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06/19/2006 19:57 #28407

Old Man Rivers
Category: photos
On sunday went with the family to Old Man Rivers and that river walk park. Think it is called Niawanda Park or something like that. I had fun and the weather was great. Not sure if I prefer them to Missipi Muds. Missippi muds does have that cool upstairs part. There was a good crowd. Some kid had a pet farrett on a leash and it was walking around the resturant. Then in the park there was from a distance looked like a dalmation but it had a fluffy white tail so it was an interesting day.

The link is to one of my webshots albums for MIA 06. I thought I would post 3 pics. All the pictures came out good as pictures. But some of them are kinda dark and some of them are great. Looking at them is at least a good way to kill time.




metalpeter - 06/20/06 18:49
We went in the early after noon maybe 2ish not sure had a good late lunch. Maybe got home around 4 or 5 not sure. It is a neat place to go for a walk or run or other activity.
jenks - 06/19/06 21:21
small world peter... i was at mississippi mudd's (and the park) on sunday... didn't see you though.

06/18/2006 11:23 #28406

Mainly writing this post to vent and once writen I will as a test make it a private post and see if it works. So some of you may wind up reading it or it may be invisable we shall see.

Phones gernerally realy piss me off. Last night I get a phone call from someone who dosn't have anything to say. What the fuck, if you don't have anything to say or any reason to call then don't call. I saw some stand up comedian go on this same topic for about 3 minutes. But it is true why call if you have nothing to say. For example this morining Jen and Mike where on line. I could have said Hello to both of them but I didn't really have anything else to say; so I figured why bother.

Phone messages. I get mostly junk phone calls. The ones where they say that it is verry important that you call them back and they give some phone number. If it is so fucking important for me to call back then give me some details am I going to die in a month and life insurance has run out, is my dick small and I don't know it. and this pill will add 4 inches, has my credit information been stolen, tell me so that I know what it is about. The one that makes me the most upset is when they ring you pick up or the machine gets it and they say please hold for an important message. What the fuck, hold you called me ashole. Shit like this makes me wants to do like that guy did on the snickers commerical and fly to that tellamarketers place and smash his phone.

I was looking for some files on the computer today to add to my screensaver wich didn't work PPS files and webshots won't work togather I guess. I found a picture of Timika. I gotta admit I kinda miss that bright pink hair. For some reason I felt like running my hand through it, I think I may be losing my mind. Considering it is a picture.

When I put it into draft mode then I couldn't see it either when I was loged in. So I figured fuck it we'll keep it public. I think I confussed this with another site that I go to where you can make posts private and public sorry about that. I restored it so that is ok. Maybe I'll go for a walk down elmwood today and take some pics who knows.
boxerboi - 06/18/06 11:27
I can't stand it when people call and leave a voicemail that goes along the lines of "holy shit you're not going to believe this, call me back". Tell me what is so important in the vm. I think its rude to leave a messge like that. Consequently, I refuse to call people back when I get those messages. Usually the impending crisis has already occured and I figure they are either 1. dead 2. bitching to someone else about it 3. figured out how the solve the problem and moved on.
metalpeter - 06/18/06 11:26
Um verry strange now the one that I thought didn't show up is now up and has the eye closed symbol to me. Well I guess I have some reading to do on this feature to truely understand it. I hope all of today isn't like this, oh well Happy Fathers day!!!!!!!!

06/14/2006 20:48 #28403

Category: events
I hope the weather is nice on thursday for the square. I want to go see SouLive. I saw them once at townballrooom. They are a great live band with all kinds of instruments. On another note I've started to upload pictures to webshots if I ever get them all up I'll post a link to them. I wanted to stay out of the main st. debate but I got drawn in. Its a verry interesting topic but sometimes people yell or get angery really quick when you talk about race, culture and social class so sometimes debates or discussions can become diffacult. Maybe if I go to the square I'll take the camara.
vincent - 06/15/06 10:03
I'm interested in seeing Bedouin Soundclash.

ladycroft - 06/15/06 09:58
i'll be there tonight

06/13/2006 19:56 #28402

MIA Sites
Category: photos

That is the art I bought I just lost 7 pictures to the site they are to big to really post and shirnking them all takes way to much time on my computer currently so right now posting more pics really won't work som maybe if I get access to a high speed internet acess computer I'll put some more up. What I wanted to do was tell a story with the pictures but I guess I will have to do that with my webshots page I'll let you know when they are put up. If anyone said anything to me in chat I wasn't blowing you off but my chat frezes some times and if loading pictures it dies basicly. Why is it that when I run into people I don't think to break out the camara. I do think this on chick was checking me out at Allentown or maybe it was just my giant cookie.

06/17/2006 20:47 #28404

Fast and The Furious +
Category: movies
I went to see the newest Fast and the Furious movie. I liked it a lot. If you like hot chicks fast cars and some action then it is your thing. With out giving anything away I'm glad that it had a story and that they built the story up. Not just starting with kids racing cars in Japan. If you have seen the ads someone makes a Cameo. If you don't know who it is I won't ruin it. Hopefully they will come out with a 4th and it will pick up where this one ends. That brings me to my Next Point saw a Preview for Miami Vice. My first thought was The Movie looks good and I'll go see it since I liked the show, wich ironicly started as a TV Movie if I remember Correctly. My next thought was Colin Farell great actor and He makes a good Sunny/Corket/Burnet but then I thought hey but Don Johson would be better hey and here's and Idea lets get the other actors from the show back also. Maybe they want to distance them selves fromt the show in case it flops or maybe because they want to do a series of movies or maybe even bring out a new verison of the series. I wounder if the old cast members where even contacted?

Glad everyone who went to see Soundclash and Soulive at the square had fun. I was stage Right or the left side of the stage on the grass. It was hug fest again. All these girls kept hugging it seemed, they where all preaty cute to. Even Two guys behind me hugged. Yeah being hugged by a cute girl I don't know might have been strange but they could have at least been considerate and thought about me. One funny thing was there was this cute short little girl who I swear looked just like Katie Holmes but with lighter hair she was a hottie and always kissing verry softly her man. One part that made My day was these two girls where togather (no out ward signs that they were lovers or anything) When one of the girls hugged this other girl and she didn't lose it, but when the hug got to be a little longe she pulled back on the hoodie she was wearing and let girl know but it seemed preaty friendly. I really enjoyed the show but it is so hard to concentrate on the show when there are all these ladies standing around me. There was even this tall thin blonde chick and her boobs where right at eye level How am I supposed to watch who was on stage. I manged somehow and got a few pics. When I got there I didn't see any of those you going to burn in hell signs, did those guys find somplace else to protest or do maybe they like Soulive?

I plan on going to see who ever is playing on thursday, it maybe Blues Travler I hope to maybe take pictures of some fine ladies who knows. Oh yeah I put one MIA 06 pictures on my webshots page but it is only day 1. I have to make album #2 this week some time.

Post #669 is coming up soon so I have to find pics on the web of ladies you know I would like to 69 but since I'm in the 600 I would say it would at least have to be 6 of them.

My computer is starnge I was on here the other day and the banners would show up on (e:strip) now there are no banners, whacky computer. If anyone is still reading this? Has anyone here ever wrote a post and made it private? I'm thinking about maybe doing one private as a way to maybe vent somestuff with out having people read it. I belive once you post it you just click on that eye but I have never done one before. I know I'm forgetting something else I want to talk about but not sure what that is.