First of all I'm not really sure I should post what I'm about to say it is kinda to personal for a blog, but maybe it isn't to personal but I feal like venting a little bit. I maybe should have made the topic Death since That is what I will be writing about but two TV shows have got me thinking about it but I will also talk about the shows and what is going on outside of them.
First of all I have read a few articles on South Park on usatoday's web site. Basicly Isaic Hayes who voices and sings as Chef left the show. He basicly said that the show had gone to far and was hatefull. Matt and Trey Basicly said he had no problems with bashing all kinds of people and Religion Untill we attacked his religion Scincetology. They did bash the hell out of it in The Closet episode last season. They also bashed some famous members of it like Tom Cruise and a few others. But I thought it was funny. This weeks New Episode was the writering out of Chefs Character (well of course it wasn't that simple) Bur I don't want to give anything away for those who may want to still see it. But they did leave it open in a way that he could be brought back. Not that Hayes would ever do the voice. But that was the First show to deal With death.
The Second Show I watched that dealt with death and Remeberance was The L word. {this is a spolier so if you don't want to know what Happened skip ahead} There was a chachater Named Dana Fairbanks who is a gay Pro Tennis Player. She died and this week they where having a Funeral with ashes at a church and the minister said that she would have found a man and had a family if she lived longer, so one of the friends yelled out she was gay then they leave and latter they steal the ashes and go drive up to this waterfall and and have there own memorial for her. I admit some of it was hard to watch (yeah I'm a pussy some times) but it was a verry powerfull episode. There where some flashbacks to how people meet luckly that didn't lead to any weird dreams.
But what that did get me thinking about is how would I be remembered. I think my family, My Friends and My Coworkers and My
(E:strip) friends would all view and remember me differantly. I admit that I don't want any body to miss me or be in pain or cry when I'm gone. That is one of the subconcous reasons why I often don't get to close to people, yeah I'm Fucked up. I mostlikey need some couseling. It has always kinda bothered me how at Wakes people who are there often don't talk about the dead person in the casket they talk to each other about what is going on in there lives and they are happy. Grantened I don't want people to be in pain and crying and frialing around like a fish out of water but that person is dead they should be the attention and you should be talking about them and things you remember not what is going on in your life. I guess that is how people deal with the death of a family member. I wish I could remember the exact quote but I heard once that dying isn't tough on the dead it is tough on the ones they leave behind, and that does make sense, sord of. Not really sure where I'm going with this post exactly. But I do think that is is important to remember people who have died and to grieve and that everyone does that differantly. I think that is one reason why some people want to be famous so that there name will be in lights and they will be remembered. I had another point but I lost it in hear somewhare today my mind was really racing last night and I had a lot of thoughts sometimes it is tough to get those out in the way you think them especailly hours after you have those thoughts.
You actually put up the pic before I finalized the picfeeder program. Now it should be good to go if you start a new feed. SOrry.