Verry odd first of all that my previous journal has no text, I remember tying some thing and even Liberated left me a comment, that is odd I wonder what happend to the text. I remember saying that I was going to be going to see a movie and dinner on friday and do some shopping I did both. The movie I saw with my family was "The Good Sheperd" Quickly it wasn't what I was expecting and was a bit confussing. Not sure if it was the story line or if it was that it was verry Dark or if it was a flashback with in a flash back and the way it jumped around. That is all I will say about that.
For those of you who read both (e:terry)'s journal and my coments and are reading mine you might think I'm a little bit hypocritical. Wait he went to see Trans-siberian ochestra and they play mostly christmas music and then he is bashing christmas. I belive that there are many things that you can feal both good and bad about. For example lets say something bad or sad happens and you don't feal sad about it but then you get mad at your self because you should be sad. Or lets say that you get a call girl or even just a stright up hooker (not to be coffused with a Hooka) yeah it feals good and feal great (form what I have heard) but then you also feal cheap and if you are in a serious relationship you may even feal verry guilty.
I'm sorry if there was any confussion my old ass is 34 today. For my birthday I went to go see 3pm show of TSO. I got there a little bit before two and they didn't let us in untill about 2:20. I'm sorry for myself and the other (e:peeps) that I didn't take my camera. I didn't know how strick they where going to be I could have taken it easily. Granted not sure how the pics would have been since I was about 19 rows up looking to left down onto the stage (not verry left close to stright down). but still awesome seats. I think they put on an amazing show and like how they tell a story thoughout it or at least most of it. What is better then rock christmas songs and some non christmas songs to. Plus the show with the lights, Pyro, fog, snow, and a secondary stage at certain parts is truely amazing. I guess 3 strange things happened that I know of. The people in line in front of me get up to the ticket guy and they had tickets for the 8 pm show, oops on someone part. There where also a lot of late arrivals the people my right got seated about a second before the lights went out and there where two empty seats infront of me for may at least 6 songs. But what is even odder is that people where leaving before the show was over. Granted there was no intermission but still. Tickets are like $48 plus all those fees and if you paid to park or even just got food that is a lot of money not to see the entire show. I could understand coming late if there was an opening band. I could understand leaving if there where mutliple bands. I understand people might have stuff to do, but still watch the entire show you can shop or show up to a party late no big deal.
Well it is time to go wrap more gifts and try to stay awake for the entire sabres game. Hopefully they can win tonight, it would be nice. In case i don't post tommorow Hope everyone who celebrates has a great what ever holiday you celebrate. Maybe we can try to remeber to give and not expect anything back cause if we somehow can do that then that makes the holiday season so much better.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/23/2006 20:05 #28499
Trans-Siberian OchestraCategory: concerts
12/21/2006 18:25 #28498
Weekend shoping First of all if I don't post by then I hope Everyone has a great Christmas or if you don't celebrate that Holiday what ever holiday you do celebrate or if for some reason you don't do anything then just have a nice long weekend. On friday I get to finish my christmas shopping finaly. Then I belive I am going to see a movie and dinner with the family for the B day. I have no idea what movie I want to see I'll have to see what is playing. Then On Saturday I'm going to the 3pm performance of Trans-Siberian Ochestra last time(and first time) I saw them they where amazing Thanks again for that (e:ladycroft). There is a second Concert at night for those interested. That is kinda my present to my self. Sometime though In those two days I have a lot of gift wraping to do I really don't want to do it on Christmas EVe. Plus I need to check out the NFL and see who is playing when on TV. There is a game tonight but with out NFL network oh well. Lately I have been kinda worn out maybe it is the weather or christmas season not really sure why. In any event it will be nice to have some time away from work.
12/18/2006 19:52 #28497
American LampoonCategory: photos
I don't get American Pie the movie series. I understand them doing the spin off band camp I have it but havn't seen it yet. But this new one on DVD is called the naked mile. That is an idea that was allready in Van Wilder and maybe other movies to. Originaly American Wedding was going to be American Pie 3 but they didn't want to use that name in case they didn't get all the stars to come back for one more. So then why is there a 5th movie. On a side note to this I havn't seen the Newest National Lampoon's Van Wilder the rise of Taj , looks like it might be funny I have seen a few that where kinda bad. But I saw National Lampoon's Barely Legal. I thought it was funny these high school kids tried to make porn and off course there where lot of tits. But it was funny and it seemed like there where lots of people in it from SNL. Oh Yeah last night I did see some of Adult swim when I woke up and Moral Orel and Frisky Dingo where on and then it was off to work.
The pictures below are just a way to test the new picture up load system.

