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Metalpeter's Journal

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04/02/2006 11:47 #28340

Bandits Sabres
Category: sports
Oh man did the sabres play crappy last night I gave up when it was 5 to 0 I saw some basketball but was so tired just caught up on my sleep. But I was verry Happy that the Bandits won on Friday Night and then I found out this morning that they won last night also. Both games where out west. They Have now clinched a playoff Birth. Hopefully they can get home field advantage through out the entire playoffs but I don't know if that is possible or not. We shall see what happens.

03/31/2006 19:55 #28339

Category: wrestling
Sunday Night is Wrestlemania if there are any wrestling fans out there but if there are then you would allready know that. I belive on Saturday Night they are showing part of the Hall of Fame (WWE) ceremonies. I just Wish I had another VCR so I could Watch and Tape it On the Big TV Maybe I'll buy one on saturday but I doubt it. Then I could Tape my Sunday Shows. I used to get PPVs and invite people over and have parties that was cool, then watch the replay and hear all the comentary and the interviews cause with a few people you miss a lot of what is going on. Not sure what time But NCAA Basketball is also on also. This week of work was long and tiring so chillin is about all I feal like doing may try to find a good movie on sat.



03/30/2006 20:59 #28338

Category: photos
Went to the bruins game last night here are some pics from that and other events but only a few










paul - 03/30/06 21:02
That burger look pretty tastey.

03/28/2006 20:04 #28337

Maybe I'm not very talkative because There was a verry heavy work load at work today. Maybe it is cause some food disagreed with me today. I was hoping someone would post on some topic that would get me going but nothing today inspired me. Tonight I will Watch House and Boston Legal maybe Real World Key West, it is an interesting show I like to see how people react to each other. I'm going to the Sabres game Tommarow Hopefully soon I will post some more pics.

03/27/2006 17:38 #28336

Pic Feed
Hopefully that link will take you to a few toronto pics I put up as a way to play around with the pic Feeder they are pictures that I didn't post here from What I remember. I still don't completely understand how once you are there how you would download the pics but you may find it interesting.

MY sis's going away dinner was nice I enjoyed myself. Then Today I had Jury Duty. Luckliy (for some people unluckily) The case I was selected for wound up be setteled so all the possible Juriors for that case includeing me where released.

I forget who but the sabres play tonight. Prision Break (good show I think) is followed by (best show on tv) 24. Man it is really getting good. On Wendsday I'm planning on going to the Sabres game that should be fun. Since the tickets where pre bought then we won't get a Mini Jersy, oh well it should still be a great time. I'm also getting a little bit excited cause I know it is Peak Concert Time Verry Soon. I wish I was going to Ozzfest I bet it will be Amazing, oh well. I know there is something else I'm forgetting but oh well. Hopefully I will have some interesting topics or issues to debate soon.