Moral Orel


Frisky Dingo

There are a few pictures above. Tonight Hopefully I can stay awake for Moral Orel, Frisky Dingo, and Metalocplyse. Moral is drawn Davie and Goliath style and moral seems to always get the wrong idea about god and life somehow is the best way to explain it but I like it. I don't even know how to describe Metal.. other then it is about a metal band and frisky dingo is really out there and is about a guy who is named Killface who wants to take over the world. I guess I will talk about those american pie and lampoon movies later.
I don't know if I have a particularly sick sense of humor or something, but I find Robot Chicken uproariously funny. They've done some parodies of "Calvin and Hobbes" and "My Little Pony" ("My little pony, Apocalypse Pony") that are sheer genius. There's a segment on Care Bears and ethnic cleansing that is in horribly poor taste but is still damn funny.
And Aqua Teen Hunger Force is one of the best animated shows on TV. Definitely trippy and usually nonsensical by the end, but sometimes extremely funny. Master Shake is an inspired character as far as obnoxious, dangerous, self-absorbed cartoon characters go.
Give robot chicken a chance, it's pretty funny. Watched some aqua teens last night- all I could think was "whoever wrote this must have been really high." Some of those shows are WAY out there. But I love them. I wish sealab 2021 was still on. Same thing for spongebob. I mean really. A sponge? that lives underwater? in a pineapple? With a squirrel in an astronaut suit? WTF??