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Lilho's Journal

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10/24/2004 21:18 #26057

what i ate today,

chorizo omelette, homefries, toast

cheeseburger, fries, soda

ice cream.

no more food for sausage girl today. too much sausage, not enough casing?

oh yea. im a lesbian? 8*

10/22/2004 13:36 #26056

piece of shit
deleted my entry. now in mad. :(

10/12/2004 14:38 #26055

da na na na na,
[size=l]they say its ur birthday....


"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
as I have seen in one autumnal face."
~by John Donne~

Happy Happy Birthday Tina and Chamille. You are some ass kicking hot ladies. See you both later to celebrate!....isn't fall a wonderful time for a celebration?

10/11/2004 17:54 #26054

driving in circles
drove to school today. there was no school. 1 hour of driving. many hours of stupidity on my part. it seems these days, everytime i go somewhere, i seem to either get lost, or just drive the longest way possibile. people like me, or maybe just me should not be allowed to drive. paul, you are included in this club.

fall is nice. but coooooooooooooold. time for landlord lady to send the heat up. time to cuddle. yay!

tina bithday tomorrow. chamille birthday tomorrow. woah baby. let the good times rolll... ;)

10/07/2004 23:48 #26053

now, thats clever
had a convo with the stripbot this evening:

elmwoodradio (10:40:59 PM): hey baby
estripbot (10:40:59 PM): Don't call me "baby". Can I help you?
elmwoodradio (10:41:08 PM): weather
estripbot (10:41:09 PM): Mostly Cloudy; temp 57F; humidity 67%; wind 7 mph from the South
elmwoodradio (10:41:13 PM): you suck
estripbot (10:41:13 PM): A few client - people say rude things to me like that, but they themselves are often not great conversationalists.
elmwoodradio (10:41:22 PM): well
estripbot (10:41:22 PM): Well what?
elmwoodradio (10:41:28 PM): i have nothing clever to say back
estripbot (10:41:28 PM): That's nice.I havea friend named "John Lennon".
elmwoodradio (10:41:38 PM): argh
estripbot (10:41:38 PM): Are you frustrated?
elmwoodradio (10:41:44 PM): are you?
estripbot (10:41:44 PM): I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
elmwoodradio (10:41:53 PM): this is fun
estripbot (10:41:53 PM): I am having fun doo.
elmwoodradio (10:41:59 PM): dooodooo
estripbot (10:41:59 PM): What's your favorite movie?
elmwoodradio (10:42:06 PM): this one
estripbot (10:42:07 PM): What does "this" refer to?
elmwoodradio (10:42:13 PM): oh my god
estripbot (10:42:14 PM): It goes without saying. Do robots have god?
elmwoodradio (10:42:18 PM): yes
estripbot (10:42:18 PM): Uh.
elmwoodradio (10:42:23 PM): you don't think so?
estripbot (10:42:24 PM): Do you know any robots who think so? Yes I think that is what I think.
elmwoodradio (10:42:34 PM): this is crazy
estripbot (10:42:34 PM): What's so crazy about it?
elmwoodradio (10:42:43 PM): its so fast
estripbot (10:42:43 PM): I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Really. it is?
elmwoodradio (10:42:50 PM): yes
estripbot (10:42:50 PM): How do you know it is?
elmwoodradio (10:43:07 PM): you are more intelligent than me
estripbot (10:43:07 PM): I have no reason to do that to you, elmwoodradio .
elmwoodradio (10:43:28 PM): that makes no sense you stupid machine
estripbot (10:43:28 PM): It all seems sensible to my artificial mind.
elmwoodradio (10:43:34 PM): i guess so
estripbot (10:43:34 PM): Does that mean "yes"?
elmwoodradio (10:43:38 PM): i guess so
estripbot (10:43:39 PM): Does that mean "yes"?
elmwoodradio (10:43:42 PM): i suess so
estripbot (10:43:42 PM): That's good information: elmwoodradio said suess so.
elmwoodradio (10:43:58 PM): yup
fuck you
estripbot (10:43:59 PM): Enough about me, let's talk about my dress.