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04/15/2006 16:21 #28349

I went to the Bisons game and Watched one of the most intense lacrosses games i've seen in some time last night, the bandits won my a goal and where losing by a few goals. I tried putting pics up but my computer is moving so slow on line it isn't going to work maybe my next post will be all pictures. At the game last night they had a couple of the gutars form it is a fund raising comunity art project that some of you might be interested in. I read the bisons won by a score of 9 to one when I left it was tied at 1. Bison games can be a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone has a great easter.

04/13/2006 19:10 #28348

Lovely but where to go and whom to meet
The weather was so great when I got home. I hope it lasts and we don't get any cold blasts out of nowhare. But I didn't really have any place to go. I wish I had somewhare I felt like checking out on elmwood before dinner. I thought about Maybe Spot but not really into Coffee, I can't stand it but love the smell. Plus it is always so crowded it seems like verry trendy not that anything is wrong with that. I need a go up on elmwood more. I hope it warm on friday also.
leetee - 04/13/06 19:39
ooo... i love the smell of coffee, too. Particularly when it is being ground..

04/12/2006 18:29 #28347

So Nice
Wow it has been so nice out the last couple of days. man there wher a bunch of ladies out in delaware park yesterday. Maybe the nice weather is why I counldn't wake up this moring. Of course as soon as I get home it starts to rain. Off to eat and watch the sabres. I like the new comments on the front page, I'm on the front page. Hope more donate that would be cool if they feal like it.

04/11/2006 19:48 #28346

opening day
Category: sports
The Bisons Home Opener is on friday and so is the bandits Game. I will go to the home opener for a few minutes and then go to the bandits game I think. Lacrosse games sometimes are shorter then baseball so maybe I will get to see the fireworks it wouldn't be the first time that has happenend. Usaly the home opener isn't in conflict with any thing. I remember last year I went to something at HSBC and as I was walking towards the bus Fireworks stared going off at the baseball game it was preaty cool. I just finished listening to "Educated Horses" wich is the new Rob Zombie CD it is verry good. Wish I had some great topic for debate but I really don't.

04/10/2006 20:00 #28345

Category: movies
Currently Listening to the new Weezer CD for the first time, So far it is verry good with Prison Break coming on at 8 won't get to hear it all but that is ok. I wish Jon Doe was never cancelled that was a great show. But So is Prision break and since they both star the Same actor would be kinda tough for them both to be on still. Yesterday I watched an interesting gangster movie called Layer Cake. It was from the same guy who Directed or wrote (can't remeber) Snatch. It is a nice complicated twist and turning nice and violant movie. I also watched a nice Movie with some good hot tub nudity and some snowboarding also and a cool but kinda goofy snow boarding story line Called Frostbite but it was still enjoyable. Wich brings me to a point that if I have made before I'm sorry. Why in pornos The sex is amazing but the story and the acting suck. That is not true in all of them there are a few actors who are really good and there some lines that they really concentrate on the story. The other side to that is Violant and profane movies why do the most they show is tits and or some frontal hair. Yes there is some boning action going on but never graffic or even close. With the Exception of that movie Where Billy Bob Thorton Bangs the Hell out of Hallie Barie that was some intesnse sex. I would Like to see some coloborations between the two sides of moving making. You can kill 300 people and make people cut off there own arms and it is ok. But as soon a Hard Cock is shown or some snatch the rating goes up to NC-17 and it is hard to sell to Movie Houses. But what I don't understand is kids under 17 unless with a parent arn't allowed to See Rated R movies and ways. I think there should be More NC-17 movies made. Not just for sex but for Violance and Swearing. Why not make some Movies that are For Adults and Adults only that arn't porn but have some better sex scenes, or even really vulgar Comedy at a comedy club in a violant movie.
ladycroft - 04/11/06 00:28
no really....i've been CARDED for rated R movies 3 times since age 23....