Well I hope everyone who goes or went or is at the Square has a great time. I wanted to go. But when I got home I was to tired and so with out meaning to it was nap time, wow it felt so good. Lifting Boxes all day in the heat can really zap your energy. Buy thursday it can be a verry long week. Don't get me wrong I really like my job picking orders, but sometimes it is a long day. I guess if you look at it all I really have is my Job, it is kinda sad. But it also feals good in a way. You come home and know you put in a hard days work. Yeah you can work less hard and not get as much done. But all the orders have to get done eventullay so why fuck off and make the job harder on the other crews. But that being said sometimes I think maybe I should work less hard and go home and not go on
(e:strip) and not go watch TV and I should go out and have fun. But what would I do on Elmwood, or even someplace else, um no clue. So I keep working hard and I guess let that and the paycheck and having pride in it be its own reward. I don't think I could live with myself if I got a check and said what the fuck did I do to get this money. I don't know as I could do that. But the real question is if I had say an office job or a job where I was by myself would I be more social and call people? Maybe, but part of the reason I never do is cause on the weekend I've delt with people all week and I just want down time where there is no schedulle. Where there is no "So what Do you feal like doing today?" or "So What Movie do you want to see". Don't get me wrong I like my friends and everything but i find that stuff stressfull sometimes. Sometimes I just feal like taking a metal fork and just stabbing my self and seeing if that helps. My one buddy Al is a preaty cool guy, I know him and his brother from the Nieghboorhood I grew up in. But I still never call. The other thing that happens is I mean to call and see if someone wants to do something on the weekend then next thing you know it is friday and it is the weekend. I really do like my life. But there are a lot of things in it that need to change. They have needed to change for a long time. But I'm either to lazy to change them or have just given up on changing them. I for some reason have always had this view that My life will not be a long one. With all the Great tasting but horrilbley bad for you fast food I eat for lunch this may be verry true. I may want to make this post private ah fuck it, whats the point really. I doubt anyone is still reading this anymore. Today I was fealing kinda I don't know by my self when I got home, I still would have writen this anyways most likely. But reading posts got me fealing a little more I don't know how to say it really, then the sadness kicked in during Timika's post (not her fault I don't want it to sound like it is, cause it isn't). Funerals really bother me. Then I remebered and thought about 2 that I went to. But those fealings left when I went onto the next post so her post dosn't really have anything to do with my reflecting. I did have my palm read once by a friend and the line that supposedly tells how long you will live was a long line, but I didn't really belive it then. I'm generaly a positive person. I look at things in a positive light but but I'm also a realist. Being a realist is often not the best because it makes you not aspire to do things, because you know you can't do them so why bother. But it is also good becacuse it makes you not get exicted and have high expectations, that you can't fullfill. I know if I had just read this I would be thinking man he needs to chill with some weed and just go get laid. I'm not realy a drug person, cause I need to be in control as opposed to the drugs but maybe that should change. Besides I'm normally preaty mellow why get more mellow. Well yeah getting laid is cool and all, but sometimes the one night stands feal great at the time but latter make you feal empty inside. Well maybe if it was one ladies or someone who looked like my post #669 then that would be a differant story. Who knows. Yeah I'm fucked up for those that didn't allready know.
Ok that is enough Negativity or reflection for now I gotta go eat and watch a video or some tV or something. I'm going to the bisons on friday and Monday is EDGEFEST, I'm listening to Thirtysecondstill mars right now, good CD. Saturday I want to go to the Marina I think there is some ship downthere. I may even go to the falls or maybe see if I can find any of the guitars for hope. But my main goal is to spend money and have fun on MONDAY, also a day off from work will be great to.
It was good to see 'ya! I really like the last photo you posted, and the one of the look out tower with the drift logs in the foreground.