Before I forget I picked up this weeks Artvoice on the way home from the bank, man there are some cuties working there. They Have a verry intrersting article about

the Elmwood Village Hotel. It covers a bunch of differant points of view. There is one part that seems like an attack on the Buffalo News. I wish those two would just give there thoughts with out attacking each other, other then that it is a good article. There is another interesting article about the banning of Hoddies at the Regal movie Theatre. I had never heard of this but I do go during the day and havn't been in some time. There is a third piece I havn't read yet about improvment ideas for the HSBC Arena. I'm going to the Bandits game tonight so hopefully I will read it then when at the game look at some of those improment ideas and see what I think. One thing they suggested was doing something with the adelphia Internet kisok area that hasn't been used in a long time. I know somepeople don't agree with a lot of what artvoice says and thinks it is a shitty paper but I think this week they may like it. Oh by the way "Buffalo What"
"B'andits" "Lets go Bandits, Lets go Bandits" " B O X B O X, To The Box To Box To the Box Box Box" . Sorry I had to add that, if Tavares gets one more point he sets the record for most points ever in the league.
The main reason to get this weeks artvoice if you are someone who likes to have there opions heard this is a good week. They have another buffalo's best Ballot. There are at least two Catogories that everyone here might be interested in Best Blog and best website. .

I started reading the Arena article then remembered the other thing in artvoice that is in italics. Hopefully that link leads to the hsbc arena part. Yeah it does lead to the article that I found interesting agreed with some of it and not all of it. But that reminds me I saw some of the Pat Lafonte Jersy being raised in the HSBC Arena on TV last night that was preaty cool. But couldn't stay up for the game.I'm supposed to be going to one more game next week with work. That should be a lot of fun.
we really have some wonderful architecture and masonry work in this city. it would be nice to see a few more well appointed buildings like in TO, NYC & Boston going up. I didn't even know the bandits still played, i think they need some pr & marketing work because i used to go to many games.
ok I messed up and put the same pic up twice oops and the first two are of some families friends cats still hope you enjoy them.