The pictures below are just a way to test the new picture up load system.

12/17/2006 11:31 #28496
Adult Swim American LampoonCategory: entertainment
Last night I can't belive I feel asleep watching ECW after some of the sabres game, I was going to go back to the game afterwards. But I never even nuked any dinner. But I missed my 2 and sometimes 3 shows on adult swim on Saturday nights. Bleach is an Amimee about sending Hollows (spirits) back to the spirit world. I don't know a good way to explain Trinity Blood other then it is about the Vatican fightiing Vampires it is preaty cool. I just started to watch Robot Chicken. I don't find it funny but it is really cool to see what they can do with dolls, it is preaty good.
Moral Orel


Frisky Dingo

There are a few pictures above. Tonight Hopefully I can stay awake for Moral Orel, Frisky Dingo, and Metalocplyse. Moral is drawn Davie and Goliath style and moral seems to always get the wrong idea about god and life somehow is the best way to explain it but I like it. I don't even know how to describe Metal.. other then it is about a metal band and frisky dingo is really out there and is about a guy who is named Killface who wants to take over the world. I guess I will talk about those american pie and lampoon movies later.
Moral Orel


Frisky Dingo

There are a few pictures above. Tonight Hopefully I can stay awake for Moral Orel, Frisky Dingo, and Metalocplyse. Moral is drawn Davie and Goliath style and moral seems to always get the wrong idea about god and life somehow is the best way to explain it but I like it. I don't even know how to describe Metal.. other then it is about a metal band and frisky dingo is really out there and is about a guy who is named Killface who wants to take over the world. I guess I will talk about those american pie and lampoon movies later.
chico - 12/17/06 18:06
I don't know if I have a particularly sick sense of humor or something, but I find Robot Chicken uproariously funny. They've done some parodies of "Calvin and Hobbes" and "My Little Pony" ("My little pony, Apocalypse Pony") that are sheer genius. There's a segment on Care Bears and ethnic cleansing that is in horribly poor taste but is still damn funny.
And Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of the best animated shows on TV. Definitely trippy and usually nonsensical by the end, but sometimes extremely funny. Master Shake is an inspired character as far as obnoxious, dangerous, self-absorbed cartoon characters go.
I don't know if I have a particularly sick sense of humor or something, but I find Robot Chicken uproariously funny. They've done some parodies of "Calvin and Hobbes" and "My Little Pony" ("My little pony, Apocalypse Pony") that are sheer genius. There's a segment on Care Bears and ethnic cleansing that is in horribly poor taste but is still damn funny.
And Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of the best animated shows on TV. Definitely trippy and usually nonsensical by the end, but sometimes extremely funny. Master Shake is an inspired character as far as obnoxious, dangerous, self-absorbed cartoon characters go.
jenks - 12/17/06 11:35
Give robot chicken a chance, it's pretty funny. Watched some aqua teens last night- all I could think was "whoever wrote this must have been really high." Some of those shows are WAY out there. But I love them. I wish sealab 2021 was still on. Same thing for spongebob. I mean really. A sponge? that lives underwater? in a pineapple? With a squirrel in an astronaut suit? WTF??
Give robot chicken a chance, it's pretty funny. Watched some aqua teens last night- all I could think was "whoever wrote this must have been really high." Some of those shows are WAY out there. But I love them. I wish sealab 2021 was still on. Same thing for spongebob. I mean really. A sponge? that lives underwater? in a pineapple? With a squirrel in an astronaut suit? WTF??
12/14/2006 19:12 #28495
Tony B day Part IICategory: peterazzi
Yesterday I tried to post some of the party pics but ran into a little bit of a time problem. I figured out what I did wrong two of the pictures I took as huge pixels. I also got into a little debate of digital vs film camaras and decided for now I'm staying with digital. This should be the rest of my pictures from Tony's Party.

