First of all if any one likes South Park and missed this weeks then you may not want to read my post. I got to watch South Park it was an interesting one. Basicly they bashed the Muslums getting mad over Cartoons of Alah and bashed Fox's Family Guy. Fox Edited out Aliajah and they showed Rioters and translated some guy talking in arbic that had nothing to do with the profit but basicly said Family Guy isn't funny and about how the Jokes have nothing to do with the story line, it was interesting and in some ways they where right on. I do like Family guy and think it is funny show. This episode is to be Continued untill next week. I don't think they will run a Terrance and Philip show like they did when they where supposed to be revealing Cartmen's Father, from what I understand that got a lot of fans Pissed but we shall see what Happens next week. I like shows that bash everybody and are funny and fun to watch. Watching both South Park and family Guy is a good way to Relax. I wonder if Family Guy will try to get back at South Park or if they started it first. I know on Clerks The Animated Series DVD Family Guy is Called an Unfunny Show by Kevin Smith wich surprised me, I think there is some Beef that he isn't talking about or maybe I missed something. On an unrelated note hopefull The sabres win Tonight and the Bandits win on Saturday.
Metalpeter's Journal
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04/07/2006 19:00 #28343
South Park Vs. Family GuyCategory: tv
04/06/2006 20:20 #28342
Sabres Saved Inside Man this week we have had a lot of oredrs this week. Been a little Tired. Last night I got home just in time to watch the Sabres. Saw the first Period then listened as I watched Bones that is a good show. When ever there was a goal I would Switch over then watched the rest of the game but sleept a bit and woke up to the winning goal I think I saw all the goals. I didn't think we could beat the senators but we did that was awesome. This week I went to See "inside man" it was a good action drama movie I liked it. On Cable I Finaly saw "Saved" it is funny and interesting. I have been meaning to watch it for at least a month. It is about a Religous Highschool and this one girl trying to save her gay boyfriend gets preganant it is interesing at the very least. The Bandits are officaly in the playoffs and on saturday they have a regular Season Home game Vs. Colorado it will be fun. Speaking of that I missed South Park Last night but Hopefull will catch it tonight. Hopefully there will be some issue that I can discuss on here soon as oposed to just recounting my day.
04/03/2006 18:09 #28341
600 for alexCategory: photos
Well acording to my stats up top this should be journal 600 wow that is a lot of journals. The amount of views allmost seems not posible it avarages out to 147 views per journal that is kinda scary but I'm sure it is correct.
The Pictures are from Artvoices Street Fest in 2002 The Band is Jackdaw. If I have put these pictures up before I'm sorry just thought a couple people might enjoy them.

04/02/2006 11:47 #28340
Bandits SabresCategory: sports
Oh man did the sabres play crappy last night I gave up when it was 5 to 0 I saw some basketball but was so tired just caught up on my sleep. But I was verry Happy that the Bandits won on Friday Night and then I found out this morning that they won last night also. Both games where out west. They Have now clinched a playoff Birth. Hopefully they can get home field advantage through out the entire playoffs but I don't know if that is possible or not. We shall see what happens.
03/31/2006 19:55 #28339
WrestlemaniaCategory: wrestling
Sunday Night is Wrestlemania if there are any wrestling fans out there but if there are then you would allready know that. I belive on Saturday Night they are showing part of the Hall of Fame (WWE) ceremonies. I just Wish I had another VCR so I could Watch and Tape it On the Big TV Maybe I'll buy one on saturday but I doubt it. Then I could Tape my Sunday Shows. I used to get PPVs and invite people over and have parties that was cool, then watch the replay and hear all the comentary and the interviews cause with a few people you miss a lot of what is going on. Not sure what time But NCAA Basketball is also on also. This week of work was long and tiring so chillin is about all I feal like doing may try to find a good movie on sat.

Family guy is hysterical. End of story. :)