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12/07/2004 16:20 #26080

how to truly live ghetto
1. don't ever ever grocery shop or cook, only eat when you absolutely have to. go to friends houses and raid their fridge.

2. live with five other people in a rooming house, in the ghetto.

3. don't ever empty the garbage in the kitchen, ever. just let the trash over flow and the the floor become and endless garbage can.(so not my fault, i don't even go in that room, scary, very scary.)

4. power outage evertime you try to dry your hair. then sit in the dark and wonder what to do.

5. windows w/o sotrm windows. cuddle under many blankies to stay warm.

6. keep all of your belonging in your room in fear that someone will use your toothpaste, tp, body wash, shampoo, razor.

i didn't think my new user pic looked so angry, i guess maybe it is, you'll have to deal for a while (e:mike)

spent two hours listening to xmas music with matt and terry. don't really like the holiday, the music is great though. (e:matthew) is the dj. matt, you move me with your music.

i want to live in the bay area too!

12/06/2004 16:19 #26079

why dont you people just call?
it seems that many of us are waiting for phone calls today. paul and terry and matt waiting to hear about their new apartment, me about a job. i need to start working full time. i want to just work and go to school, and occasionally see some epeeps. just call me back, ok?

countdown to vaca: 17 days, why don't you come sooner? i need to see some sunshine, and get other things in my mind.

i hate cats.

12/05/2004 13:19 #26078

the sunny side of the street
did i ever mention how much i love this website? if not, i love it. i love you for creating it (e:paul) !

many things to say.

1. countdown to sunny vaca, 18 days. holy shit. i am gonna swim, eat, drink, and be merry.

2. no, i don't work at valu home center (e:drchlorine) , but yes i do have everything you need. thanx for the compliment, i shall wear it well.

3. (e:soyeon) , i love kimchee! yummy yummy. i made a dish with it once, but i put too much in and it was extra super spicy. i still love it though.

4. went for a walk today on the sunny side of the street. it feels nice to be friends with yourself. it is highly reccomended.

5. met more people from the site last night. it is so strange to have a materialization of someone who you only know through text and pictures. interesting.

6. (e:mike) , when are we starting the gossip page? because, im ready; whatever it takes.

12/04/2004 23:44 #26077

santos lopez,
whoever you are, you can't pick up chicks in gay bars. we go to gay bars to avoid that sort of thing. and by the way, where is your bling, because if you play for the nfl, which, we know you don't, you need to have the bling.

dec 23rd, why can't you come sooner? i miss my mommy more than words can say. oh mommy, i want to give you hugs and kisses and tell you how much i love you. moms are the best, they just always know how to do everything the best.

i have a new obsession with sierra mist, who wouldve thought?

12/03/2004 19:21 #26076

now they want me
hmmmm. got offered two jobs today. which one to take. one that gives me more scheduling freedom and a little more money, and one with a pretty crazy schedule and i get to work with kids. its 40 hours a week, for the grand total of 64 work and school hours. wake up at 630, go to work, get out at 330, go to school, get out at ten, go home, go to bed, do it all over again. but weekends off. oh boy...

i have too much time on my hands, and god knows the mall just aint the right place for me.

for everything bad that happens, something good follows. i guess this is the season of change.

bad boys don't really excite me. sorry guys.