Oh yeah I just wanted to add that I love that one of Timika with her tounge out. I didn't get a picture of it but I think the hotest moment was when Lilho fondled Tina I belive (full clothes and in plane site). Hope everyone had a great time I know I did. Oh yeah by the way I think I may stay with the term (e:theecarey) came up with as my journal topic when I post party pictures, I will at least use it another time and see how I like it. On a side note Christmas is coming up way to soon, and I'm not fealing to christmasy. I think part of that is there is nothing that I really want to much. Well maybe a nice BJ and Screw from a girl at a strip club. I think that once you have enough money to buy yourself stuff Christmas loses a lot of the magic.

Oh yeah I just wanted to add that I love that one of Timika with her tounge out. I didn't get a picture of it but I think the hotest moment was when Lilho fondled Tina I belive (full clothes and in plane site). Hope everyone had a great time I know I did. Oh yeah by the way I think I may stay with the term (e:theecarey) came up with as my journal topic when I post party pictures, I will at least use it another time and see how I like it. On a side note Christmas is coming up way to soon, and I'm not fealing to christmasy. I think part of that is there is nothing that I really want to much. Well maybe a nice BJ and Screw from a girl at a strip club. I think that once you have enough money to buy yourself stuff Christmas loses a lot of the magic.
metalpeter - 12/16/06 19:03
Candid Vs. Posed . Maybe I should do a post instead of a comment about this but for now this is fine. First of all that great picture of (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) was posed and taken by (e:ladycroft) and it is a great picture (the tounge one). I do like posed pictures they can be a great way to show something and tell a story. But the reason I go for the candid shots is two reasons. First it is a party and I Know how it can be annoying to be the person who is asked to stop what they are doing to get in a picture with everyone plus it is a drag for the picture taker. My pictures are more about documenting things that went on and who was there. What I don't like about posed pictures is sometimes when people take them they only take what they want to show. For example There could be a christmas where everyone is fighting and crying all day but for those 20 pictures or so everyone is happy and smiling and it looks like they are having a great time when no one really is. Or maybe it is because my cousin when ever posed pictures where taken would always make a goofy face. Now that I think back that was preaty dam funny. well so that is more then just two oh well. I'm not saying posed pictures are bad I love some of the ones (e:Ladycroft) has put up but for parties they often don't work for me. That being said visualy they are usaly better and that is why I like to see other people pictures from parties partialy. If you are taking pictures to share with others then posed are better because the quality of the pic is what is most important. Oh yeah now that I did some shopping I feal a little more christmasy. We shall see how my christmas spirit goes maybe it will get a little stonger.
Candid Vs. Posed . Maybe I should do a post instead of a comment about this but for now this is fine. First of all that great picture of (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) was posed and taken by (e:ladycroft) and it is a great picture (the tounge one). I do like posed pictures they can be a great way to show something and tell a story. But the reason I go for the candid shots is two reasons. First it is a party and I Know how it can be annoying to be the person who is asked to stop what they are doing to get in a picture with everyone plus it is a drag for the picture taker. My pictures are more about documenting things that went on and who was there. What I don't like about posed pictures is sometimes when people take them they only take what they want to show. For example There could be a christmas where everyone is fighting and crying all day but for those 20 pictures or so everyone is happy and smiling and it looks like they are having a great time when no one really is. Or maybe it is because my cousin when ever posed pictures where taken would always make a goofy face. Now that I think back that was preaty dam funny. well so that is more then just two oh well. I'm not saying posed pictures are bad I love some of the ones (e:Ladycroft) has put up but for parties they often don't work for me. That being said visualy they are usaly better and that is why I like to see other people pictures from parties partialy. If you are taking pictures to share with others then posed are better because the quality of the pic is what is most important. Oh yeah now that I did some shopping I feal a little more christmasy. We shall see how my christmas spirit goes maybe it will get a little stonger.
mike - 12/15/06 21:04
i always love your candid pics! They definetely catch all the moods and going ons of the parties!
i always love your candid pics! They definetely catch all the moods and going ons of the parties!
Just a quick coment I have no idea where that #039 after terry's journal came from, it is his most recent journal.