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11/14/2004 21:48 #26062

i heart slumber
yea, that's right. sleep is the best. especially on a new bed, equiped with matching bedding, a mattress pad, and some nifty memory foam. it's weird though. i never sleeep well unless i know i am totally alone and have no interuptions. its always nicer to have a cuddle partner, by far, but im a mover and a shaker and bed hog. i obviously didn't learn how to share(the bed) at a young age. if you have a twin size bed, and you upgrade to an adult sixe bed, don't ever go back, you will find yourself wondering; how did i ever sleep on that tiny little piece of shit?

thats pretty much all i've got to say for now, well except the fact that this is world is incredibly cruel and cold(especially here in buffalo, well the cold part). and if i feel this way. how does someone in sub-saharan africa feel, or someone in afhganistan? you are wrong to say you don't care, but if you argue about it, you are really just the same as the person who doesn't care if you do nothing about it. anyway, if you have an answer to this problem, get back to me right away. im very confused.

12 hr day tomorrow, maybe i can fill my nind with thoughts of consumerism, tanning, hollywood, and anorexia while working at le mall. "ze establishment, peau, i spit on you."

11/07/2004 10:33 #26061

I think the world is just a struggle, or I know it is. everyone feels lonely, sad, depressed some of the time; especially me. right now, my sadness is a result of feeling alone without any family nearby. I am so used to being surrounded by lots of people that spoil me and give me attention. now, being an adult, it is not my job to be cute, but to find a way to make it on my own. it's hard now, but I'll figure it out. any anyways, we aren't alone. there are people everywhere, and seeing that everyone can feel that same sense of lonliness, it is up to us to depend on eachother. thats what I think anyway.

holly, and soyeon, hang in there.

10/30/2004 01:49 #26060

admitting defeat or something like that
ok. i was wrong. i guess the saying, "kill 'em with kindness" is right.

somebody i work with said some meany-poo things about to another co-worker, who happens to be a friend. this woman, should not have said these things, being that she is a true adult, family and all, but i shall not digress and nale the situation worse. i will ingnore it and just be nice. :) i really have been nothing but nice to these people, but you can't make people like you.

all i need is the people i got. i got some great people. they love me long time, and i don't even have to give them dollar.

oh fall, you are lovely. make the winter stay far and keep your colorful breeze close. ;)

10/27/2004 19:39 #26059

PARTY, and other things
[size=m]Party on saturday! why? chemille tina and i have some reason to celebrate. the first is leaving for bigger better things. the last are having a late bday celebration. sat, the 30th. 930ish? byob, see ya'll there[/size]

in other news, i spent an hour in traffic today just trying to get on the 33, only to find out all of the entrances were blocked. so much for trying to get to school. i owe a lot of money for parking tickets. my ass is grass. ... moral of the story: mass transport. it would just make my life so much easier. sooooooooooooooooooooon. i love you nyc.

10/25/2004 20:34 #26058

oh cathy...
remember that ben folds song," carrying cathy"? well, we was singing to it in the car, me matthew(mmdog) and terry(tdog), and i decided im sick of carrying that bitch. she heavy. she smell. i carried her all weekend long damnit, someone else need to take a turn.

back to school tomorrow. no more vaca. got a ticket for ny today. well my sis got it. wooohoo. party. sex,drugs, rock and roll. well, probably only the first two. two outa three aint bad.

team america, fuck, yea. we here to save the motha fuckin day yea
