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02/27/2006 19:43 #28314

"where not worthy"
Category: relationships
Before I get into last night and my topic I wanted to give this link It is an article about bog sites in buffalo from the Buffalo News. I think it is good that (e:strip) was mentioned. I belive it was the first time ever in the news.

Over the weekend I was In a chat with (e:ladycroft) that really got my mind going last night. Or maybe it was just that I was tired and missed the first few minutes of The L Word and that and some of the closing ceremonies of the olympics; not sure. Last night I had trouble sleeping for some reason also so recalling my thoughts may come across in a strange way. I think that a lot of us guys are affraid of good girls. Yeah the slutly girls, or the dumb girls, or the ladies who only party and don't do anything with there lives are easy to take. But rad chicks who like sports. Or who are really smart. Or who have travled the world or are super busy. They are verry intimadating because we can feal that we arn't worthy or that why would they be with us. Sometimes we think wow they are so busy when would they have time for us and that can be a problem. I think another thing that hurts our self estem or confidance in our selves is that a lot of people lie or tell half turths and we know this so we don't know if ladies are telling us the truth or lieing to us. When it is some chick who is only a one night who cares. But when it is someone rad and we think that maybe she is saying stuff about how we are cool or good in bed or rad ourselves to not hurt us. Yeah so this soundend a lot better in my head last night. Sometimes a great chick is a lot more pressure for us guys. With how fast my mind was racing last night I knew if I wasn't able to post it then that it wouldn't come out right. Last night was verry strange I was fealling kinda down and not really lonely but sord of but once I started watching TV I mellowed a bit. I saw part of really funny cartoon on Adult swim called Moral Oral it was great maybe that is what put me over the limit or maybe I just wanted some hot chick to talk to, who knows.

For the ladies of (e:strip) I think I may need to start that service. Granted I don't have a cell phone or a car to get to anyone so I doubt the service will go anywhare really. Some people for theropy like to start politcal fights and name call online. But I'll take ladies hitting me if it makes them or myself feal better. I know there is something I'm forgetting. I wish I could write my thoughts the way they came flying out last night, they where driving me insane. If I feal I need to post before I go to bed it may be an addiction. On another note there is the lady I work with who if she gets mad or looks upset I always tell her she can take it out on me, she never does, but thinks it is funny. Oh in case no one can tell I'm a little fucked up in the head.
twisted - 02/27/06 20:43
Well, I don't know if this is it, but on some level, most of us think pain=punishment. So if you feel you deserve punishment - or feel you want to be recognized for deserving punishment - that could be something you crave. Or, if you're taking that pain on someone else's behalf, you could welcome it. it could mean a lot - or it could just mean you just don't mind a certain type of pain. anyway - thanks for sharing. I don't know if we'll ever get to the bottom of it, but it's interesting!
metalpeter - 02/27/06 20:16
The thing that is weird is that I like some pain but hate other types of pain. maybe it is just a sexual thing who knows. The scapring or scathing kind of pain or joint pain drives me insane. But other kinds of pain still hurt but up to a certain point also feal good, I wish I could describe it better.
twisted - 02/27/06 19:59
That is not as fucked up as it might sound or seem. Mothers sacrifice themselves for their children all the time. It's a very nurturing instinct to want to take the pain on behalf of someone else. It's just harder to understand if there's no relationship there. But if you feel the relationship - or feel strong enough to take it on behalf of someone who can't - that's a noble thing.

02/26/2006 12:31 #28313

Suicide Eaters
Category: movies
Recently I have seen two good Documentaries that I taped. One of them is really a TV series and the other not sure if it would be considered a documentary by film makers but I really enjoyed both of them.

The first one was called "Sucide Girls the first Tour". That was interesting there were some really hot ladies in that. There was one quick shot of Niagara Falls in it. There was some good perfomances and great nudity. But there was also footage of the girls on tour. It was about the girls who toured and it did get into the site a little bit but it is tough to cover the site when there are so many ladies on that site.
[inlink]emily,66[/inlink] (past post on it). Not that there are any sites that I currently pay for other then webshots if I was going to join an adult site that is the one I would join . I don't go there verry often at all because there are so many girls it is overwhelming. In any event I know there have been a few posts about them I wanted to talk more about the show about the tour. They came to ICON last summer I think I don't know why I didn't go I really should have.

