happy breakup day. i hope everyone else feels just as shitty as i do now! :)
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/28/2004 16:18 #26071
well,11/27/2004 21:30 #26070
all that stuffi read a headline in the news today. apparently, people were waiting at target at 345 am, to get the early bird specials yesterday. what is wrong with people?
stuuf or sleep? I'll take sleep anyday. i bet they don't need any of that anyways. this nation's obsession with possessions has gotten totally out of control. we are too busy and or lazy to ignore pointless material possessions and pay attention to what really matters; human interaction.
peupty pooty pants :(

down with the mall.
stuuf or sleep? I'll take sleep anyday. i bet they don't need any of that anyways. this nation's obsession with possessions has gotten totally out of control. we are too busy and or lazy to ignore pointless material possessions and pay attention to what really matters; human interaction.
peupty pooty pants :(

down with the mall.
11/26/2004 20:05 #26069
neverending weekend11/24/2004 23:28 #26068
home again home again, jiggity jigso, all my hs friends are home for the weekend, and im feeling like i don't even want to see them. i don't really want to do/see much of anyone, with the exception of about five people. the boys, tk, tina, nick, school people, and thats about it.
i think i have just totally distanced myself from my kenmore life. its too hard to think about being home, especially at times like this, when i live no where near my family, and
know i can't go home this weekend.
im sad. somehow avoiding things that i used to assocaite with home makes me feel better. ie, all my still packed things from my old room, old friends, kenmore, and such.
i hate the feeling of longer for a place that no longer exsists. i do however love estrip headquarters and the fact that it feel homey to me always.
this weekend: art project craziness.
i think i have just totally distanced myself from my kenmore life. its too hard to think about being home, especially at times like this, when i live no where near my family, and
know i can't go home this weekend.
im sad. somehow avoiding things that i used to assocaite with home makes me feel better. ie, all my still packed things from my old room, old friends, kenmore, and such.
i hate the feeling of longer for a place that no longer exsists. i do however love estrip headquarters and the fact that it feel homey to me always.
this weekend: art project craziness.
11/22/2004 17:48 #26067
hey hodowni know the feeling. the past two nights my sleep has been interupted by less than cordial roommates.
lets go back to sat night: sleeping was going all right after working a long hard day. nick was over. five am comes. bam. loud drunk roommates outside of my door talking about bread bowls. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
sun night: excellent sleeping which is much needed to cure my sinus illness. 330 am. smoke alarms going crazy. open my eyes and nose to see and smell room filled with smoke. i begin to plan fire escape plan. i will just jump out the second story window into bushes and hope to only break oone body part. i head to the potty to tinkle. this fiasco has my bladder in a tizzy, and then head downstairs to see multiple high people eating some kind of snack food and begin to question what happened. idiot roommate(i.., typical male college idiot, sorry boys) dosent realize he should turn the damn oven off when the house starts to smell like charbroiled something. didn't fall back alseep til 5am due to the nasty smell. turns out it was a pizza roll, turned mini charcoal brick.
oh the joys of being this lovely college age, living with filthy, rude coeds. ;)
ps drove all the way to school today to find out there is none. sewage problem, ewww.
lets go back to sat night: sleeping was going all right after working a long hard day. nick was over. five am comes. bam. loud drunk roommates outside of my door talking about bread bowls. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
sun night: excellent sleeping which is much needed to cure my sinus illness. 330 am. smoke alarms going crazy. open my eyes and nose to see and smell room filled with smoke. i begin to plan fire escape plan. i will just jump out the second story window into bushes and hope to only break oone body part. i head to the potty to tinkle. this fiasco has my bladder in a tizzy, and then head downstairs to see multiple high people eating some kind of snack food and begin to question what happened. idiot roommate(i.., typical male college idiot, sorry boys) dosent realize he should turn the damn oven off when the house starts to smell like charbroiled something. didn't fall back alseep til 5am due to the nasty smell. turns out it was a pizza roll, turned mini charcoal brick.
oh the joys of being this lovely college age, living with filthy, rude coeds. ;)
ps drove all the way to school today to find out there is none. sewage problem, ewww.