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05/21/2006 19:00 #28382

Guitars for hope
Category: photos
For Infromation where you can see and even bid on these guitars you can check out

I thought then when I could I should show the outside of the building the guitars are in. I started out at the Adams mark. I have to admit at first since I was by my self entering A hotel I felt a little strange but no body bothered me or even said a word to me, well except a cop out side the buffalo Holding center when I took a picture of the Staler towers and the BAC that was odd. The next spot was the Hampton Inn, man that place looks fancy. The pictures I took are good but to really see the details of the pics you have to see it in person. Then It was off to the Hyatt (my sis worked there for a little bit). I should have looked around more and explored the downstairs but I was kinda short on time. The picture of the Blue Guitar is where I went Next it was inside the visiter center of the Market Arcade. Not sure of all the ones I've seen so far the one that I like the most. But the one in Sheas box office is preaty dam cool with all the buildings and what look to be a Tie. Not sure if the letters are notes to a song or if they spell something out I couldn't figure that part out. The White Guitar is from Hyatts on Main street near the medical Campus. With the Sabres coming on I didn't have time to Make it to Roswell, I think they have a guitar in a lobby somewhare and I didn't make it to The art Muesum either oh well.





















I thought I would also include a picture of my New look of (e:strip). There are a few things that I can't figure out how to change but i still think it looks preaty cool. So I did the hospice walk and took some pictures of Buffalo Maybe I'll post them and I also went to New World Records and bought some more CDs. On my way back to pick up my pictures at Rite Aid (there are a few cuties who work there) I Noticed a Guitar that I didn't Know or forgot was there. It was in the thrift shop on Elmwood. Granted there is some reflection on the pic but I think this one might be the most oringal one I've seen so far. I think they are all original but this one goes that extra step. It is a guitar dressed up in clothes like a person and then is holding a guitar. It is kinda like when in a TV show they acknolwge the audiance or sometimes even that it is a TV show and I like that aspect of it. I'm thinking I may go up to the Falls next weekend if it is nice. One I would like to ride the Maid of the Mist and there are 2 other guitars up there I belive. Plus I havn't been to The Hard Rock Cafe' in some time. But who knows some of that may depend on the sabres, I think they are a night game but not sure, assuming they don't sweep.

metalpeter - 05/22/06 17:34
The picture of (e:strip) is from my mothers computer (the one I use, don't have my own). The lights are out in there so around the computer comes out supper dark plus the moniter is a dell so it is black. I changed my view. I'm guessing that I will change it up every so often.
paul - 05/21/06 20:47
Thanks for the gutar pics. They came out really nice. Where is that estrip pic from? Is that on your computer?
mrmike - 05/21/06 19:47
Nice pics, thanks for doing that. I wanted to see more of the guitars. The rest of the Sabres games for this series are at night, fyi

05/20/2006 19:12 #28381

Sat Sabres
I havn't downloaded the pictures yet but I took some more pictures from the Guitars for Hope in Buffalo Today. Even though it was cold it was still nice to get to walk around Downtown and I just made it home in time to miss only about a minute of the Sabres Game. Sabres won that is great. Plus it was a fun game to watch. Tonight I want to watch Batman Begins. I thought it was verry good when I saw it at the show. I like how gritty it is if that is the right word. I'm looking forward to the new Superman movie it looks like it may be verry good also. X3 also looks like it will be a good movie. I think X-mens lose of Brian Singer is supermans gain but we shall see. I'm sure both will do great at the box office and be verry good movies. I'm doing the hospice walk on sunday. It is good to do but is also kinda depressing in a way that I don't know how to explain. Hope everone has had a great weekend so far and enjoys the rest of it.
paul - 05/20/06 20:26
Oh I see now, it's like that Bufalo thing a couple years back :::link:::
paul - 05/20/06 20:23
What is Guitars For Hope?
metalpeter - 05/20/06 19:28
I'm verry happy we won, we at least had to win one in Carolina if we can win monday that would be amazing.
boxerboi - 05/20/06 19:20
we won we won we won we won we won we won we won. Oooo we won we won we won we won!

05/18/2006 18:58 #28380

giving $ or time
Category: charity
I think giving to charties is a good thing. I think it is amazing that people can volunteer for walks and races and give there time. I think that is a lot tougher then doing a walk or race and just giving money. That sounds kinda negative but that isn't the way I'm saying it. I just think to give lots of time must be tough. I also think giving to a charity is something that everyone plans to do more of then they wind up doing. For those of you who want to help Roswell I think that is great. Some people like myself will be doing the Hospice Walk on Sunday. The Music Is Art Festival in June supports a few charities. I try to spread the word of the Guitars for Hope. Hopefully I have time on Saturday or maybe even friday to take some more pictures of some of the Guitars. I may put a couple more pictures into the chat window. I don't have enough money to bid on any of the guitars but hopefully when they are all on display I will go see them.
mrmike - 05/18/06 19:38
A couple of the really nice guitars are in the lobby of the larkin building on exchange

05/17/2006 19:58 #28379

Tattoo Pics
Category: body art
I think that I have a good variety of pictures of differant neat looking tattoos that I found online. I can't really say what tats I've seen and online are my favorite. Yes is it art and how it looks is how it looks. But we don't know the meaning behind the art. Are the names people in the family or did they die. Is the devil just a picture or does it represent the temptation and is a reminder to not go that route. I assume that all of these tats are legit and arn't photo shoped. I remember (e:soyen) used to have a picture that I saw of a dragon tattoo on some guys dick and I've seen some cat tattoos near ladies snatch but I allways assumed those where fake. So when ever you see them on line it is hard to tell. I also decided to go with no nudes or porn pictures of tats. Hope you enjoy them.































metalpeter - 05/19/06 19:05
I checked out that link nice picture. Maybe one of these days I'll look up some naughty ones.
jenks - 05/18/06 20:12
aha! I found it. :::link:::
libertad - 05/17/06 21:21
hahah you said snatch!
jenks - 05/17/06 20:59
I think these guys do some cool, original stuff: :::link::: (click on their names for samples). And one of the funniest tattoos I ever saw was a little stick figure with a lawn mower- cutting a girl's pubes.

05/16/2006 20:24 #28378

some pics
Category: photos
The tooth is moving but still open in its current location. The Guitars are part of the Guitars for Hope community art charity event. I belive the site is Sorry I put up two pictures of the one guy who is laid out by mistake. Yeah the bandits wich is to bad but there isn't much I can do about it.





















libertad - 05/16/06 22:14
I'm not happy about Sweet Tooth moving! Where are they going? Great pics by the way.