I like most people like music. I like Various bands and songs. An example of this is the fact that I like Metallica, Linknin Park, Billy Joel, Coldplay, The Shiela Divine, Sum 41, Blink 182, Aerosmith,Led Zepplin, Trans-siberian Ochestra, Jackdaw and many others. But sometimes finding good new music can be tough. When I mean new music I mean new groups or singers not new music by bands you all ready like. To be honest music reviews in Magiaines are no help and are basicly worthless unless they are about a band who you allready have on of there CD's. To say a band sounds Like Nirvana With the Voice of Amy Lee. To know if you like music you really have to hear it and see what the total sound is. Yeah that sounds like it might be good, but also what are their lyrics and do all there songs sound the same? That is why it is also hard to take Recomindations from other people. You may like simalur stuff but that dosn't mean you will like something they do. In any event I do try to find new music I like but not as much as I would like to. Hopefully I will get to find some cool heavy acts and some mellow stuff to. Thn if I find more bands I like I can go to more shows. We will be at peak Concert Season verry soon, Ozzfest has already been announced I should look into what other cities it is going to and maybe make a trip out of it. If the major band that is annouced is who the Rumor is I will go Nuts and Have to go See it Somewhare.
Here are a few more pictures that I hope you ladies and Gents like from the Parade.
Thanks for coming!