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04/18/2006 19:42 #28353
Sulu Backs GaysCategory: religion
I found this article on usatodays web site. I find it interesting. All I will say about it is that i think it is good that Takei sticks up for what he belives I think it is funny that they use his charcter name in the article tittle I assume since it is better known. I think gay rights are important. But the question I have is if these are religous based schools, why would they change there religous based policies aganst homosexuality. I don't think they can change the people beliefs. They may however be able to convience them that even though they don't belive it is right that they shouldn't condem gays or hold it aganst them. Hopefully as this stroy progresses it will be in the news some more.
Star Trek's Mr. Sulu backs gay activists
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Mr. Sulu beamed down to lend support to student gay activists who tried to visit a private Christian university.
George Takei, who played the helmsman in three Star Trek TV seasons and six movies, made a surprise appearance Monday after a busload of Soulforce Equality Riders tried to talk about faith and gay rights with students at North Central University in downtown Minneapolis.
The 33 activists are traveling by bus to 19 U.S. colleges with religion-based policies opposed to homosexuality. They were locked out of school buildings when they arrived at North Central, which is owned and operated by the Assemblies of God.
After sitting in front of the doors for most of the afternoon, the Soulforce riders and supporters rallied at a park across the street when Takei, who came out as a homosexual last year, stopped by.
The 68-year-old actor said the activists' "equality trek" shares themes with those of the starship Enterprise.
"They have shown courage and character in showing that most people of faith are not extreme reactionaries who oppose equal rights," he said.
Tour organizer Jacob Reitan, 24, said the colleges they are visiting "equate homosexuality with sickness and sin. It's time to have a conversation instead of defaming our humanity."
Nate Ruch, executive director of university relations at North Central, said last week that the riders declined an offer to have a third party mediate a discussion.
Takei was in town to speak at a gay pride event at the University of Minnesota.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
04/17/2006 19:06 #28352
CensorshipCategory: tv
First of all I understand that there are certain things you can't show on tv. For example I was fliping one night and there was this show Called Mile High it was on BBC America and there was these two guys and a naked chick in a steam room and they stard or coverd her nipples as an example that I understand. But what I don't like is when content or subject matter is edited out. Appartently that is what "Cartoon Wars" the two South Park Episodes where about. The issue was showing Muhamid as a cartoon chacarter. The Basic story line was that Family guy was going to have Him shown. In the end it turns out that Family Guy episode is aired and that they will show Mumhamid. There is a speach in there by Kyle about how you have to be able to make fun of everything and if you can't thank you shouldn't make fun of anything. As South Park is about to show Mumhamid the Screen goes black and there is a Message that Comedy Central wouldn't let them show it and it is explained right in the episode. I think it is great that they make jokes about how people are out hidding there head in the sand and how people are affrid riots will break out and everyone is going to die. Then they bash there own network for being the same way. I think Comedy Central should be ashemed. It is ok to Bash the Scincetologists but not the Muslums cause there might be a riot or they may get hate mail. I think it is bad enough that the we have less and less freedom in this country every day. But to compound that by not showing certain subject matter on TV shows is horrid. I think it is good for TV shows to have issues of race, politics and all kinds of issues. Yes it is only a TV show. But when people talk about that show with each other then those isssues are mentioned. Don't get me wrong I don't think a show should be all issues. A good Example of that was Ellen. It was a funny show. They Teased her coming out of the Closet on the show for a good long time and that was funny. But once she came out then that became the entire jist of the show and it lost how funny it was. On another note I had a good easter and watched most of the sabres game, great game. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
04/16/2006 11:50 #28351
more soonCategory: photos

metalpeter - 04/16/06 16:56
Wow that was a year ago. I bought some peeps a few months ago and lost them. They warn't the new born or first born one and I just bought a package of them a few days ago. I plan on trying to fry them and see what happens. I guess I would just use oil. I read that the guy who invented the deep fried twinkie did snickers and I have heard peeps have been fried before but no recipe so I will try them stright up with out and coating and see what happens.
Wow that was a year ago. I bought some peeps a few months ago and lost them. They warn't the new born or first born one and I just bought a package of them a few days ago. I plan on trying to fry them and see what happens. I guess I would just use oil. I read that the guy who invented the deep fried twinkie did snickers and I have heard peeps have been fried before but no recipe so I will try them stright up with out and coating and see what happens.
twisted - 04/16/06 12:21
Hey, (e:Metalpeter)! I can't believe it's been a year since you won the peep ingenuity contest :::link::: on Alamedalink. (Sorry -- can't find the post actually nnouncing you won right now and I'm late for an Easter hunt, so gotta run.) Happy Easter!
Hey, (e:Metalpeter)! I can't believe it's been a year since you won the peep ingenuity contest :::link::: on Alamedalink. (Sorry -- can't find the post actually nnouncing you won right now and I'm late for an Easter hunt, so gotta run.) Happy Easter!
04/16/2006 11:48 #28350
CrashCategory: movies
I admit that I didn't know what Crash was about and why everyone said it was so good but I watched it Yesterday it was a verry well writen movie and verry powerfull and I really enjoyed it. there was a good amount of good and well known actors in it. I don't want to give away anything for people who havn't seen it. I didn't know race was going to be such a large issue in it, but that is part of what made it so interesting.
04/15/2006 16:21 #28349
bisons I went to the Bisons game and Watched one of the most intense lacrosses games i've seen in some time last night, the bandits won my a goal and where losing by a few goals. I tried putting pics up but my computer is moving so slow on line it isn't going to work maybe my next post will be all pictures. At the game last night they had a couple of the gutars form it is a fund raising comunity art project that some of you might be interested in. I read the bisons won by a score of 9 to one when I left it was tied at 1. Bison games can be a lot of fun. Hopefully everyone has a great easter.
Glad it was a good holiday. I had to work at the Adelphia Zone at the arena yesterday and having them win like they did tops off a nice weekend.