The Second one was part of MTV News Documentary series called True Life. This one Followed 3 Competative eaters. I found it interesting how some of them trained . Some with weights some with eating things to stretch there somach. One of the guys was the Japanase guy who holds the record for eating the most hotdogs.

02/22/2006 20:05 #28310

Dangerous Dreams?
Category: dreams?
I remember hearing that there is this part of your brain that makes it so you can't act out your dreams it is like an inhibator. Not really sure if that is true or not but it is interesting. I admit I don't usauly remember my dreams. But the ones that can be strange or verry intense are the ones you have after you wake up. I don't mean day dreams. You wake up and go back to bed and close your eyes but your mind keeps going and it as if you are in the dreams but you are wide awake you then move or react to something and your eyes open and you see your souroundings and they don't match the dream so they close again. This can happen many times. But sometimes I wonder what would happen if You where just to move since you are aware and your eyes don't open or you don't blink. What would happen. Granted if any thing caused them to open you would be fine. But When you are awake eyes closed but you are in that middle ground where your brain is going as if you are awake but you really arn't it can be intense. I did have a couple dreams like that, whare I can still remember parts of them but i can't repeat them here. I have never had a sports dream that I can remember. I wonder if I was sking and did a back flip with two rotations and crashed in the snow if I would wake up in pain. Right now I'm listing to Triple Crown by Jackdaw it is a burn with some hidden tracks or maybe it is just one it is a good CD. I had some other question about dreams. I can't imagine what it is like to be blind but I wonder how the blind dream. If they never had any vision does the brain make up images. If they had seen before do they dream both ways. I think someday I should do some dream reserch that would be something I might be able to reserch and enjoy.
ladycroft - 02/24/06 15:55
Ditto Jenks, go watch Waking Life! You'll love it.
jenks - 02/24/06 00:30
and PS- yeah jackdaw! my boys!
jenks - 02/24/06 00:29
Peter you should watch "Waking Life". Aside from having cool trippy animation and a nice score, it's all about 'lucid dreaming'- like when you know you're dreaming in your dream. And then goes into how do you know if it's a dream or real... It's interesting. A touch overly philosophical/deep at moments, but overall quite cool.
leetee - 02/22/06 23:14
What we dream about and how is facinating, isn't it? You mention skiing and crashing, wondering if you would wake up in pain? Ever have one of those dreams that snap you awake, just as you are falling asleep, that involves you bumping into something? I used to have a lot of those when i was a kid. Mostly, i was riding my bike and i would go over a bump in my dream, and SNAP!, i would be awake. I think i read once that those types of dreams had something to do with stress release... You mentioning a dream about injury reminded me of those kinds of dreams.

I am not sure if i am fortunate or not, but i tend to remember my dreams...
theecarey - 02/22/06 22:37
I am fascinated with sleep and dreaming.. being a big fan of sleep, it is only natural :)

I played around with a lot of neuropsychology back in the day.. sleep cycles always surfaced for topics of study. Good stuff. Anyway, I was trying to remember the stage and neuro stuff that goes into "paralyzing" the body from acting out dreams.. To double check, I found a few super anal sites, then found one that is much more reader friendly. check it out: :::link:::

02/25/2006 17:35 #28312

Self Promotion
Category: advertising

Today I had to work. I didn't want to be there is a lot of work. On wendsday I may get to meet Dave Mira. If it works out that would be awesome. He is supposed to be at the company I work at. He does Adds for Oxy not sure if they are one of his sponers but I do know they Had some adds at the X games. Today on break I was Reading the Paper and found this article in the business section about Cliff Claven aka John Ratzenberger. Hopefully it will increase sales and profits and how much work we have. Hopefully I will have some issues or more interesting things to post about. Maybe I will have a crazzy dream or something.

In the first ad, John Ratzenberger offers advice on Mentholatum's WellPatch to a "canoe guy' with sore muscles.

John Ratzenberger used a WellPatch on his leg after mountain bike riding.

Mentholatum hires 'Cliff Claven'

'Cheers' actor will wear firm's WellPatch in TV commercials

News Business Reporter

A national ad that begins airing on TV stations today features the actor who played postman Cliff Claven in the 1980s sitcom Cheers, a canoeist with a sore arm, medicine made by the local Mentholatum Co. and the creative work of a small Orchard Park firm.
"They let me make up my own lines and they let me have fun, so it was a pleasant experience," said actor John Ratzenberger, whose latest work includes voices for Pixar animated movies and hosting the Travel Channel's "Made in America" show.

