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03/21/2006 19:02 #28330

St. Matt's Day
Category: photos
The Paradw was awesome on sunday. I took pics and may post them later of the parade. After the parade I went to see Jackdaw at Cozumel and Ran into Ladycroft and Jenks aka Alex. I guess that would be my first random peep meeting it was cool to meet Alex. I havn't seen Jackdaw in some time the last time I was going to see them was last year but that show got cancelled, it was before a bandits game. They were really good and played two sets. Man there where a lot of really hot ladies there also. It was really packed in there and one girl punched me that was kinda cool and there was lots of contact but no groping of me dam, oh well. It is hard to watch them perform on stage when there are ladies moving through the crowd and people are danicing but it was a great show. My pictures of the show didn't come out to good so I think I only have one picture down there.

Well here are some pictures from Matt's 25th Birthday Party I hope you all had a great time and I hope you like the pictures.










































ladycroft - 03/22/06 01:28
you do well to capture candids

03/19/2006 10:16 #28329

Category: party
For those that are expecting pics I havn't downloaded them yet I'm gonna wait untill monday since I'm going to the Parade Today. Well if I have time maybe tonight. Who Knows maybe I'll run into some of you. I"m not sure where me and my sister will watch from. Sometimes she runs into people she knows BuT I usally don't. I met a few (e:peeps) if I froget anyone sorry Like Ryan, Nick, and Imk2 they all seemed preaty cool. There where other people I spoke to aswell, but I still wish I would have been more talkative. Somehow Mike was depanced again. The Huka was verry interesting. Those sugar gliders are preaty cool, i think them walking on me might freak me out not sure.

Speaking of pictures some people may have noticed (or not) that in my blogs the pictures I post are of people who are at the parties or are members or are events I have gone to. For some reason when I talk about things like my cousins weeding I don't like to put their pictures up. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it is a privousy thing Like That I giving my view on something that happend or it is my take on it. But that if they wanted the pictures on line they would have there own Blog or there own website. I don't think I'm explaining it exactly the right way but that is about as close as I can come. Or maybe it is a way of distancing my self and to help keep the blog more personal, not sure. In any event hopefully I will have the pictures up soon and see some others pictures also. Who knows maybe I'll see some of you out and about. If that where to happen it would be My first Random Peep sighting. Hope Everyones weekend was and is enjoyable.
matthew - 03/20/06 19:23
Thanks for coming!

03/18/2006 17:20 #28328

V for Vendetta
Category: movies
I decided to go see V for Vendetta at the elmwood Regal today, nice and early at noon. I thought it was very good. Natilie Portman is such a hottie and she can act preaty good to. It was nice to a movie about the future where freedom is repressed and someone fights it. I don't want to give anything away. The action was good but it also had a stroy and was also political as well. I thought it was verry good. On a side note on my way home I quickly went past the No Hotel protest and could hear chanting. I may disagre with the protestors but I think it is good that they can stand up for what they belive in and fight for it. On a second side note one my way home there was a huge limo it was a Cadalliac Escalade white limo. Someone in my hood must have a lot of money cause there was another one in that same area last week. Hopefully I will see a bunch of you tonight at Matt's. Happy 25th Matt

03/17/2006 19:55 #28327

Child Porn Photo?
Category: sex
Today I have listened to a cool sounding Band named Silverstein. I had heard they where good and then read about them in (e:Hodown,219) journal. The CD is preaty good it also has a DVD that I still need to watch.

But on to my main point. I understand that the Buffalo News wants to have great pictures and pictures that capture the Eye on the front page but I think they may have gone a little to far. I think the coverage of irish dancers is cool and watching them is amazing. Not that I know much about dancing but i would think dancing from the waist down only and hoping and landing would be tough. For anyone that saw the news today I think you know the picture I'm talking about. It as an up skirt shot of two girls legs and a bunch of dancers in the background. The legs where crossed and there was shadowon the legs meaning that the light was hitting the dress and shadowing the legs this made it an upskirt shot. If the picture would have continued you would have seen everything. I have to admit it was a little bit shocking, I wonder what other pics where taken that couldn't be used.

With The Party and watching stuff I taped I don't think I will have time this weekend but I really want to see the new movie V for Vendetta, it really looks cool. I still Have to decide what to bring other then myself and my camara. I saw some kind of peach alcohol at wilson farms but I don't know if it is supposed to be drank warm or cold or if it is really something you are supposed to mix. Hope everyone has a great St. Patricks day Weekend.

03/16/2006 19:21 #28326

St. Pat's Weekend
Category: holiday
I admit that the saying "every body is irish" is a little racist it means to me everyone changes who they are and become irish for the holiday. It implies that they are less of a person. Maybe I have just allways read into it. But in any event I hope everyone has a great weekend. I know there are all kinds of things to do. For example the old Neighboorhood Parade on Saturday I belive. There is the Delaware Parade on Sunday wich I plan to go to. I know there are at least a few places that have Events after the parade (s). I belive Jackdaw is performing at Crocidile Bar at 11pm on Friday and at Cozumel after the sunday parade around 4pm. For anyone who is interested there web site is Not sure why that is there website as opposed to jackdaw but I hope to see them, I havn't seen them in Years. Of Course saturday is Matt's 25th. I hope everyone has a great Holiday weekend and if you like Hockey or Basketball those are on also.
metalpeter - 03/17/06 18:54
I do kinda agree with ya in that everyone celebrates it togather. But to me it still seems like it is a forced inclusion sord of. But I guess it dosn't to the people who celebrate it and arn't irish. In Buffalo like many other places it becomes a big drinking holiday where that is the focus as opposed to the Holiday, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Timika I think it is awesome you got to see A Sabres Game in DC that is really cool. Hopefully I will talk to you more about DC in person.
ajay - 03/17/06 11:37
I wouldn't agree with that, Peter. I take it to mean that on this day, we're all celebrating together.

Of course, since noone mistakes me for an Irishman, I have to resort to buttons and stickers. If only people knew the Irish in me.... ;-)
ladycroft - 03/17/06 00:47
you would be happy to know I went to the Sabres game in DC on Tuesday. The Buffalo supporters were louder than the home team! We totally shamed them.