Oh yeah I just wanted to add that I love that one of Timika with her tounge out. I didn't get a picture of it but I think the hotest moment was when Lilho fondled Tina I belive (full clothes and in plane site). Hope everyone had a great time I know I did. Oh yeah by the way I think I may stay with the term (e:theecarey) came up with as my journal topic when I post party pictures, I will at least use it another time and see how I like it. On a side note Christmas is coming up way to soon, and I'm not fealing to christmasy. I think part of that is there is nothing that I really want to much. Well maybe a nice BJ and Screw from a girl at a strip club. I think that once you have enough money to buy yourself stuff Christmas loses a lot of the magic.
Candid Vs. Posed . Maybe I should do a post instead of a comment about this but for now this is fine. First of all that great picture of (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) was posed and taken by (e:ladycroft) and it is a great picture (the tounge one). I do like posed pictures they can be a great way to show something and tell a story. But the reason I go for the candid shots is two reasons. First it is a party and I Know how it can be annoying to be the person who is asked to stop what they are doing to get in a picture with everyone plus it is a drag for the picture taker. My pictures are more about documenting things that went on and who was there. What I don't like about posed pictures is sometimes when people take them they only take what they want to show. For example There could be a christmas where everyone is fighting and crying all day but for those 20 pictures or so everyone is happy and smiling and it looks like they are having a great time when no one really is. Or maybe it is because my cousin when ever posed pictures where taken would always make a goofy face. Now that I think back that was preaty dam funny. well so that is more then just two oh well. I'm not saying posed pictures are bad I love some of the ones (e:Ladycroft) has put up but for parties they often don't work for me. That being said visualy they are usaly better and that is why I like to see other people pictures from parties partialy. If you are taking pictures to share with others then posed are better because the quality of the pic is what is most important. Oh yeah now that I did some shopping I feal a little more christmasy. We shall see how my christmas spirit goes maybe it will get a little stonger.
i always love your candid pics! They definetely catch all the moods and going ons of the parties!