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12/09/2006 11:49 #28493

birthday Rent
First of all I went to see Rent last night. It was preaty good. The one thing about it though is that sometimes since the set barely changes it is hard to tell when they are in a differant location, but it was still preaty good. On my walk home down Delaware I saw two amazing limos on differant sides of the street. One was a black streech Hummer limo, it also looked a little bit higer above the wheels then normal. On my side of the street there was a chevy Pickup truck limo of some kind. It had what looked like a full bed and two huge silver exhust Pipes coming out of it.

I hope I have a great time and everyone else does at the party to night and no one gets so wasted that they are a danger to themselves. With all the stress of the holiday season it is verry easy to do that. Oh but on to the reason I posted I want to wish a Happy Birthday to
(e:Enknot) (e:Twisted) and (e:Beast) I hope you all have an awesome birthday. So Happy Brithday (e:peeps)
twisted - 12/09/06 14:28
Thanks Metalpeter!

12/08/2006 16:54 #28492

Klear Stemm
Category: music


I sometimes forget to mention concerts that I think would be good to see if I'm not going to them. I will admit Club Infinity is one of those places that I have never been, but I don't know where it is or how to get there or even home but I would think that seeing both Klear and Stemm in the same night might be preaty cool. I remember a few Years ago Stemm was thinking about a name change since some of the members changed guess that never happened. I just thought about the fact that Monday is the 11th and I have a ticket to go see Barenaked ladies that should be a fun time (don't have any of there CD's). Then On my birthday I'm going to the early show of Trans-siberian Ochestra.

12/06/2006 18:44 #28491

Category: music
I have to admit I had a good time last night. I could have had more fun and had a few drinks if I wasn't fealing chilled. Icon is a preaty nice place to see a show I think. The opening band I belive was called Agent Sparks they where good. I was checking out one of the singers but I didn't know she was in one of the bands at the time, oh she was a cutie pie. The second band was Halifax I saw them at Edgefest and even have one of their CDs. I know I liked them but didn't remember any of their music but they where preaty good. But the band I came to see was Hoobastank it is cool to be at a small venue where you can see the guys up close and if someone yells something they hear it. They seem like preaty cool guys. One thing that was kinda funny is they said that they said they had a their CD for sale or if you don't want to get it here then go home and steal it. That leed into the lead singer talking about how it is more important for them that people come to the shows then they sell a million albums cause if nobody came to the show then that would suck ( he didn't use those exact words). After the show they had a signing for anyone who bought merch and that was nice and they thanked everyone for showing up, that was preaty cool. The one thing I wished is that I took my camara I would have been cool to take a picture with them and pictures of them on stage also. I didn't know what the camara policy was there but all in all I had a preaty good time.

12/05/2006 11:48 #28490

Time Warner?!!!!
Category: tv
My post was suposed to be about some TV shows that I like that will be coming back in January like Prision Break, The L Word, and 24. However Now it is going to be about anger (Sorry to Bash your company (e:mrmike)). Losing NFL network I can sord of understand. But when I picked up my cable bill what I read I had to read twice because I thought I missread it. Apprently negoations with WUTV and MY TV Network (used to be the WB before it and UPN combined to be the CW) arn't going so good and they might lose both stations. MY TV Network no big deal. But WUTV they have to be kidding Right, that is the Local Fox Affilate. Please tell me they arn't dumb enough to lose Fox. I hope they are smart enough to be able to pick up someother Fox affilate out of another city. But to be honest I get a bad fealling about the end result of what will happen. I guess I shouldn't get to upset untill I see what happens. But the problem with that is if Fox is lost by that time it is to late. Damit I need My fucking NFC Playoffs, Prision Break and (The best show on TV) 24!!!! I hope I'm getting worked up over nothing, oh yeah maybe I should call them some time today since they where so busy last night they had no Customer service people to take my call.
mrmike - 12/05/06 12:24
Almost forgot, go ahead and bash away. I don't take it personally. It's just where I work, not who I am.

But call me first if something looks wrong. I don't have much juice, but I can right a wrong or two.

mrmike - 12/05/06 12:23
Relax, breathe regular. They aren't going anyway. The company that owns 29 is engaging in a pissing match with Time Warner. They need each other. Despite crappy spokespeople, it will get worked out. The same problem happened with the Dish Network last year and got averted.

I post what else I know.

Don't worry.

12/02/2006 21:05 #28489

Downtown Buffalo
So last night on my way downtown from work I really froze that wind was so wickedly cold. It was still the same way when I got Downtown I couldn't decide where to eat. I wanted to go to Pearl St. but with the wind that was way to far if I ate at the Mexican Place or the Choclate Bar I didn't think I would make it through the concert then a couple places where to fancy so I went to subway. After subway I went and had some herbal mint tea that was preaty good. So I walk up to town ballroom and there is a private party I ask someone and the concert was cancelled son of a bitch, the lead singer was sick or something. Ah I guess that is what I get for not listening to the EDGE. Oh yeah on thursday I did have a good time at the Warren Miller movie. This Morning I went Back Downtown to go to the Bandits open practice and post practice autograph signing and had a good time.

Next week should be fun I get tuesday off and am going to see Hoobastank. Then On friday I get another day off and I'm going to see Rent. I saw Rent once before but it was so long ago that I don't remember much about it. But I just watched the movie and forgot how some of it is really depressing or sad. I won't let it get me down to much and still enjoy the musical. Then I'm really looking forward to Tony's party I bet it will really be a blast. I can't figure out how anyone can out do (e:lilho) with a spoon but it could get interesting, for sure. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone.
metalpeter - 12/03/06 10:37
I belive there are actually two Mexican places downtown. One of them is at Main and Chipawa (however you spell it I know there are more letters then that) called Edritos. It is part of that Key Bank Plaza/Ice Rink. I think they are only open during the day. But the place I was talking about is on Delaware and Chip. I forget the name of it but it is Cafeteria style and they also have Margaitas and some other alcohol drinks. It is in the same building as Hampton Inn. It is on the cornor and acrossed from spot, Starbucks, and '' '' Qoute and now also Bada Bings. Next door to is the Chocalte Bar then a place called Popyas.
mmtornow - 12/02/06 22:34
There is a mexican place downtown? where?