I know that there are a lot of people in Buffalo who are Anti Casino. I can understand that and they have good Reasons. I disagree but that isn't the point I'm getting to. I know there are a lot of people who don't get The Bass Pro deal and think that the money can be spent in better ways. I know there are people who think the Elmwood Hotel is a bad idea. There was a lot of opposition to Pano trying to destroy that cool atwater house. The problem is that us citizens are hurting Buffalo more then we are helping it. Yes the politicans are evil and hurt the city to. But If I wanted to start a buiness I wouldn't come to Buffalo. If I did I would get all kinds of oppostion and I would have to have meetings. I think that it is good to have stanards and ask questions and say we don't aprove and we think it is a bad idea. But what about when there is something you think is a good idea and then others bitch about it. I think we all want Buffalo to grow and get more Business and have more out of towners visit. But if we shoot down everything business that wants to come here then no one will ever come to Buffalo.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/15/2006 19:50 #28325
Progress?Category: buffalo
03/14/2006 19:46 #28324
Hockey hoopsCategory: sports
For those fans of Hockey The sabres are currently on OLN. I'm currently listening to the game on NHL.com . They have a free part of there site called NHL radio and you can listen to games using media player it works preaty good.
I belive strting on the 16th Mens March Madness starts. College Basketball or at least the finals is fun to watch. I never see as much of it as I want to. But they cover it so well on TV with Bonus Coverage and look ins on other games. I know some people who think the pros are better. The only thing is those playoffs take so long with lots of games. I like the excitement of elimanation.
Hopefully I will watch some of the Sabres game on Saturday and Tape Saturday Nights Main Event and then make it over to Matts 25th. Then on Sunday there is the Parade and after WOrds Jackdaw is supposed to be performing at Cozumel. I had another sports thing to mention but I don't remember what it was. Oh hope everyone had a Great Steak and BJ Day. I wonder if there is a Vegatarian Version. Oh does anyone know of a good sports Bar that shows multiple games and has great tunes. That is what elmwood needs is a Sports Bar or is there one I don't know about?
I belive strting on the 16th Mens March Madness starts. College Basketball or at least the finals is fun to watch. I never see as much of it as I want to. But they cover it so well on TV with Bonus Coverage and look ins on other games. I know some people who think the pros are better. The only thing is those playoffs take so long with lots of games. I like the excitement of elimanation.
Hopefully I will watch some of the Sabres game on Saturday and Tape Saturday Nights Main Event and then make it over to Matts 25th. Then on Sunday there is the Parade and after WOrds Jackdaw is supposed to be performing at Cozumel. I had another sports thing to mention but I don't remember what it was. Oh hope everyone had a Great Steak and BJ Day. I wonder if there is a Vegatarian Version. Oh does anyone know of a good sports Bar that shows multiple games and has great tunes. That is what elmwood needs is a Sports Bar or is there one I don't know about?
03/13/2006 19:16 #28323
Steak & BJ DayCategory: holiday
For those oif you who have never heard of it here is a link to one website about it.
. Finaly A holiday for the guys where they get a steak and BJ sounds great. But I wonder since it was ment for a guy and girl I wonder if two gay guys could celebrate it. I wonder if anyone really celebrates it at all.
The above card was from a link sent to me fromBullradio at Myspace. Steak and BJ day is March 14th. It still seems like a strange holiday. I wonder what would happen if you walked into a resturant and Asked for the steak and BJ special I wonder if they would kick you out or have you arested. Now that I think of it in the movie waiting they work at one of those places and Steak and BJ day is never mentioned as rude and crude as that movie was that kinda surprises me. If any one really celebrates it I hope you enjoy it Tommarow Or in My world Tuesday.

The above card was from a link sent to me fromBullradio at Myspace. Steak and BJ day is March 14th. It still seems like a strange holiday. I wonder what would happen if you walked into a resturant and Asked for the steak and BJ special I wonder if they would kick you out or have you arested. Now that I think of it in the movie waiting they work at one of those places and Steak and BJ day is never mentioned as rude and crude as that movie was that kinda surprises me. If any one really celebrates it I hope you enjoy it Tommarow Or in My world Tuesday.
theecarey - 03/13/06 21:28
Ahhh, I was trying to remember who mentioned this in a past post.. ok, it was Jason.
I want to see some Hallmark Cards. I want to see this on a calender. hell, lets make it a national holiday...
whatever.. I just like days off from work.. :)
Ahhh, I was trying to remember who mentioned this in a past post.. ok, it was Jason.
I want to see some Hallmark Cards. I want to see this on a calender. hell, lets make it a national holiday...
whatever.. I just like days off from work.. :)
zobar - 03/13/06 20:41
I've heard of Steak & BJ Day before - the idea being that the effort that men put into making Valentine's Day special for women is returned to them on Steak & BJ Day. It's like the circle of life.
