I admit i didn't wind up doing much yesterday. I did wind up hanging out with my sis and downloading music. She has limewire. Then with a little online help I figured out how to open the songs downloaded with itunes. Then they are added to itunes and you can put them on your ipod. I myself never download music. But I also have dail up so that may be one of the reasons why. But generaly CD's I burn are ones that I wouldn't spend the money on. If there is a CD I like I will go buy it. But that being said I think peer sharing is good for the music industry. If some band only has one good song why waste money on the entire CD when you can just download one song. One of these days I need to get a New CD spinner I'm out of room for my CD's. I'm thinking today might become a DVD day. I was thinking about going to the falls yestrday but didn't like the weather that is the same reason I didn't look for more guitars for hope. Maybe later if I don't wind up doing anything I may post some pics, but who knows. I thought I was going to talk more about music then I did oh well.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/04/2006 11:16 #28394
i limeCategory: music
06/01/2006 19:35 #28392
nymphomaid and the devilCategory: sex
First of all the day after my 2 year estrip aniversy is 6-6-06 or 06-06-06. I wonder if the earth will crack open and and demons and devils and evil creatures will kill people and pull them down to hell. Maybe there will be vampire sex on the street and birds will fly backwards. That will just be from the new version of the Omen opening and pissing off the oldschool fans of it who think the new version sucks. Maybe that is why it has been so hot so lately because hell is coming to get us :) .
My original reason for posting was because I thought Of a way to make everyone on (e:strip) a lot happier and feal better, or at least me. Having a maid or even for those with kids a nanny who is a nmmphomanic. She would clean my place and make things neat and tiddy and maybe even do laundry. Then since she is addicted and needs sex all the time, she would be paid in sex. The sex would be fun plus be exercise. For those who arn't single not only would it be exercise but it wouldn't really be cheating because it would be how you where paying the maid. Now the tough part finding one of these ladies.
My original reason for posting was because I thought Of a way to make everyone on (e:strip) a lot happier and feal better, or at least me. Having a maid or even for those with kids a nanny who is a nmmphomanic. She would clean my place and make things neat and tiddy and maybe even do laundry. Then since she is addicted and needs sex all the time, she would be paid in sex. The sex would be fun plus be exercise. For those who arn't single not only would it be exercise but it wouldn't really be cheating because it would be how you where paying the maid. Now the tough part finding one of these ladies.
05/31/2006 20:25 #28391
HotCategory: weather
I'm about to go on a rant here. I know it being hot when you have to work sucks. I know some people are used to AC and have physical jobs and when it is hot it makes it tough. Where I work it is verry Hot and do I complain yes but i complain about it being hot in the building not the weather being hot and there is a diffearance. For those of you who work it in heat I feal for you. All I can say is stay hydrated and try to adjust overtime it will still be hot but you will adjust a little bit to it.
But what I can't stand is these people who complain about the weather all the time. Yeah I know it sucks that it is cold and can snow for eight months of the year and that winter ends in one year and starts before that same year is over. I get sick of the cold and ICE to. But what pisses me off is the people who complain all winter about the cold and snow. Then they go there is no spring. Then it is to hot during the summer. Shut the fuck up and be glad it isn't snowing you fucking asshole 2 months ago it was to cold now it is to hot. Wait that leaves fall, well got some bad news for ya we really don't have a fall. I know everyone has the type of weather they prefer and that is fine. But to hate all the Buffalo weather is just being a Winer. I not talking about people who want the winter to end once we get to christmas that is differant. If you don't like the weather calm down and wait till the weekend. I love the hot weather but I don't like working in it. I love the sun but don't like what it does to my skin. Maybe I need a flock of chicks to cover my skin when out in the sun. In Buffalo there are two ways people look at things. They look at them and try to embrace them or they complain. I guess it is the complaining that really bothers me, it is a negative out look on things. I'm not talking about when someone pisses you off that is differant. But everytime you think man is it hot out here remember that day when you where walking and shaking and sliping and sliding on the ice. I say if you can't stomach the tempature here move to northern Califorina. Belive it or not we (depending on where) have warmer summers then they do. I'm sorry to go off on a rant. No matter what the weather is lets try to enjoy it. lets not complain before we have tried to adjust to it first ok.
