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12/02/2006 21:05 #28489

Downtown Buffalo
So last night on my way downtown from work I really froze that wind was so wickedly cold. It was still the same way when I got Downtown I couldn't decide where to eat. I wanted to go to Pearl St. but with the wind that was way to far if I ate at the Mexican Place or the Choclate Bar I didn't think I would make it through the concert then a couple places where to fancy so I went to subway. After subway I went and had some herbal mint tea that was preaty good. So I walk up to town ballroom and there is a private party I ask someone and the concert was cancelled son of a bitch, the lead singer was sick or something. Ah I guess that is what I get for not listening to the EDGE. Oh yeah on thursday I did have a good time at the Warren Miller movie. This Morning I went Back Downtown to go to the Bandits open practice and post practice autograph signing and had a good time.

Next week should be fun I get tuesday off and am going to see Hoobastank. Then On friday I get another day off and I'm going to see Rent. I saw Rent once before but it was so long ago that I don't remember much about it. But I just watched the movie and forgot how some of it is really depressing or sad. I won't let it get me down to much and still enjoy the musical. Then I'm really looking forward to Tony's party I bet it will really be a blast. I can't figure out how anyone can out do (e:lilho) with a spoon but it could get interesting, for sure. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone.
metalpeter - 12/03/06 10:37
I belive there are actually two Mexican places downtown. One of them is at Main and Chipawa (however you spell it I know there are more letters then that) called Edritos. It is part of that Key Bank Plaza/Ice Rink. I think they are only open during the day. But the place I was talking about is on Delaware and Chip. I forget the name of it but it is Cafeteria style and they also have Margaitas and some other alcohol drinks. It is in the same building as Hampton Inn. It is on the cornor and acrossed from spot, Starbucks, and '' '' Qoute and now also Bada Bings. Next door to is the Chocalte Bar then a place called Popyas.
mmtornow - 12/02/06 22:34
There is a mexican place downtown? where?

11/29/2006 19:05 #28488

Wrestling and more
Well I went to Smackdown/ECW last night and had a good time. The time seemed to fly by at the event last night Verry fast. I found out the hard way don't get two sodas even when you are fealling a little tired unless you plan on missing some of the show or exploding but it was still a great time. That is untill I got home and realised I had to work today. But today wasn't to bad really. I'm off to see Warren Millers "Off the Grid" at shea on Thursday. For those of you who don't know who Warren Miller is he makes Sking movies. Well they are really more then just skiing. I have never seen any of his movies on a big screen before, only on cable TV, so looking forward it. Then On Friday it is Breaking Benjimen so that should be fun. So if I don't post hope everyone has fun this weekend. On a side note the weather outside today was amazing. Buffalo sure does have some crazzy weather.

11/27/2006 17:18 #28487

In response to (e:Jacob) first. I'm not sure who my favorite bond is or wich bond movie. I do know that I wasn't a fan of Timothy Dalton. I would really have to go back and watch the old Bond movies I have seen. I usaly don't watch them on cable cause I don't like comerical breaks in movies.

It felt so nice to have another day off from work, the weather was great for wearing my hoodie for the little bit I was outside. But on tuesday the busyness starts up. I'm going to Smackdown/ECW and need to do a little christmas shopping on tues. Plus the ECW portion I need to tape since it will be on tv that night. Wendsday it is back to work. Thursday I'm going to see "Off the Grid" at Sheas. Friday it is the EDGE's Misfit Christmas with Breaking Benjimen. On saturday there is a Buffalo Bandits open practice and then some type of autograph thing at pearl street. I will at least go to the open practice. Then on Sunday it is Football all day and then I'll order ECW's December to Dismember. That Next week I'm taking two more Vacation days and do thing that night. On that friday it is off to see Rent on the 5th I belive it is Hoobastank both of wich should be a great time. Oh and I think on the 9th there is an estrip party to go to. Maybe I should go buy a case of Amp, Rockstar or Redbull cause I may need it.
metalpeter - 11/28/06 15:59
The part that is strange to me is that it seems like there is either no concerts and things I want to do or a bunch of them all at one time. Maybe it just makes up for this summer, there warn't that many concerts to go to for me.
jacob - 11/28/06 03:47
Buffalo is hoppin!
mrmike - 11/27/06 19:14
No danger of being bored, huh?
jason - 11/27/06 18:00
Damn Peter, sounds like you're indeed staying busy.

11/21/2006 19:58 #28485

Martin Conservative
Category: music
On wendsday Night I'm going to see Jeff Martin at Town Ballroom. I do like his music but not as much as The Tea Party. I really liked them a lot. I hope that he is able to do more of their stuff then he did when he was at the square. In any event it should be a great time. The opening band is going to be Last Conservative, If I remember correctly they are preaty good live. The part that is interesting to me is I think if you don't count the Tea Party stuff they have a lot more songs then Jeff he only has one CD that I know of. I don't know if there is anyone else perfoming there or not. It should be a great time plus I'm on vacation on wends also. In case I don't post I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a Nice weekend also.
metalpeter - 11/22/06 15:49
Thank you. I'm sure thanksgiving will be a great day. I just wish I could see at least part of both Football games. But for Hockey Fans the Sabres Play tonight but it still isn't the same.
mrmike - 11/21/06 22:45
Back at ya, good sir, enjoy the day off to its fullest

11/25/2006 13:06 #28486

Thanksgiving Bondage
Category: photos
Well unfortunatly there was no Pochontis or anyone in a Native American girl costume be bound or doing to binding but wouldn't it be great if there was? I guess I should get to the task at hand and write about thanksgiving and the movies I saw.