That having been said, I think I'll be lucky to get a cheeseburger this Steak & BJ Day. )-:
- Z
I've heard of Steak & BJ Day before - the idea being that the effort that men put into making Valentine's Day special for women is returned to them on Steak & BJ Day. It's like the circle of life.
That having been said, I think I'll be lucky to get a cheeseburger this Steak & BJ Day. )-:
- Z
metalpeter - 03/13/06 20:10
I know Jason has mentioned it in passing in a post recently but I have no idea wich one. This is another holiday that being single on does me no good. If I was the man from Nantucket than that would be a differant story. Maybe I should start dating someone on tuesday :-)
I know Jason has mentioned it in passing in a post recently but I have no idea wich one. This is another holiday that being single on does me no good. If I was the man from Nantucket than that would be a differant story. Maybe I should start dating someone on tuesday :-)
jenks - 03/13/06 19:55
oh crap, don't let josh and jason see this one! ;)
oh crap, don't let josh and jason see this one! ;)
03/12/2006 07:42 #28322
Sabres BanditsCategory: sports
On Thursday I had a great time with the people from work. I just wished I would have thought to find out where (e:ladycroft) was sitting It would have been cool to visit her. The 200's are a great place to see the game from. The Resturant at the 200 level is interesting to, man there where a lot of hot chicks there plus some the waitresses where amazing to. The game went buy quickly viewing it from the resturant and from the seats. It was a great time and the sabres beat Tampa Bay.
Last nights Bandits game was also A lot of fun, even though they lost. It was still a great game. That is except for one the Toronto Fans Having a cow bell, that was fucking anoying. At the beging of the game there was a tribute to John Tavares for the record he set last game that was neat.
I just caught the end of the sabres game on saturday after coming home from my sis's apartment. It was good to see that they won. I helped her download itunes and transfer them to her shuffle. I couldn't figgure out how to get songs from rhapsody on it but maybe her roomate can. The strange thing is that the way there computer is set up the ipod has to be plugged into the back of the computer it is to wide and hits the side of the tower. That was interesting and fun. Now if I ever get one I sord of know how to do it, if I can remember it that is.
The Sabres Play again today I think at 5pm that should be interesting. Tonight the Sopranos start up again and there is some new show on about poligamy called Big Love that might be interesting hopefully the game will be over by then. Hopefully when I reduce the size of the pictures I will update this entry or maybe make a new one.
Last nights Bandits game was also A lot of fun, even though they lost. It was still a great game. That is except for one the Toronto Fans Having a cow bell, that was fucking anoying. At the beging of the game there was a tribute to John Tavares for the record he set last game that was neat.
I just caught the end of the sabres game on saturday after coming home from my sis's apartment. It was good to see that they won. I helped her download itunes and transfer them to her shuffle. I couldn't figgure out how to get songs from rhapsody on it but maybe her roomate can. The strange thing is that the way there computer is set up the ipod has to be plugged into the back of the computer it is to wide and hits the side of the tower. That was interesting and fun. Now if I ever get one I sord of know how to do it, if I can remember it that is.
The Sabres Play again today I think at 5pm that should be interesting. Tonight the Sopranos start up again and there is some new show on about poligamy called Big Love that might be interesting hopefully the game will be over by then. Hopefully when I reduce the size of the pictures I will update this entry or maybe make a new one.
03/08/2006 13:38 #28321
Sabres VariousCategory: nhl
I'm going to the Sabres game on Thursday with work a few people from work. It is going to be the first time I think for a hockey game that I've been in the 200's they should be great seats. I havn't been keeping up with the sabres like I should have been lately. I don't come here for a few days and a bunch of things are new. The News has a differant look and there is a web cam or something link that I didn't see. There is New thing called Gather I have no Idea what that does. There are a few new people here. It seems like that Hotel Debate is still going on, I hope that is over I think everyone has said everything they can say about it. The other night I watched this great Show Called Tattoo: Under the skin. They showed jail Tats and gave some of the meanings and showed people in Thailand geting tattoo with spritual power it was verry interesting. It werid how you miss a couple days of posts and chat and you sord of feal like you are missing others lives. I can't read all the posts but I've read some. Hope the Sabres win that would make the day even better but as long as it is a good game it will be fun.
ladycroft - 03/08/06 13:59
(e:nejifer) and i will be at the game too. we have to take 20 of our hilbert kids.
(e:nejifer) and i will be at the game too. we have to take 20 of our hilbert kids.
Nice point, Peter. To thrive and grow, WNY must adapt to change. Some of which is not that comfortable. It is complicated and people are passionate about the details- as you said it is good that people have standards and ask questions- but they have to ask the right ones: What is good for the future of WNY? How will this (whatever it is) effect people now and the next generation? To get stuck on the wrong details and wrong questions, well.. answers your question: progress? "um,no. Not around here.."