Hopefully in a future post I will have a few pictures of art from my house. Also hopefully soon I will put up some more interesting pics I found on line of Tattoos.
But what I can't stand is these people who complain about the weather all the time. Yeah I know it sucks that it is cold and can snow for eight months of the year and that winter ends in one year and starts before that same year is over. I get sick of the cold and ICE to. But what pisses me off is the people who complain all winter about the cold and snow. Then they go there is no spring. Then it is to hot during the summer. Shut the fuck up and be glad it isn't snowing you fucking asshole 2 months ago it was to cold now it is to hot. Wait that leaves fall, well got some bad news for ya we really don't have a fall. I know everyone has the type of weather they prefer and that is fine. But to hate all the Buffalo weather is just being a Winer. I not talking about people who want the winter to end once we get to christmas that is differant. If you don't like the weather calm down and wait till the weekend. I love the hot weather but I don't like working in it. I love the sun but don't like what it does to my skin. Maybe I need a flock of chicks to cover my skin when out in the sun. In Buffalo there are two ways people look at things. They look at them and try to embrace them or they complain. I guess it is the complaining that really bothers me, it is a negative out look on things. I'm not talking about when someone pisses you off that is differant. But everytime you think man is it hot out here remember that day when you where walking and shaking and sliping and sliding on the ice. I say if you can't stomach the tempature here move to northern Califorina. Belive it or not we (depending on where) have warmer summers then they do. I'm sorry to go off on a rant. No matter what the weather is lets try to enjoy it. lets not complain before we have tried to adjust to it first ok.
Hopefully in a future post I will have a few pictures of art from my house. Also hopefully soon I will put up some more interesting pics I found on line of Tattoos.
theecarey - 05/31/06 23:53
I enjoyed your rant, Peter. Well said!
"there are two ways people look at things. They look at them and try to embrace them or they complain. I guess it is the complaining that really bothers me, it is a negative out look on things."
Right on!
Some people just complain about *everything*.. as though they are not happy unless they are miserable, haha.
"..flock of chicks.." hehe
I enjoyed your rant, Peter. Well said!
"there are two ways people look at things. They look at them and try to embrace them or they complain. I guess it is the complaining that really bothers me, it is a negative out look on things."
Right on!
Some people just complain about *everything*.. as though they are not happy unless they are miserable, haha.
"..flock of chicks.." hehe
libertad - 05/31/06 21:29
I love the hotness! What I hate is clowds. That is a downfall of Buffalo I would say, too many clowdy days. If we had more sunshine during the winter, it would make the coldness more bearable for me. Your post is funny though, I like it.
I love the hotness! What I hate is clowds. That is a downfall of Buffalo I would say, too many clowdy days. If we had more sunshine during the winter, it would make the coldness more bearable for me. Your post is funny though, I like it.
zobar - 05/31/06 20:50
- Z
Maybe I need a flock of chicks to cover my skin when out in the sun.
- Z
06/02/2006 23:36 #28393
On line Records there goes our freedomCategory: freedom
At the end of this article about us web being choricled I have some of my thoughts It would cool to hear some others thoughts and see if I'm the only one who feals this way.
I admit this article is good but it kinda scares me. Is terrorism and childporn a problem? Yes. Should online companies when they know of a possible terror attack or sexual abuse be mandated to report it, probobly. But I think what the government wants is a little bit to much. The best way to take away someones freedom of speach and information and privacy is to say there is this evil in this case child porn, that we have to stop. Then you get people to give up there own rights. Has it come to this yet no. But it looks like it could possibley if this passes. Whats to stop someone who works in the government to send an eltronic version of a supena to some internet company then that company sends that guy all your info. He is just one guy he could misuse your personal prvate information. When a crime is commited and the internet is used then the internet company should give all redords over to the authorities. But they shouldn't be forced to keep records of every e-mail of every user for two years. Once this passes then it will 5 years. Then it will be that keeping records is to much of a burden for internet providers. But guess what they can send the info to the government. Plus that way they don't need to bother them every time a crime is commited. And before you know it the government is not only wire taping private citizens they are monitoring web traffic and (e:mails). Who says that they then don't go after people who have decenting opinions. You may say that sounds crazzy but that is what the Chinesse government is trying to do with Yahoo and Google. It is verry easy for a country to turn into a tolotroin rule because they decide to give up there rights to feal safe. People really need to think about there freedom first and not let themselves and there own government be there own opressers
U.S. wants Web use chronicled
Child pornography, terrorism are targets
Bloomberg News
WASHINGTON - The federal government is asking Internet companies including Microsoft Corp., Google Inc. and America OnLine to preserve the records of customers' Web activity in order to aid investigations of terrorism and child pornography cases.
Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III made the request last week at a meeting with industry executives, said Brian Roehrkasse, a Justice Department spokesman. More talks are scheduled for today. Also included in the discussions are representatives from victims' rights groups, privacy advocates and law enforcement officials, he said.
"We have begun initial discussions with Internet service providers and others on this issue of data retention to help the department with bolstering its investigative efforts," said Roehrkasse.
Gonzales is pressing Internet companies for more cooperation as the Justice Department focuses on terrorism and child pornography cases. The move has prompted complaints from privacy advocates and led to a clash earlier this year with Google, the word's largest search engine.
The agency has asked Internet companies to retain records such as lists of e-mails sent and received or information on Web searches. Authorities wouldn't ask the companies to keep the content of e-mails and would use standard legal channels, such as seeking a subpoena, before obtaining information, Roehrkasse said.
The Justice Department has no legal authority to require companies to keep data on their customers and would need to ask Congress for that ability, Roehrkasse said. He said there has been no decision on how long companies would need to store the records.
However, the Associated Press reported that Mueller suggested a period of two years.
New York-based Verizon Communications, the No. 2 U.S. telephone company, and Philadelphia-based Comcast Corp., the largest U.S. cable provider, were among the companies at last week's meeting, Roehrkasse said. AOL is the Internet unit of New York-based Time Warner, the world's largest media company.
Gonzales said in April that Internet service providers had hurt child pornography probes by not keeping data long enough. He said he would personally reach out to chief executive officers of leading providers to resolve the problem.
"The investigation and prosecution of child predators depends critically on the availability of evidence that is often in the hands of Internet service providers," Gonzales said in a April 20 speech at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Va. "This evidence will be available for us to use only if the providers retain the records for a reasonable amount of time."
Earlier this year, the Justice Department sparred with Google over a request for information on its customer searches. In March, a federal judge ordered the Mountain View, Calif.-based company to turn over some of the records demanded by the government.
Google initially had refused to give the government the information citing privacy concerns. Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft, AOL and Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Yahoo! Inc. cooperated with the Justice Department. Yahoo is the most-visited U.S. Web site. Microsoft, the world's biggest software company, owns the MSN Internet service.
"We strongly support Attorney General Gonzales' interest in assuring that the Internet is safe for everyone, especially children and families," Phil Reitinger, senior security strategist for Microsoft, said in an e-mailed statement. "But data retention is a complicated issue with implications not only for efforts to combat child pornography but also for security, privacy, safety, and availability of low-cost or free Internet services."
One Internet executive familiar with the talks with the Justice Department said one worry is that once retained, the records could be made available for any criminal investigation or civil case, "down to a bad divorce, up to a music company asking for people who visited a file trading site."
I admit this article is good but it kinda scares me. Is terrorism and childporn a problem? Yes. Should online companies when they know of a possible terror attack or sexual abuse be mandated to report it, probobly. But I think what the government wants is a little bit to much. The best way to take away someones freedom of speach and information and privacy is to say there is this evil in this case child porn, that we have to stop. Then you get people to give up there own rights. Has it come to this yet no. But it looks like it could possibley if this passes. Whats to stop someone who works in the government to send an eltronic version of a supena to some internet company then that company sends that guy all your info. He is just one guy he could misuse your personal prvate information. When a crime is commited and the internet is used then the internet company should give all redords over to the authorities. But they shouldn't be forced to keep records of every e-mail of every user for two years. Once this passes then it will 5 years. Then it will be that keeping records is to much of a burden for internet providers. But guess what they can send the info to the government. Plus that way they don't need to bother them every time a crime is commited. And before you know it the government is not only wire taping private citizens they are monitoring web traffic and (e:mails). Who says that they then don't go after people who have decenting opinions. You may say that sounds crazzy but that is what the Chinesse government is trying to do with Yahoo and Google. It is verry easy for a country to turn into a tolotroin rule because they decide to give up there rights to feal safe. People really need to think about there freedom first and not let themselves and there own government be there own opressers
libertad - 06/03/06 00:10
You are so insightful about a lot of things. This is definitely an issue we all should take notice in. The internet makes me very uneasy, but still here I am, puting everything out there. It's wierd how in someways what we do on the internet is permanent, but in the long run its not. I mean archeologists a zillion years from now will never know what was on our internet. It isn't like finding a clay pot or a fork or something in the dirt.
