The Bisons Home Opener is on friday and so is the bandits Game. I will go to the home opener for a few minutes and then go to the bandits game I think. Lacrosse games sometimes are shorter then baseball so maybe I will get to see the fireworks it wouldn't be the first time that has happenend. Usaly the home opener isn't in conflict with any thing. I remember last year I went to something at HSBC and as I was walking towards the bus Fireworks stared going off at the baseball game it was preaty cool. I just finished listening to "Educated Horses" wich is the new Rob Zombie CD it is verry good. Wish I had some great topic for debate but I really don't.
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/11/2006 19:48 #28346
opening dayCategory: sports
04/10/2006 20:00 #28345
MoviesCategory: movies
Currently Listening to the new Weezer CD for the first time, So far it is verry good with Prison Break coming on at 8 won't get to hear it all but that is ok. I wish Jon Doe was never cancelled that was a great show. But So is Prision break and since they both star the Same actor would be kinda tough for them both to be on still. Yesterday I watched an interesting gangster movie called Layer Cake. It was from the same guy who Directed or wrote (can't remeber) Snatch. It is a nice complicated twist and turning nice and violant movie. I also watched a nice Movie with some good hot tub nudity and some snowboarding also and a cool but kinda goofy snow boarding story line Called Frostbite but it was still enjoyable. Wich brings me to a point that if I have made before I'm sorry. Why in pornos The sex is amazing but the story and the acting suck. That is not true in all of them there are a few actors who are really good and there some lines that they really concentrate on the story. The other side to that is Violant and profane movies why do the most they show is tits and or some frontal hair. Yes there is some boning action going on but never graffic or even close. With the Exception of that movie Where Billy Bob Thorton Bangs the Hell out of Hallie Barie that was some intesnse sex. I would Like to see some coloborations between the two sides of moving making. You can kill 300 people and make people cut off there own arms and it is ok. But as soon a Hard Cock is shown or some snatch the rating goes up to NC-17 and it is hard to sell to Movie Houses. But what I don't understand is kids under 17 unless with a parent arn't allowed to See Rated R movies and ways. I think there should be More NC-17 movies made. Not just for sex but for Violance and Swearing. Why not make some Movies that are For Adults and Adults only that arn't porn but have some better sex scenes, or even really vulgar Comedy at a comedy club in a violant movie.
04/09/2006 13:13 #28344
Bandits Best Buy Coffe Well I wound up doing a lot Yesterday. I put to checks in the bank then went to tops and Bought some food for the homestead. Luckly this time the single bags didn't break on the way home for those of you who remember that. I went to the mothers house and then went to Best buy and Bought DVD Recorder/VCR I still have a lot to figure out but last night I figured out the Basics. But that was after the Game. On the way to best buy I saw Decoyisryan walking down Elmwood counldn't tell if he was with anyone moving to fast. Then down near buffstate where the Hotel is supposed to be someone was selling stuff to get money to try and stop the hotel. I could see he had long hair but couldn't tell if it was Jason or not since I've never met him before. At Bestbuy I bought CD's to Like Rob Zombie, The New Queensryche, Lacuna Coil, Rammstein and Weezer not sure who else. After that we went to this Coffer shop Bread place in the same huge shoping plazza can't remember what it is called Got a Cookie and a Jones Soda. Got home and got ready for the Bandits game and went early so I could Order my playoffs tickets. The Bandits wound up winning and because of someone else winning or losing they will atleast have one playoff game at home. It was a really fun game but wound up being an expensive weekend. Not sure what is up today maybe try taping a couple movies on a DVD.
04/07/2006 19:00 #28343
South Park Vs. Family GuyCategory: tv
First of all if any one likes South Park and missed this weeks then you may not want to read my post. I got to watch South Park it was an interesting one. Basicly they bashed the Muslums getting mad over Cartoons of Alah and bashed Fox's Family Guy. Fox Edited out Aliajah and they showed Rioters and translated some guy talking in arbic that had nothing to do with the profit but basicly said Family Guy isn't funny and about how the Jokes have nothing to do with the story line, it was interesting and in some ways they where right on. I do like Family guy and think it is funny show. This episode is to be Continued untill next week. I don't think they will run a Terrance and Philip show like they did when they where supposed to be revealing Cartmen's Father, from what I understand that got a lot of fans Pissed but we shall see what Happens next week. I like shows that bash everybody and are funny and fun to watch. Watching both South Park and family Guy is a good way to Relax. I wonder if Family Guy will try to get back at South Park or if they started it first. I know on Clerks The Animated Series DVD Family Guy is Called an Unfunny Show by Kevin Smith wich surprised me, I think there is some Beef that he isn't talking about or maybe I missed something. On an unrelated note hopefull The sabres win Tonight and the Bandits win on Saturday.
jenks - 04/07/06 23:29
Family guy is hysterical. End of story. :)
Family guy is hysterical. End of story. :)
04/06/2006 20:20 #28342
Sabres Saved Inside Man this week we have had a lot of oredrs this week. Been a little Tired. Last night I got home just in time to watch the Sabres. Saw the first Period then listened as I watched Bones that is a good show. When ever there was a goal I would Switch over then watched the rest of the game but sleept a bit and woke up to the winning goal I think I saw all the goals. I didn't think we could beat the senators but we did that was awesome. This week I went to See "inside man" it was a good action drama movie I liked it. On Cable I Finaly saw "Saved" it is funny and interesting. I have been meaning to watch it for at least a month. It is about a Religous Highschool and this one girl trying to save her gay boyfriend gets preganant it is interesing at the very least. The Bandits are officaly in the playoffs and on saturday they have a regular Season Home game Vs. Colorado it will be fun. Speaking of that I missed South Park Last night but Hopefull will catch it tonight. Hopefully there will be some issue that I can discuss on here soon as oposed to just recounting my day.
no really....i've been CARDED for rated R movies 3 times since age 23....