So last night on my way downtown from work I really froze that wind was so wickedly cold. It was still the same way when I got Downtown I couldn't decide where to eat. I wanted to go to Pearl St. but with the wind that was way to far if I ate at the Mexican Place or the Choclate Bar I didn't think I would make it through the concert then a couple places where to fancy so I went to subway. After subway I went and had some herbal mint tea that was preaty good. So I walk up to town ballroom and there is a private party I ask someone and the concert was cancelled son of a bitch, the lead singer was sick or something. Ah I guess that is what I get for not listening to the EDGE. Oh yeah on thursday I did have a good time at the Warren Miller movie. This Morning I went Back Downtown to go to the Bandits open practice and post practice autograph signing and had a good time.
Next week should be fun I get tuesday off and am going to see Hoobastank. Then On friday I get another day off and I'm going to see Rent. I saw Rent once before but it was so long ago that I don't remember much about it. But I just watched the movie and forgot how some of it is really depressing or sad. I won't let it get me down to much and still enjoy the musical. Then I'm really looking forward to Tony's party I bet it will really be a blast. I can't figure out how anyone can out do
(e:lilho) with a spoon but it could get interesting, for sure. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone.
Almost forgot, go ahead and bash away. I don't take it personally. It's just where I work, not who I am.
But call me first if something looks wrong. I don't have much juice, but I can right a wrong or two.
Relax, breathe regular. They aren't going anyway. The company that owns 29 is engaging in a pissing match with Time Warner. They need each other. Despite crappy spokespeople, it will get worked out. The same problem happened with the Dish Network last year and got averted.
I post what else I know.
Don't worry.