1. How did you find out about/why did you become of estrip?
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2. How "out" are you about having a publicly accessible online journal. Do your friends know? Does your family know? Do your co-workers know? Does your boss know? Do you use your real name? Do you use your real photo?
I don't use my real name but it is the name I use basicly everywhere on the web. There is also only one other Metalpeter that I know of. I don't think my boss, co workers or family know, if so they have never mentioned it. I do use my own Photo. But that is good cause it makes it eaiser to vent. And i can be more personal.
3. How many epeeps have you met real life?
Lost count around 25
4. How has estrip changed the way that you meet people, on and/or off line?
Yes I meet people at (e:strip) parties. Still can't really get into spot, maybe if I was with someone else. I havnt't really taking it to the yeah wana met somewhare, yet stage. Well except Timika but that was all her really.
5. How has estrip affected you love life?
As of yet it hasn't affected it. But who knows that could always change. But i have from it found a couple interesting adult sites but that hasn't really changed anything. [yeah i did have one internet crush would you call it, but that is all it was, so still no effect]
6. How many of your friends have joined estrip because of your influence?
7. Are you from Buffalo/do you live in Buffalo?
Was not born here but yes and yes
1. What type of hardware or software purchases have you made as a result of using estrip?
nothing bought but i do use firefox now along with IE.
2. Have you used the mobile version of estrip? Why or why not?
No, No cell phone.
1. In what way has estrip changed your Internet surfings habits? Describe the amount of time you spend on estrip, when you use it and about how long?
It depends on what topics get posted. Sometimes It seemed to take hours to read the AJ/Jason/josh political wars was way to much reading and took to much time so I stoped. Maybe an hour a day. Assuming there isn't an interesting chat going on publicly. I think I still spend about as much time on line. But I do it here as opposed to using a forum site.
1a. How many journals do you usually read per day?
Depends on how many people have posted but I would guess about 14. I always have to read (e:thecarey) , (e:ladycrofts) , (e:jenks) and (e:Imk2) if the journal is something I don't care about I skip to the next one.
2. In what ways has estrip changed the way you perceive your local community?
not sure.
3. How has journaling about your life affected the way you spend your free time?
I'm a litlle bit more social. I go to some (e:strip) parties, go to bars and wind up having a fun time my self as opposed to with peeps cause I always mess it up some how. Sometimes I will hear about an event that I forgot about and will wind up going (Henery Rollins).
4. Has estrip changed your living situation in any way?
5. Do you find that you mediate/document more of your experiences now that you share them with others?
Yes because I never had a journal, so I do document more.
6. Has publishing on estrip affected the way that write?
My writing was always kinda crapy, and it still is. But at least I get practice typing and do some writting.
7. Do you have other online journals? If so, with what service and has estrip affected your usage of that journal?
Well I do have my space but I was allready on (e:strip). So since (e:strip) was first it really couldn't affect it. I do journal sometimes there but that isn't why I joined it.
8. Have you ever gotten in trouble for using estrip at work?
I don't use it at work. One I don't have the time. and more importantly I like to be able to vent freely with out people at work talking to me about what I wrote. Not to mention my Sociopolitcal views varry grately from theres so it would just cause more arguments and debate wich can be fun but all day would get ugly.
9. If you have stopped using estrip, why?
I may have stoped using it for a little bit. Something happend but I don't remember what so I may be miss remembering.
We went in the early after noon maybe 2ish not sure had a good late lunch. Maybe got home around 4 or 5 not sure. It is a neat place to go for a walk or run or other activity.
small world peter... i was at mississippi mudd's (and the park) on sunday... didn't see you though.