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05/29/2006 12:55 #28389

Great out
Wow it is really nice out I have to go for a walk somewhare in few minutes, before we go out for the afternoon. I can't belive the sabres lost last night and how could I not stay up for the entire game. I had food and drink and was really into it next thing I know the game is over and something else is on I'm fucked up. I'm also going to try to change my user sound music to 30tilmars but don't know if I can cause it is some type of copywright protected CD. I have seen them once before they opened for I think Chevelle but not positive. I also am looking forward to seeing Yellowcard. Edgefest should be interesting I don't think I have anyold pictures from edgefest. That reminds me I did put up some new pictures on my webshots page some of them are from the party over the weekend at PMT's. The link listed under my links should work. Hope everybody has a great day off today and had a great weekend. I hope no one gets overworked to much next week. Someplaces have the same amount of work to get done but now have a day less to do it. Where I work things may get verry interesting next week for that reason. oh and one more thing "LETS GO SABRES!."

05/28/2006 13:13 #28388

e:guitars party
Category: photos
Some notes on the party.
-had fun but wished I could have joined in more, tough sometimes with multiple converstations
-Glad mrmike came
-kinda differant that there was no depancing of anyone
-I met Robin
-the sugar gliders are still interesting it is kinda freaky when they jump on you, because of the surprise factor but once they are on you not a big deal
-nice to see I wasn't the only one taking pictures I look forward to others pictures
-glad there where peeps there I havn't seen or met before
-Hope everyone had a great time and enjoys the rest of the weekend

The first two pictures of from the Gutars for Hope on elmwood at the thrift shop. The next few pics are the guitars at the airport that I saw when my sisters plan flight was delayed. Even if I wouldn't have been I still would have seen them.






































metalpeter - 05/28/06 19:10
I thought of one thing about the site last night late into the party. If I'm wrong please correct me. There are a few people maybe even more who belong to (e:strip) and are in bands. But I don't think anyone has there music as there user sound and has said that it is them. I could be wrong about that. But I think that having even if it is just part of a song from the band you are in would be a good way to get some exposure.
mrmike - 05/28/06 13:47
Great pics, except for the one's I'm in (just kidding). Thanks for encouraging me to come out and partake.
nejifer - 05/28/06 13:39
LOVE THE PICS!! And it was nice to see you too! And why is Timika always giving me bunny ears? I'm going to start to develop a complex ;)

05/27/2006 18:49 #28387

X Walk
Category: walk
I saw the new X Men Movie today. I thought it was verry good. Like (e:Enknot) I won't say much as I don't want to give anything away. It was preaty much what I was expecting wich is good. For those that see it stay through the end credits (as you should all ready do if you are a true movie fan, but most don't) and get the end of the movie.

I decided to walk Home and take some pictures there where a few things on my way that I was looking for but couldn't find, I must have had the adresses wrong. I was going to take pictures of the Histocial society and some big fancy houses around that area and maybe some more but Camara Battery Problems stoped my camara from working. So that stoped that but I still had a great walk. I wound up get a few CD's at New World Records. I went into to spot but didn't see any ice tea on the menu they must have iced tea on lemonade but I didn't see it so I left.

Hopefully I'll post some more pictures soon from my travels. I'm supposed to be going to one of those places on the riverfront for dinner then hopefully I'll make it to PMT's tonight. Hopefully I'll get some new bateries and take pics.

05/26/2006 19:16 #28386

Sabre Fever
Category: sports
I think it is interesting how Sabre Fever has taken over Buffalo. The Sabres are everywhere and Radio Stations have Sabre songs and highlights mixed in with songs. The Sucess of the sabres I'm sure is also a greet boon to the city and local areas economy, I hope Sabre Fever lasts and lasts well of to watch the game.
mrmike - 05/26/06 19:56
I hope so too. The area needs to feel good about something, a cup would be good as any.

05/25/2006 20:16 #28385

Category: music
Today I had no energy this morning. I really wanted to go see Big Bad Voodo Daddy or what ever they are called at the sqaure but not really up for it emotionaly. I wonder if I would have ran into anyone I know there. I have been there and other people I know have been there at the same time and I didn't run into them. When I got in and checked my (e:mail) I saw Jackdaw is performing after the square at The Union it is somewhare around the Chip Strip I think that would have been amazing. Of course if I would have gone to the square then I wouldn't have read my (e:mail) so I wouldn't have known but that would be an amazing night. Last night I went to my Sisters roomates Graduation wich was fun and some of his friends graduated too who I've meet before but didn't know they where graduating to. But I did get to see the end of the sabres game. Going to the Airport to see the sis she is coming home from jersy so I will miss the end of the game but get to see the begining. But back to music I'm currently listing to Evanescence "anywhaere but Home" it is a live CD and is preaty good. I Have never seen them live I bet they would be preaty cool to see. In terms of going to the square I'm the type who goes only to see bands I want to see. AS opposed to the type who goes to everyone of them. Some peoople also go to party and have the music as a background. Oh yeah I hope everyone has a great weekend. I think (e:jenks) mentioned it in a previous post but Jackdaw will be at Swinee (not sure how to spell it) House friday night for anyone who likes live music.