Is a suicide Girl, a suicide girl, a suicide girl.
With there amazing hot body
Sexy Piecings and Tattoos
Sexy Tattoos
I burned The Suicide Girls:Italian Villa and saw a few minutes of it also it is preaty hot the few minutes I saw.
I also found out that Adult Swim on Demand is still on the indemand service it is part of the cutting edge chanel now I have a lot of Animee and other shows to check out.
I watched Bloodrayne Unrated and I thought it was great. But maybe that is just because the star of the movie has sex, there are nude chicks in the movie and lots of violance with vampires and swords. You gotta love movies in their uncut form.
Metalpeter's Journal
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11/20/2006 20:02 #28484
All I want for Christmas....Category: movies
11/18/2006 17:06 #28483
StormsCategory: photos
Yeah so I guess I will watch some movies today. Then tonight HBO has Comic Relief 06. They havn't done one of those in a long time. I remember I watched one once it was showed for free and it was on like two or three more hours then it was listed as being on. From what I understand it is to help victims of Katrina. I wonder why it took them so long. Maybe it is because a lot of people are homeless, not really sure. I just hope it is funny.
These arn't all the pictures I took from the Oct. Storm and my sis's and roomates kitten but it is some and gives the general idea.

These arn't all the pictures I took from the Oct. Storm and my sis's and roomates kitten but it is some and gives the general idea.

11/17/2006 19:44 #28482
changed plans Well I guess shoping is out or maybe I can still do some shopping on saturday, My plans changed I'm working in the morning. I'm not sure if I'm going to go or not but I'm thinking I might try to get a ticket to go see the play Refer Madness at the Alleyway Theatre that might be a great time who knows. Or maybe I'll go to an after noon movie I do still want to see the New Bond movie. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Hopefully more storm pics will go up this weekend.
11/15/2006 19:59 #28481
Angry photosCategory: photos
Wow when I first put in the tittle I misspelled angry. I wish I could get into it more but my new boss really gets me angry sometimes. He fuddles and changes things that work fine it seems like most of the stuff he does just makes orders take longer to fill. My old boss was great and we will leave it at that. I'm not saying that every thing the new guy does is wrong but a lot of it just causes problems. For example some orders we pic you have to put a label on every box you get, the paper work in the office has a way of saying what orders those are. Normaly the people in the office do those and bring them out and we fill them, but he took those pics and reorganised them and got the people all confused as to what orders where what. So because of that we got some orders and filled them all then found out after they where loaded onto a truck that they had to be taken off and each box had to be relabled, ARGGGGGGGGGG. The stress I think is slowly killing me. On a happier note Here are some pictures.

ladycroft - 11/16/06 20:35
damn peter, you have a lot of photos of people's asses!
damn peter, you have a lot of photos of people's asses!
11/14/2006 19:53 #28480
Bond, James BondCategory: movies
Hopefully this weekend I will get to go see the new James Bond Movie. I find it interesting that it looks like they are moving the story to when bond first becomes 007 . I don't know if they are setting it in the past or how that is going to work but I'm interested in seeing it. But I also need to do some Christmas shoping cause both it and my birthday and fastly aproaching and so far I have not done any shoping at all. But I don't really have to buy myself anything for my B-day but maybe I will get my self something . Today at work we had our thanksgiving lunch. It was nice to get away from work and go over to the plant for a bit. Hopefully this weekend I will also have time to post the final part to the Holloween pics and maybe some storm pics also. Who knows maybe if there is another movie I like I can see two in a day that is allways fun.
Ah, those suicide girls. Just go to Club Diablo and pick up a closely subsituted goth chick instead.
Years ago when they before the hype and Tech TV used to feature them of The Screen Savers I was going to join the site. Then a guilty subconscious thing came over me and I didn't. Then about 2.5 years or so they came to Club Infinity I was going to finally do it and join. Then those bitches poured Hershey's Syrup all over my favority Lacroste shirt and ruined it. That $95 bucks instead went to a new shirt, not a site membership. So being a all wild, crazy out of control peirced goth chick cost them a member when they did their "LOOK @ US WE'RE CRAZY AND OUT OF CONTROL COLORED PEIRCED TATTOOED FREAKS" Routine. >:-/
Ok, I'm bitter...
ohh, i want to see that. i'm putting it right on my netfix order!