
That is the art I bought I just lost 7 pictures to the site they are to big to really post and shirnking them all takes way to much time on my computer currently so right now posting more pics really won't work som maybe if I get access to a high speed internet acess computer I'll put some more up. What I wanted to do was tell a story with the pictures but I guess I will have to do that with my webshots page I'll let you know when they are put up. If anyone said anything to me in chat I wasn't blowing you off but my chat frezes some times and if loading pictures it dies basicly. Why is it that when I run into people I don't think to break out the camara. I do think this on chick was checking me out at Allentown or maybe it was just my giant cookie.
It was nice to see the three of you there. Sometimes even with great sunscreen my face burns. I think that naturaly through sweating and stuff like that it get deluted. Plus it seems that no mater wich way to sun is facing some of your face is always in the sun.
Cool to run into you today at Music is Art, (e:Metalpeter) when my mom, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i were wandering around. Even though i had sunscreen on, i got a little bit burned... so, if i make it tomorrow, i need to wear a hat, eh?