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02/14/2006 18:47 #28303

Anti-valentines day
Category: holiday
I hope that everyone has a great valentines day. If that means running your self a bath and lighting 1,000 candles after you give your self 5 orgasims or if it taking the hunny out to dinner and giving them a great gift or if it buying a cute bear in a balloon and seting the Bear on fire then stabing it through the Hart with a spike. However you deal with the holiday I hope everyone enjoys it. It has never been a holiday I really cared for. Why should you treat someone special on a certain day and be oblogated to just do special things for them all the time when you feal like it, not because it is a holiday. I not sure whare the meaning of valentines day is or what it is, but what ever it is was lost a long time ago. Ok enough of my rant.

One Anti-Valentines day site you may enjoy

Below is some art work I found on line doing a google search. I think they are preaty cool looking.






Another interesting site.

That reminds me about this really cool lady I knew online. I can't remember how we met exactly. She seemed preaty cool and we got along great. She was having some problems. So I being a Nice guy thought I should send her some roses. I almost did then talked to her on line a few days later. Turned out she hates roses, good thing I didn't send them. Another strange story was a guy at work in a training session mentioned he sent his wife flowers but they put the wrong name on the card. People at her work know him so they had no idea who this other guy was. That must have been very interesting and a little humilating but still funny. Hope eveyone has or had a great day.

02/13/2006 20:14 #28302

Eve of Evil
Category: holiday

That is right today is the eve of that evil holiday Valentines Day (maybe i'm over doing it a bit but oh well). I'm supposed to be going out with the family for desert or something but have no idea what time. I wish I was artistic so I could draw a black heart with some black Roses and maybe like a bloody dagger or something. Then I could post it here.

Onto better things so far I have really been enjoying the Olympics. I look forward to seeing Womens Half Pipe on TV tonight it should be awesome. Granted they don't go as big as the boys but still good stuff. I may have missed the ski jumping. Luge is interesting also along with Bobsleigh.

Here is a concert that I may wind up going to.
There is a third band at this show also whos name I just blanked on.

I know there was something else I wanted to talk about but I can't remember what. Was it the hot ness of all the (e:peep) ladies in the pics. Was it that sleeping on sunday nights is diffacult sometimes. Was it that I still set off those scaners they have by the doors at Walgreens, Tops, Eckard, Rite aid and Target. Was it that I really need to find some great concert to go to. Someone at work is going to see Motley Crue friday that would be awesome.

02/12/2006 11:50 #28301

italy web
Category: olympics
I woke up this moring and watched the Mens snowboard superpipe this morning it was verry good. I thought I would put up some pics from the web but I didn't want to put up any competition shots that might give away results. Right now Canada should still be playing Russia in Womens hockey and later the Americans play someone I forget who.









metalpeter - 02/12/06 13:40
Italy is one of the many places I want to visit. I should have mentioned that the halfpipe was live. Didn't see much of the Canada game but from what I saw they played great.
jenks - 02/12/06 12:24
so pretty... makes me want to go to Italy. Couldn't care less about the sports- just want to go visit!

02/11/2006 13:49 #28300

Olympic Bandits
Category: olympics
Well for somereason I can't up load pics here using firefox or internet explorer it must be something on my end I lost a post earlier to this. The page opens but no media files show up well onto my point. I saw some of the peonig ceromines last night at home at Preal Street Bar and grill. I went there after the Bandits beat the Luberjax it was a great game. Man there where some hoties there. None of them noticed me unless I was in ther way going somewhare. I went there to see a band I saw the night before at cozumel. I belive the name of the band is Mark Wisnick. I knew the guy playing drumbs. On thusday I got to watch the sabres lose it ot but at least they got a point. Back to the olympics I saw a little bit of them live this moring they where good. One good website is If you are going to watch them taped on NBC only then you may not want to go there. I will be watching some of the taped coverage but then I need to watch the sabres to, and I have some shows to catch up on that I taped. Plus I have to pick up pictures and put them in an album. I really want to see the freestyle moguls that is fun to watch and maybe some womens hocky not sure what other sports are on. I'm sure there was more I wanted to say but can't think of it. Oh yeah I'm also really looking forward to seeing the snowboarding and mens hockey. If I get more info I may talk about the Gambiling ring that the great one may be invovled in; that may really make for an interesting olympics.

02/08/2006 20:00 #28299

Category: tv
Not sure How I didn't Know the Grammy Awards where on until today. So I will tape Bones. It is really a good show. House was good last night. I taped but havn't watched to episodes of the seceret life of women. The one episode looks really good. I missed Miami Ink. I like the show because it is a reality show about a Tattoo shop but you also get to see Tattos people get and why.