You are so insightful about a lot of things. This is definitely an issue we all should take notice in. The internet makes me very uneasy, but still here I am, puting everything out there. It's wierd how in someways what we do on the internet is permanent, but in the long run its not. I mean archeologists a zillion years from now will never know what was on our internet. It isn't like finding a clay pot or a fork or something in the dirt.
05/30/2006 19:29 #28390
Art festivalsCategory: events
(e:metalpeter,361) That is a link to a journal with a few pics of Music Is Art 05. June 10th and 11th is The Artfestival and Music Is art. Two seperate festivals but in the same general area of town. I enjoy both festivals and often go between them. There are usaly some bands that I know and have to see and then a bunch of bands that I have no idea who they are. Plus at Allen town I allways try to find something to buy. I usaly see a lot of stuff that I like but some of it is kinda exspensive.
On another note I had a nice memorial day. I wound up going to the waterfront for some time and taking pictures of some of the memorials. One thing as I looked at the amazing polish one. I know that is weird to say but it is really nice lookin one. I thought who keeps them looking clean and gets rid of the flowers people leave when the flowers die. After enjoying the Marina the family went to our friends house. There where a few people there and we had a good time. The only odd thing is one of my sisters friends had a friend come over and um how can I put this Her rack was amazing and I'm trying not to look but being taller it was kinda hard not to man they where really nice. Some ladies really like to show them off, that was strange she really was a cutie pie (in a sexy way not as in the way Rosie O'donell used to say it on her show in referance to kids). The weather Has really ben verry nice these last few days.
If the Sabres win tongiht they are still in it. But if they lose then they are elimanated they have to win. I never did make it to a playoff game. I know something is going on next weekend but not sure what is is I think the Juilet Dagger is playing near my house. Is there a pride perade if so that might make some interesting pictures since last year they started about 3 blocks from my house.
On another note I had a nice memorial day. I wound up going to the waterfront for some time and taking pictures of some of the memorials. One thing as I looked at the amazing polish one. I know that is weird to say but it is really nice lookin one. I thought who keeps them looking clean and gets rid of the flowers people leave when the flowers die. After enjoying the Marina the family went to our friends house. There where a few people there and we had a good time. The only odd thing is one of my sisters friends had a friend come over and um how can I put this Her rack was amazing and I'm trying not to look but being taller it was kinda hard not to man they where really nice. Some ladies really like to show them off, that was strange she really was a cutie pie (in a sexy way not as in the way Rosie O'donell used to say it on her show in referance to kids). The weather Has really ben verry nice these last few days.
If the Sabres win tongiht they are still in it. But if they lose then they are elimanated they have to win. I never did make it to a playoff game. I know something is going on next weekend but not sure what is is I think the Juilet Dagger is playing near my house. Is there a pride perade if so that might make some interesting pictures since last year they started about 3 blocks from my house.
mrdt - 05/31/06 00:48
I here ya on the boobs...I don't know what it is about a pair of real big boobs - I'm like a dear in headlights. Maybe because I know big ol' boobs are'nt to distant from a big ol' fat ass. And it's like don't forget to eat your jello pudding.
I here ya on the boobs...I don't know what it is about a pair of real big boobs - I'm like a dear in headlights. Maybe because I know big ol' boobs are'nt to distant from a big ol' fat ass. And it's like don't forget to eat your jello pudding.
I used limewire til acquisition came out for Mac. It rocks. But I can't even remember the last time I bought a cd. Not that I don't pay for music, but I just buy most of it off itunes now. If I do buy a cd, all I'm going to do is rip it into the computer anyway... kinda sad, my cd player just gathers dust. (and to think I thought "mp3s? why would I want that?" when they first came out.)
I use LimeWire a lot- I use it primarily for adding songs to my iPod. I rarely burn them onto cds. For that, I prefer to listen to the cds I go out and buy. I like cd shopping. I cant imagine not doing that anymore.