One Anti-Valentines day site you may enjoy

Below is some art work I found on line doing a google search. I think they are preaty cool looking.

Another interesting site.

That reminds me about this really cool lady I knew online. I can't remember how we met exactly. She seemed preaty cool and we got along great. She was having some problems. So I being a Nice guy thought I should send her some roses. I almost did then talked to her on line a few days later. Turned out she hates roses, good thing I didn't send them. Another strange story was a guy at work in a training session mentioned he sent his wife flowers but they put the wrong name on the card. People at her work know him so they had no idea who this other guy was. That must have been very interesting and a little humilating but still funny. Hope eveyone has or had a great day.
Italy is one of the many places I want to visit. I should have mentioned that the halfpipe was live. Didn't see much of the Canada game but from what I saw they played great.
so pretty... makes me want to go to Italy. Couldn't care less about the sports- just want to go visit!