I read some interesting news about Google on USA Todays website. For those that are interested the complete article is below. Basicly my understanding is that The US government or at least that evil fucking trying to take all of our rights away in the name of freedom asshole Tottolotarian little Hitler wana be George Bush want Google to hand over peoples private information. Basicly they are fishing for information. It is one thing if you know a certain person has commited a crime and you where trying to get information about what they looked up online. With a court order then that might be ok. But we arn't talking about that. We are talking about George W. Shitting on the Consitiution and violating our rights. I'm glad Google is fighting this. They shouldn't have to give any of there information over. The second that they start to do that then people will stop using there service and what the government is trying to do may wind up crushing Google then they will have to move on to some other serch engine maybe Yahoo. The one thing that bothers me a little bit is the way the article is written it makes it sound like Google is doing this for Business Reasons and not morale reasons. I hope I am miss reading this. On this issue I have to say I hope Google kicks there fucking ass. My philoshpy is that If we have to give up freedoms to be free then we arn't really free, so the minute you start to surrender those freedoms then freedom means nothing and is just a term. What I don't get is why Google is going along with china. Here in the US they are fighting for freedom but in China they are going to help a repressive government help repress the people. I'm hoping the Google will wise up and not give China everything it needs to Filter everything and that will let some subversive information into chinas web space. I think the article is worth a read, I found it interesting.
Posted 2/17/2006 9:06 PM Updated 2/17/2006 9:14 PM
Google rips Justice Department in court papers
By Michael Liedtke, The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO - Google criticized the Bush administration's demand to examine millions of its users' Internet search requests as a misguided fishing expedition that threatens to ruin the company's credibility and reveal its closely guarded secrets.
The Mountain View, Calif.-based company delivered its indignant critique Friday in a 25-page brief that marked its initial legal response to the U.S. Justice Department's attempt to force the online search engine leader to comply with a 6-month-old subpoena.
The Justice Department has until Feb. 24 to respond to the papers that Google filed Friday. A hearing for oral arguments is scheduled March 13 before U.S. District Judge James Ware in San Jose, Calif.
The case has attracted widespread attention because the Justice Department's demand to peek under the hood of the Internet's most popular search engine has underscored the potential for online databases becoming tools for government surveillance.
Hoping to revive an online child protection law that has been blocked by the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department wants a random list of the search requests made by the millions of people who visit Google during any week.
The government believes the search requests will help prove that Internet filters aren't strong enough to prevent children from accessing online pornography and other potentially offensive websites.
Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN and Time Warner's America Online already have provided some of the search engine information sought by the Justice Department. All three companies say they complied without relinquishing their users' private information.
But Google has steadfastly refused to hand over the requested information, a defiant stance that the company reaffirmed in a brief that depicts the Bush administration as heavy-handed snoops and technological rubes.
In one particularly scathing section, Google's lawyers ridiculed the government's belief that a list of search requests would help it understand the behavior of Web surfers.
"This statement is so uninformed as to be nonsensical," the lawyers wrote.
Although the Justice Department says it doesn't want any of the personal information, Google contends its cooperation would set off privacy alarms and scare away some of the traffic that has driven its success.
"If users believe that the text of their search queries into Google's search engine may become public knowledge, it only logically follows that they will be less likely to use the service," Google's lawyers wrote.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which is opposing the Bush administration's effort to revive the online child protection law, also filed a brief Friday in support of Google.
"This subpoena is the latest example of government overreaching, in which the government apparently believes it can demand that private entities turn over all sorts of information about their customers just because the government asserts that it needs the information," the ACLU's lawyers wrote.
Google also said it doubts the government would be available to shield the requested information from public scrutiny. The company maintains the data sought by the government could provide its rivals and website operators with valuable insights about how its search engine works.
As it battles the Justice Department, Google is cooperating with China's Communist government by censoring some of the search results that the company produces in a country that restricts free speech.
That odd juxtaposition has caused civil rights activists to applaud Google for defying the U.S. government while the champions of human rights and free speech jeer the company for bending to China's will.
I kinda was into it back when Nancy Carigan was crying Why, Why, why. Back when Kristy Yamguchi was the Hot skater. I admit taking off spining and relanding on ice looks very diffacult. Plus all the ladies are so hot and they wear those suits that show off a lot with out really showing anything off. I just can't really get into it. Womens aeirals are on tonight that should be awesome (they probably allready happendend).
i wish you would give figure skating a chance, it gets quite intense at times!