So I wish this post was about a crazy blind date I went on and you could have the behind the scenes uncensored look at it but alas it is about the video me, (e:jill) and jen rented tonight. We rented Blind Date: Uncnesored: Dates from Hell and Freaks and Weirdos. Frankly, it was dissappointing. You don't know how long we have waited to rent it because it is always out of stock. It was really a let down. I would say most of the situations were really no worse or crazier than the ones that make it on tv. Actually I had seen some of the footage on tv. That is ridiculous. Basically it was just the same as tv with a few f words thrown in. I'm not saying it wasn't entertaining just not nearly as good as I had hoped.
Today I had to run an Eckerd booth for a health fair at the JCC on Delaware in Buffalo. Our intern Bonnie went with me thank god because otherwise it would have been terribly awfully boring. I believe from 9-2 we had about umm like 30 people tops and mostly those were people from the other booths who were also bored and wandered over to us. Thankfully me and Bonnie can entertain ourselves but it still dragged by sooo slow. I can't wait for all this Medicare stuff to be over. Unfortunately some lady asked for our information cuz she is running a few health fairs in the next couple months and wants us there. I JUST WANT IT TO BE OVER!!!
P.S. Ladycroft I am not mad at you. Ditto for you Paul. I was just mad last night and overly tired!!
P.P.S. Paul, I don't really hope that you die, no matter what I texted you yesterday
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/07/2005 00:38 #28908
Blind Date: Uncensored11/05/2005 13:07 #28907
Out On The TownLast night me and a few (e:strip)pers, namely (e:tina), (e:lilho), (e:terry), (e:flacidness) went out to Soundlab to hear some DJ. It was 13 bucks and like all he did was play songs that are not even that uncommon straight out. Like no mixing or doing whatever it is that DJ's do. It was a lot of fun but not worth $13. Maybe $5 but it was still fun. We saw (e:rachel) there which is always a good time! Then after an argument about who is most in desperate need of a date, we went to Essex St. Pub. The hotness that is (e:tina) and (e:lilho) were adored by many men and left men drooling in their tracks. It must be hard for them to be so IRRESISTABLE! It would be better if i had a picture here for everyone to adore but alas I have none....maybe I'll find one of them and post it later. I on the other hand realized I am attracted to almost noone which I forsee in a problem in me trying to date...
boxerboi - 11/05/05 20:53
I'll do the podcast with you. hahaha how do you want to start? or when?
I'll do the podcast with you. hahaha how do you want to start? or when?
11/01/2005 20:01 #28906
Roll BounceFirst of all , I haven't written since the Halloween party so here is my update on that. It was a lot of fun. I think the jello shots i made really spiced things up even if the cherry ones tasted like cough syrup. I know spiced things up/made me people vomit is a thin line but I think we mostly stayed on the right side of that line. Too bad they ran out so fast ( i guess that is what happens whne me and and Paul have like 10 each at the beginning).
I wasn't thrilled with my costume. I liked it but it didn't come out as good as I had hoped. I enjoyed everyone else who was dressed up, particularly (e:ladycroft)'s flashlight arm.
Of course we all know I don't really know how fun the party was until my pictures are developed. Though judging from others peoples pictures I did nothing that embarassing. How crazy would that be if I didn't embarass myself in any way? My camera battery died after only 16 pics so I have to finsih the roll still as I have the old fashioned non-digital type of machine!
Last night me and Jill went to see ROllBounce. Ok we didn't expect much from it, not nearly as much as the 40 year old man who went to see it alone must have expected. ANywho, it was so bad. I thought ti was going to be about rollerskating dynamos and fun routines but ended up being very dramatic. I blame Nick Cannon. Drumline was the same way, remember (e:mk). We thought it would be fun and have fun cheerleaders and marching bands ala Bring It On but instead it was filled with slow moving drama. You know what me and (e:jill) could not stop thinking about during ROll Bounce, that some movies, make that many movies get rejected and never get made....yet shomehow RollBounce made it through the cracks...ahh lil bowow
I wasn't thrilled with my costume. I liked it but it didn't come out as good as I had hoped. I enjoyed everyone else who was dressed up, particularly (e:ladycroft)'s flashlight arm.
