02/12/2006 11:50 #28301
italy webCategory: olympics
02/11/2006 13:49 #28300
Olympic BanditsCategory: olympics
Well for somereason I can't up load pics here using firefox or internet explorer it must be something on my end I lost a post earlier to this. The page opens but no media files show up well onto my point. I saw some of the peonig ceromines last night at home at Preal Street Bar and grill. I went there after the Bandits beat the Luberjax it was a great game. Man there where some hoties there. None of them noticed me unless I was in ther way going somewhare. I went there to see a band I saw the night before at cozumel. I belive the name of the band is Mark Wisnick. I knew the guy playing drumbs. On thusday I got to watch the sabres lose it ot but at least they got a point. Back to the olympics I saw a little bit of them live this moring they where good. One good website is cbc.ca/olympics. If you are going to watch them taped on NBC only then you may not want to go there. I will be watching some of the taped coverage but then I need to watch the sabres to, and I have some shows to catch up on that I taped. Plus I have to pick up pictures and put them in an album. I really want to see the freestyle moguls that is fun to watch and maybe some womens hocky not sure what other sports are on. I'm sure there was more I wanted to say but can't think of it. Oh yeah I'm also really looking forward to seeing the snowboarding and mens hockey. If I get more info I may talk about the Gambiling ring that the great one may be invovled in; that may really make for an interesting olympics.
02/08/2006 20:00 #28299
AwardsCategory: tv
Not sure How I didn't Know the Grammy Awards where on until today. So I will tape Bones. It is really a good show. House was good last night. I taped but havn't watched to episodes of the seceret life of women. The one episode looks really good. I missed Miami Ink. I like the show because it is a reality show about a Tattoo shop but you also get to see Tattos people get and why.
02/06/2006 19:22 #28297
Finaly Champions AgainCategory: nfl
02/07/2006 19:50 #28298
Various thoughts On friday Is the next Bandits home Game the play the Portland Lumberjax If menory is correct. That is also the same night as the opening Ceramonies for the Olympics. From what I understand there is no such Place as Torino, Italy it is Turin and the Americans have the name wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if I dissapear from this site for about two weeks. I may or may not depening on how well the games are covered and what sports are on.
V-day: I'm guessing I'll be busy watching TV or the Olympics and so I won't care to much about it. It has never really ben one of my holidays. I think it may go back to that whole exchanging them at school with everybody in class was weird. You made them out for everyone. I wonder if stripclubs do better or worse on V-day (not to be confuseed with the real v day wich is victory day, is that even a holiday anymore). The guys with girls wouldn't go but maybe single guys would go.
Sabres Play in about 5 minutes. Go Sabres!!!!!!!!!!!
24 was a good episode this week hopefully House Will be Tonight.
There where a bunch of great Superbowl ads, like all the Beer Comericals, that crazzy Burger king, Full Throtle and a few others. But that being said None of them was truely inovative and none of them took any chances except the streaking one.
Some of the calls in the Superbowl where Very close and The Seahawks could make a good case that there Touchdown should have counted and the Steelers shouldn't if you saw the game or the replays you know what I'm talking about.
Buffalo Auto Show is this weekend. I guess they are having some activities downtown some of them are at the Hyatt I think there is also free Ice Skating some people may be interested in that.
In yesterdays paper i Saw 3 coupons for like 15% off adult shops. One of them used to give ladies a discount on certain days. That sounds illegal to me, don't know if they still do that.
For Valentines day I want two bisexual stripers who force me to do drugs, and other stuff I won't get into. Even though it is't really a holiday I'm into that would still be cool.
Now I'm eating diner and listing to the sabres, still go Sabres!!!!!!!!!
I had a few politcal points I wanted to get to but forget what they are. Ok now I remember I think it is to bad that part of the Rollingstones songs where edited by ABC or was it the NFL for the Superbowl. I think that if you don't agree with the lyrics to a song then don't have the group perform. If you think the real lyrics will offend some one then again don't have them perform. If I where the stones and they said we don't want this part to be heard I'd tell them to go fuck them selves we arn't performing. Suposidly the stones where told before hand about it but they are still upset. Who knows what really happendend. Hopefully my next post will be better.
The L word was good this weekend. Some great Nudity. Not sure who my favorite lady is. I think Dana is the hotest or maybe carmen. But Jenny is the most interesting. She hasn't really been that interesting yet this season. But last season she was verry interesting.
Hopefully I read something in the paper or someone else post that gets me fired up and maybe even gets me to start a little trouble. In case I don't have anything to say and don't post Hope everyone has a great Valentines day.
Italy is one of the many places I want to visit. I should have mentioned that the halfpipe was live. Didn't see much of the Canada game but from what I saw they played great.
so pretty... makes me want to go to Italy. Couldn't care less about the sports- just want to go visit!