So Thanksgiving Eve was fun Jeff Martin and last conservative where both verry good. Plus I got to see some of the sabres game at town ballroom so it was a great day, plus I had the day off from work so I bought some tickets for some stuff upcoming and sheas and walked around Downtown Buffalo.

Not sure what to say about thanksgiving Other then I ate lots of good food and watched football and hung out with the usual thanksgiving guests. Oh one funny thing did happen. My sis brought over her kitten and I asked if the kitten was affraid of the vacum she said Yes. So I'm vacuming (cheap one so it is going slow) and she is carring the kitten and all of a sudden I hear her scream she is right behind and the kitten is flying and fullspeed through rooms and up the back steps. Don't ask me why if she knew that he was affraid of it why she would carry him and walk towards someone vacuming.

I will try and give a brief review of the two movies I saw at The Regal Elmwood with out giving to much away. I went to see the new James Bond Movie that was Priority #1. With the new guy whos name I can't remember the movie franchise seems to be heading in a differant direction. So far he seems preaty good. It is hard to judge him after one movie. To me the movie also seemed to be a llttle bit differant then the latest movies I've seen. But to defend them it is a new 007. I would give it two thumbs or or maybe 3 stars and say it is a good Bond movie but not the best one I've seen. The reason is that in most of the movies there is that part where you say "Yeah right that would never work" then "Oh yeah it is just a movie" and then forget about it.

As I walked out of Bond I checked the times and I had just enough time to go see Borat.... If you havn't seen it, go see it, it was preaty funny. In some parts it reminded me of Jackass and Tom Greene. I don't know how else to describe it with out giving anything away, there was one preaty raunchy scene. But I wonder why they didn't make it even rauncher then it was? Maybe the rating would have been NC-17 or they thought people would walk out or maybe that was part of the joke that I missed. If you have seen it you know what I'm talking about and if you havn't you are completely lost hopefully.

Here are some pictures of the ever changing Buffalo, My sis and her roomates kitten (they found durring the storm), and thanksgiving food.





















Yeah I know It's strange that I don't put up pictures of my family or the people who visited. It just seems like the right thing to do, since none of them know I have a blog here and none of them know that pictures of them would be online. It is differant for like a party or something.

jacob - 11/27/06 06:53
A pocahotas bondage outfit.....hmmmm. That would be cool.

So, I'm curious which Bond movie you like best. And which of the Bond's is your favorite.
I would have to go with Sean Connery. He epitomized his era. And he pulled off cool like no other Bond after him.
As far as movies. I can't think of any one his that rises above the rest. I love Goldfinger. I mean you have a lead woman named "Pussy Galore". Oddjob, my favorite on 007 the videogame. And James Bond spanking a girl on a balcony. Classic!

I do like the fog shot.
metalpeter - 11/25/06 16:10
That pie is apple. It was from a place called the Desert Deli or something like that. Each slice has so many sliced apples yeah it was preaty good.

I'm not sure if the cat was interested in what was on or if he was trying to get to the stuff behind the glass. Luckly he staied there long enough to get a picture.

The sunset picture I took walking out of tops on Elmwood after the movies. I wasn't sure if it was going to come out good or not. The Fog picture I quickly learned I couldn't use a flash the light bouced back and the entire picture looked white so I deleted it and tried without the flash and it came out ok.

On a side note I took two trips to walgreens today and it was gorgeous out. But for some reason It feals like a friday. I know it is saturday and watched smackdown last night (going to smackdown in buffalo on tuesday) but it still feals like a friday. I also thought I should mention the two things I got tickets to at Sheas. "Off the Grid" it is a Warren Miller movie on Nov. 30th I belive. On Dec. 11th I'll be going to the Barenaked Ladies. I admit I have none of their CDs but I like the songs I know of theirs so it will be fun. Since I'm talking about Sheas I will be going to the Friday performance of Rent. Ok long comment but I think I covered everything for now.
theecarey - 11/25/06 13:27
Havent seen the new Bond flick yet-- I am curious, though. Daniel Craig is going for a Drak and Gritty Bond-- so yeh, that combo will bring me to the big screen soon ;)

I dont (or try not to) post pics of fam or other friends for the same reason.

The fog and the sun set pictures are nice. Oh at the kitten watching tv. Wishing now that I would have taken a picture of the fog- it was crazy thick!

Is that apple pie?! I was supposed to make one, but never did--can always make one later on in the week! And there is plenty of vanilla ice cream and that Andes Creme De Menthe (yum) left over.

hahah, "Thanksgiving Bondage" catchy title..