Of course we all know I don't really know how fun the party was until my pictures are developed. Though judging from others peoples pictures I did nothing that embarassing. How crazy would that be if I didn't embarass myself in any way? My camera battery died after only 16 pics so I have to finsih the roll still as I have the old fashioned non-digital type of machine!
Last night me and Jill went to see ROllBounce. Ok we didn't expect much from it, not nearly as much as the 40 year old man who went to see it alone must have expected. ANywho, it was so bad. I thought ti was going to be about rollerskating dynamos and fun routines but ended up being very dramatic. I blame Nick Cannon. Drumline was the same way, remember (e:mk). We thought it would be fun and have fun cheerleaders and marching bands ala Bring It On but instead it was filled with slow moving drama. You know what me and (e:jill) could not stop thinking about during ROll Bounce, that some movies, make that many movies get rejected and never get made....yet shomehow RollBounce made it through the cracks...ahh lil bowow
10/27/2005 20:29 #28905
Halloween Crunchtime...Furry UndiesHalloween party is in two days and I don't know what to be. My latest idea is a Fraggle, I think his name is Gobo, he is the lead and more adventurous one, he is like orange. I don't know if I love that idea though even though anything that involves furry underwear can't be that bad. Any suggestions, or like or dislike on that? My other ideas are
1. the Fraggle
2. a palmtree
3. Alvin the chipmunk
4. an archangel
5. a centaur
6. the guy from Operation
7. Robin from Batman
All comments/ideas are greatly welcomed and ecouraged...
1. the Fraggle
2. a palmtree
3. Alvin the chipmunk
4. an archangel
5. a centaur
6. the guy from Operation
7. Robin from Batman
All comments/ideas are greatly welcomed and ecouraged...
10/26/2005 19:09 #28904
Forgetting how to Make FriendsI think I don't remember how to make friends anymore. I think the last really good friend I've made was (e:amanda) in freshman year of college chemistry class. I don't know. It's not like I haven't made some new aquaintances but I just don't think I can make good friends anymore. How do you lose such a skill? I think I used to be good at it? Starting to feel like I don't belong anywhere in particular. My friends are split up all over now and getting married and off with their practically fiancees. Yet somehow this doesn't make me as sad as I would think. I'm still quite happy. I don't know, but I would like to remember how to make good friends. I think I just clam up around new people now. That never used to happen. I used to be very free talker even around strangers but not so much anymore. What happneed? I wish I knew..
iriesara - 10/27/05 10:54
Mike the same thing has happened to me as I've gotten older. I think it's because we knew all the same people from Roosevelt until Ken West. Then you get out into the real world and have forgotten how to talk to people. Zach (Elijah's dad) was always super good at making friends, and I always thought it was because he moved around so much and always had to keep his friend-making skills honed - whereas, if you live in the same place all the time, those skills get dull. People are always very surprised when I tell them that I'm rather shy - but it's true! I concur - making friends is hard. And then when you do find some (at least mine) they all end up to be crazy!
Mike the same thing has happened to me as I've gotten older. I think it's because we knew all the same people from Roosevelt until Ken West. Then you get out into the real world and have forgotten how to talk to people. Zach (Elijah's dad) was always super good at making friends, and I always thought it was because he moved around so much and always had to keep his friend-making skills honed - whereas, if you live in the same place all the time, those skills get dull. People are always very surprised when I tell them that I'm rather shy - but it's true! I concur - making friends is hard. And then when you do find some (at least mine) they all end up to be crazy!
paul - 10/26/05 21:46
Basra needs a friend.
Basra needs a friend.
boxerboi - 10/26/05 20:43
Im a shitty friend hahaha wanna be mine? O wait, I think we've tried this before. :op weren't you going to call me?!
Im a shitty friend hahaha wanna be mine? O wait, I think we've tried this before. :op weren't you going to call me?!
I'm glad :) You know I am so grateful. But I bet Blind Date Uncensored didn't suck a fraction as much as Dracula 3000!!! WTF was that!?