In the new commercial, developed by Campbell Associates, Ratzenberger appears driving an RV as he does in the Made in America shows, which are about U.S. made products - including Westfield's Welch's grape juice and Olean's Cutco knives.

In the first ad to debut for Mentholatum's WellPatch - medicine patches that work like nicotine patches - Ratzenberger pulls up to a lake somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. He sees a canoeist rubbing his shoulder and calls out to the "canoe guy," a reference Ratzenberger ad-libbed into the script. "Hey canoe guy, try a little WellPatch relief on those sore muscles," the actor says in the spot.

The script for the ad was written by Bob Campbell, president of Campbell Associates, a four-member ad firm that counts Mentholatum as its chief client. Another Orchard Park firm, Media Pros, arranged for scheduling the commercials.

"They are the largest national ad spenders in Western New York," said Ken Dobmeier, president of Media Pros.

WellPatches come in formulations for muscle aches, arthritis, migraine headaches and coughs and colds. They first came out four years ago. Ratzenberger said he had friends and family try them before he agreed to be spokesman. "They all reported back that this stuff actually works and so I said, "Yes,' " recalled Ratzenberger, who tried one on his leg after a strain from mountain bike riding.

Campbell said the actor was a creative pleasure to work with, improving the commercials with his suggestions. "Every time he added something, he added something that was a keeper," Campbell said.


02/24/2006 21:41 #28311

scaterd thoughts
First of all thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post. I will come clean about the two dreams. One of them had Ladycroft in it. I admit I have no idea why I can't remember it had something to do with my apartment but other then that I have no clue. The second Dream Had IMK2 in it she woke me up with a kiss. That dream was really strange since I don't think I have ever met her. The dream is a little fuzzy but from what I remember it was intense. It wasn't sexual it was like Ok who is the hot chick, why is she here, how did she get in, and what is going on? It wasn't sexual at all from what I remember.

(e:Paul) sent me this link. Part of one of my journals is qouted. It is an article from the Buffalo News about the sex laws of Canada. The website is interesting.

I read a bunch of journals today since I feel behind and there where a couple interesting ones. I like that the elmwood hotel is being mentioned.

Reading IMK2 journal the other day got me thinking. I remember I knew this girl and guy who where dating really seriously. There was some problem sexualy not sure what it was. But she would tell her girlfriends about it, that he couldn't lay her right or something. But is soundend like she didn't tell him that other wise the problem would have been corrected. I wonder why didn't she just tell him that it could have fixed a lot of problems. But what makes thing more interesting is that some of us guys know that women talk dirty to there friends about there boyfriends or boytoys. We know that there are things that they wouldn't tell us. So that can make us self consicus and wonder what if I'm doing something she dosn't like or that is no good and she just isn't telling me. That is one reason I think the truth is verry important. That way everyone can be happy.

I am thinking about starting a service for angery ladies and ladies only of (e:strip). It would be completely free of charge and would benifit both you ladies and me. I would let you ladies take you anger out on me. The theroputic release of anger is good for you. The key is to let the anger out slowly and let it build. You can provide the belt or I could. The key with any physical activity is to start out slowly and build if you over do it before you warm up you can pull a muscle and we don't want that to happen. Sord of joking but it is an interesting idea. With my luck someone would slip and buckle will crack my head open.

I watched some of the Mens Freestyle Skiing last night and this morning when I woke up and it was truely amazing. I may get off this computer some time today and get to watch some olympics and maybe Mill Maher tonight that is a great show. I don't agree with every thing he says but still a good show.

I get to work on sat. Not looking forward to it but the OT will really make the check nice.

Hopefully one of these days I will get my own computer so I can chat, read and post here as I watch TV that would be cool. Sure I forgot something. Oh yeah Mardi Gras is going on in New Orleans and Buffalos Annual Celerbration is Tuesday I belive. Lacrosses All Star Game is in Toronto on Saturday not sure if it is on tv or radio. Ok I think that is everything.
metalpeter - 02/25/06 16:47
I'm sure I would take the beating anyways if there was no anger. What I was suggesting would be helpfull for both people. It still might be a good way to get rid of stress and to maybe feal better for both. I think everyone has some agression in them and it is good to get it out. With out anger somepeople still might enjoy it.
theecarey - 02/25/06 02:20
What if we are not angry?
imk2 - 02/25/06 02:06
MP, that's quite an interesting offer you got there!