For those that are expecting pics I havn't downloaded them yet I'm gonna wait untill monday since I'm going to the Parade Today. Well if I have time maybe tonight. Who Knows maybe I'll run into some of you. I"m not sure where me and my sister will watch from. Sometimes she runs into people she knows BuT I usally don't. I met a few
(e:peeps) if I froget anyone sorry Like Ryan, Nick, and Imk2 they all seemed preaty cool. There where other people I spoke to aswell, but I still wish I would have been more talkative. Somehow Mike was depanced again. The Huka was verry interesting. Those sugar gliders are preaty cool, i think them walking on me might freak me out not sure.
Speaking of pictures some people may have noticed (or not) that in my blogs the pictures I post are of people who are at the parties or are members or are events I have gone to. For some reason when I talk about things like my cousins weeding I don't like to put their pictures up. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it is a privousy thing Like That I giving my view on something that happend or it is my take on it. But that if they wanted the pictures on line they would have there own Blog or there own website. I don't think I'm explaining it exactly the right way but that is about as close as I can come. Or maybe it is a way of distancing my self and to help keep the blog more personal, not sure. In any event hopefully I will have the pictures up soon and see some others pictures also. Who knows maybe I'll see some of you out and about. If that where to happen it would be My first Random Peep sighting. Hope Everyones weekend was and is enjoyable.
you do well to capture candids