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06/12/2006 21:01 #28401

2006 MIA quick recap
Category: photos



I will include more pictures later but I'm short on time.

On my way to the bank I ran into (e:Ladycroft) that was a pleasant surprise unlike the artic wind that was Blowing. Then later I ran into Paul, Matt, Terry and Holly and talked for a few.

I like how at MIA they have interactive art that you can watch. Hopefully when I post more pics of bands you will see the pictures behind the stage change or get added two how ever you say that.

I know I heard some bands that I liked who names I don't remember but the ones that I know I liked where The Juliet Dagger and
The Voo Doo Dolies and Klear. Klear has another new lead singer He is a lot better I think then the guy they had last year.

Some of the dancing was really amazing. They had more Poleplay dancing on sunday again. Sorry for scatterd thoughts. The night endend with people who dance to fire to the performance of Robie's band Amungus not sure if I spelled it right. I did buy some art to that when I put it up I will hopefully put up the artists web site. I have tons of pictures and will try to tell the story with out puting up to many of them.

06/11/2006 11:33 #28400

MIA day 1
Category: event
First of all I ran into 3 peeps. I ran into Walt, Lee and Lee's mom. Then late at night I ran into Chris I can't remember if he posts as chris I know he was at the Holloween party. I thought I saw Tony from a distance. Yeah I admit I didn't think to get the Camara out for lee and walt and I did think about it when I saw chris but my batteries where preaty low and I needed to save what was left for the fire dancing at the end. I ran into a UPS Driver I know from work at one of the food stands that was interesting, I belive it is called Pistol or pistols great baked Potatoe really good.

Not sure what my favorite band was a saw a few I had never heard of. Lisa Loeb was good I actually had heard some of the songs she did that surprised me. Toy Box Heros I think they are called was Preaty good and so was last Conserative. My two favorite things I think where the Stripteasers and Pole Play presents Eye Candy: of course I had trouble with my batteries when girls in langire danced on poles (no nudity it is a family show). Anal Pudding is always interesting.

There was some preaty cool art both there and At Allentown. I will be going back today. I have to see The Juilet Dagger and The Voodo Dollies. Plus maybe buy some more art. No pictures yet but hopefully next week some time. Hope everyone has a great time this weekend.

06/09/2006 20:03 #28399

weekend Allen Art
Category: events


I will be assuming the weather is ok be going from my place to MIA and between that and allentown all weekend. Who knows maybe I'll run into some of you peeps there. There is also a Music festival at Nietches on Allen That I will not be at. Oh yeah plus a buddy of mine found me today on myspace so that is cool. I usaly run into him somewhare there so it may be an interesting weekend. Completely randomly. I'm looking for some more art for the house. Even though I have wrestling posters and sabres poster and a couple starwars ones that I have to meassure and frame still. Not sure what I want really I usaly know when I see it. Have a great weekend all. Hopefully after the weekend I will post a few pics and then put them all up at webshots but not sure.

metalpeter - 06/11/06 10:47
It was nice to see the three of you there. Sometimes even with great sunscreen my face burns. I think that naturaly through sweating and stuff like that it get deluted. Plus it seems that no mater wich way to sun is facing some of your face is always in the sun.
leetee - 06/10/06 23:18
Cool to run into you today at Music is Art, (e:Metalpeter) when my mom, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were wandering around. Even though i had sunscreen on, i got a little bit burned... so, if i make it tomorrow, i need to wear a hat, eh?

06/07/2006 20:55 #28398

Date Movie
Category: movies
Last night I watched "Date Movie" on DVD. Everyones sense of humor is differant but I thought it was funny. In some parts it was really out there. Can't really say anything about it with out giving any thing away. I have only seen the movie I havn't watched the outakes or stuff they cut. Sometimes that is the funniest stuff. I was disapointed I wanted to see Alisyon Hanigans nude but no nudity, unless it is hinden in as am easter egg. Oh yeah we survived 6-6-06. Wish I could have came up with a bunch of good topics to talk about then I could have had 666 posts but I couldn't. I love this theme it is really awesome. If you like movies like scary movie or not another teen movie you may enjoy it. Some of the movies it made fun of I hadn't seen but still knew what he movie was, I found that funny.

06/06/2006 19:27 #28397

Aniversary +
Category: body art
Yeah Yeah Yeah, congratulations to me, Yeah. Not really just thought that would be fun to yell that. Somehow yesterday I missed that I've been on (e:strip) for two years. That is kinda hard to belive. A few stats. I have no idea how many pictures I have up here that I've taken and that I've posted from the web. For some reason My Page Has never counted them I belive. In the time since comments I have 257 that is a lot I think. But what is almost impossible to belive is that I have posted 777 coments that is over 100 more journals then I have. I think my no shows to parties is about equal to the ones I've made. But if you count the bar get togathers that I allways mis I'm sure I've missed a lot more then I have made. No actuall count keeping. As long as the weather is ok I'm going to be verry busy going between MIA and Allentown. Who knows maybe I'll run into a few peeps out in the hood. I know it is going to turn expensive quiclkly Just from Picture developing alone. Plus I allways buy something. Below I have some pics of some Tattoo pics I found on line. Maybe at one of these summer festivals I'll get a Henna or temp tattoo. If I wasn't so affraid of needles and the kind of pain or sensation depending on who you talk to I might be able to get one sometime.

Tonight I plan to start watching "Date Movie" I borrowed it from a friend it looks really funny wee shall see. Sometimes those commentaries and deleated scenes are a great bonus. I have seen a couple where the funiest scenes in the movie was left on the cutting room floor.

If there are any Dennis Leary fans I belive Rescue me is on tonight on FX I know they repeat them during the week. Not sure if it starts this weak or last.











Slight up date I forgot the pics hope now that I'm posting in 666 the coments stay. I wish I could think of 6 more things to talk about.

metalpeter - 06/07/06 18:52
I usaly go between both festivals then at night stay at MIA. There are a lot of bands I have never heard of but I like to hear some new stuff also. I have seen a couple performances by the stripteasers they are verry interesting (at MIA never Roxys).
jessbob - 06/06/06 22:18
Happy (e:anniversary)
mrmike - 06/06/06 21:08
REscue Me Started last week. See ya at Music is Art, I'll be there on Saturday eve
paul - 06/06/06 20:24
Fixed it that, now you can see that you have 723 images already uploaded. Thanks for catching that.
theecarey - 06/06/06 19:54
hehe.. come on, you should do it!!!8 more entries in the next four hours.. That would be funny! :)
theecarey - 06/06/06 19:52
write 8 more times by the end of the day and you will have 666 entries on 06-06-06