where are you in my life?
non-existent. lol.
anyway. jason knows my neighbor, weird. my neighbor, mike kept saying some guy named "dan" had stopped by and he knows me. it turned out to really be (e:jason). how funny.
my neighbor gets a lot of visitors. he runs a little home business.
and for you joshua, you will have to call me for a haircut. lazy ass.
its nice here in az. we went for a midnight swim. i didn't see the shallow water signs(it was dark), and jumped in full force. i now have a bruised and swollen knee. im a huge idiot.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/24/2006 10:53 #26286
to the larson boys...Category: epeeps and vaca
05/22/2006 12:55 #26285
omg, i just figured outim a genius. i just figured out, myspace is for losers.
t-1 day to vaca. how sweet is that.

keep it real kids. when i get back i'll be a big time pimp ass hearing mofo....
t-1 day to vaca. how sweet is that.

keep it real kids. when i get back i'll be a big time pimp ass hearing mofo....
joshua - 05/23/06 22:32
Very happy for you!
Oh, and yeah... I think you should inspect my hair but the problem is finding a time and opportunity. :(
Very happy for you!
Oh, and yeah... I think you should inspect my hair but the problem is finding a time and opportunity. :(
jason - 05/23/06 01:02
And also PS - Good for you that you're going to get to hear better! I am truly pumped for you.
And also PS - Good for you that you're going to get to hear better! I am truly pumped for you.
jason - 05/23/06 01:01
Yeah, it basically is a hookup site now. I like it though because, well first of all I don't look to hook up that way, and secondly a whole bunch of my H.S. friends signed up recently and it's brought some really good, fun memories to the forefront.
Oh, what a small world, I met your neighbor.
Yeah, it basically is a hookup site now. I like it though because, well first of all I don't look to hook up that way, and secondly a whole bunch of my H.S. friends signed up recently and it's brought some really good, fun memories to the forefront.
Oh, what a small world, I met your neighbor.
05/19/2006 18:58 #26284
listen upCategory: hearing
my momma is getting me some hearing aids.
ill be able to really hear for the first time ever!
ill be able to really hear for the first time ever!
05/15/2006 17:07 #26283
let blow some shit upCategory: anger
i would really like to just find a fucking job that works out.
all other aspects of my life seem to be in the right place. but the job thing just isn't working out.
at least i can go on vaca song...soon. (e:thesimeon) is singing me the ronery song, im ronery. ah, a ritter ronery.
all other aspects of my life seem to be in the right place. but the job thing just isn't working out.
at least i can go on vaca song...soon. (e:thesimeon) is singing me the ronery song, im ronery. ah, a ritter ronery.
05/10/2006 16:21 #26282
what a nice dayCategory: kinda happy
so, i was flingin the dogs, with my coworker mike, and tellin him all bout my blues, and he told me his. he's fun to work with, and easy to talk to, and probably one of the few really awesome straight guys i know, in a totally platonic way.
he did my wishing well, and it read, "forge ahead".
i decided i would. turns out... im getting severence pay from one of the jobs i was fired from. i have an interview tomorrow night. and now, i feel a little less angry at the world.
you doubt people, and then sometimes they throw you for a loop and do the right thing. let me tell you, that feels so fucking good. it feels so good, just to be treated fairly.
i just wish there was more fairness in the world. or at least a little human compassion.
ejoy ur day ya'll, i know i am.
he did my wishing well, and it read, "forge ahead".
i decided i would. turns out... im getting severence pay from one of the jobs i was fired from. i have an interview tomorrow night. and now, i feel a little less angry at the world.
you doubt people, and then sometimes they throw you for a loop and do the right thing. let me tell you, that feels so fucking good. it feels so good, just to be treated fairly.
i just wish there was more fairness in the world. or at least a little human compassion.
ejoy ur day ya'll, i know i am.
decoyisryan - 05/10/06 21:19
you know i feel stupid now.....i was sitting outside of the liberty building this afternoon and i kept looking over at the hot dog stand thinking that i've seen this woman somewhere. it was you but i didn't realize that until just now.
you know i feel stupid now.....i was sitting outside of the liberty building this afternoon and i kept looking over at the hot dog stand thinking that i've seen this woman somewhere. it was you but i didn't realize that until just now.
Haha - yeah, I've been delinquent. I'll be calling sometime within the next couple weeks I think, but knowing me I'll be lazy and then call needing you to check my hair out on super short notice. I'll make my best effort not to do that!
Mike is your neighbor? lol.
I am glad you are okay. At least you didn't dive in and become a cripple. That would have been crazy. I think being deaf and crippled would have really stunted your career.
Um you didnt see the shallow water signs? Because it wasnt apparent from the million other times you've been swimming in that pool that its not that deep? Hmm were you visiting with Maria before swimming? Anyways call me you Ho- I miss you!
Kind of funny, Mike was concerned about you knowing of his home biz. I said, well she's not fucking stupid, she's wise to that shit. Not that it matters really.
Next time I'm in the hood I'll give your door a knock.