to see Just Like Heaven tonight. It is the movie where she is a ghost and he moves into her apartment and the girl is Reese Witherspoon and the guy is Mark Ruffalo. Anyway, I thought it was pretty good, but I am always a sucker for sappy romantic comedyesque movies. It also made me a little nervous though. What if something happens to me, like I could totally get in a car accident or get some disease and I die young and never really fell in love or had a relationship. And what if I am not lucky enough to have a ghost come and haunt me and fall in love with me. Then waht? I don't know why it is affecting me so much but really I am getting nervous that like I will die and not do all these things I want to do. That's it, it's time to get out there and get some stuff done before it's too late!

09/30/2005 19:35 #28892

My fall from DARE Stardom
As you all may know, I was like a DARE posterchild in my day. LIke literally. I got to perform my anti-drunk driving skit at health fairs and stuff and I got to do readings of my What DARE Means to Me Speech at DARE graduation. So going through my old school stuff I found my DARE workbook from fifth grade which included all the DARE awards I won and the essays I wrote for DARE. Anyway I realized what one DARE skill I have done terribly wrong. I may know 30,000 ways to say NO to DRUGS but I had forgotten the number one rule: stay away from people doing drugs, don't associate with situations where you may be tempted. Hmm I think that would mean I would have to drop all my friends and certainly just about all the (e:strip)pers. Hmm I think I am around people doing a drug almost 100% of the time. Sooooo needless to say I guess I am not the DARE superstar I always claimed to be. How sad!
paul - 09/30/05 19:43
Mike, you work in a pharmacy - you would also need to quit your job.